
SONY konsoliu naujienos !

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True true, pasiima už 4 ir perparduoda už belekiek. Biznis yra biznis. Labai įdomu bus pamatyti kaip čia viskas išsirutuliuos.


Na nevisi geimai tikrai, pvz uncharted 3 supirkinejo po 20 svarainiu vasari. Viskas remiasi i pasiula/paklausa. Jei zaidimo paklausa didele, bet pasiula maza, tai uz toki ir duos daugiau arba atvirksciai - gausi kapeikas. As pvz nintendo 3ds dead or alive pridaviau uz 7.5, nors mokejau beveik 40, o pvz uz lego star wars gavau 15, nors mokejau tik 25. Pirmasis buvo labai geras ir salyginai gerokai naujesnis, o antras siaip sau ir isleistas pacioje konsoles pradzioje. Taip iseina, kad kaina nelabai priklauso nuo zaidimo gerumo, bet nuo pasiulos/paklausos. Realiai as nieko pries zaidimu pirkima be galimybes priduoti/keisti jei ju kaina numestu bent per pus, bet jei liks tokia pati, o visokie trade in ar games rent uzsidarys, tai asmeniskai greiciausiai sakysiu stop. :unsure:

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taigi patvirtinta , Zipper Interactive ,Sony konsoliu zaidimu MAG, Socom 4 , ir naujausio PSV Unit 13, tai del Sony pertvarkymo planu, ju zaidimai bus palaikomi toliau, o zmones tikriausia issimetys po kitas kompanijas.


Zipper Interactive shutdown confirmed

March 30th, 2012


Sony has confirmed rumors regarding Zipper Interactive’s shutdown. The studio’s debut PlayStation Vita title, Unit 13, just made it out this month. Roughly 13 staffers will be affected.


In an official statement, Sony said:


“Sony Computer Entertainment can confirm the closure of Zipper Interactive, a Seattle-based internal game development studio that has been part of the global development operation of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios (SCE WWS).


“The closure is a result of a normal cycle of resource re-alignment within SCE WWS. Zipper has completed all work associated with its most recent project, Unit 13 for PlayStation Vita. Zipper titles MAG, SOCOM 4 and Unit 13 will continue to be supported, including the new Daily Challenges in Unit 13.”

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Nesupratau, tai kas dabar bus su MAG? losti online eina ar ne? :mellow:

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taigi parasyta kad palaikis juos dar , cia tik kompanijas uzdare sony, Servai liks, bet del tokiu kaip Update zaidimu manau galite jau pamirsti

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Tai kas liecia MAG nebuvo ten update nuo to karto kaip yjungiau as jy, jauciu jau daugiau nei puse metu :mellow:

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cia tik japonam vel dziaugsmo bus . naujas Atelier PS3 zaidimas taps anime ir "zalias" . bet grazus stilius :D








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na siandia gandu apie naujas konsoles paleido abiem frontais. stai sakoma kad naujas PS4 pasirodys tikriausia anksciau nei xbox720 si karta. na idomus bus ten pazet kurie pirmi issaus. :thumbsup4:

dar prie gandu kad Crytekas jau kazka buvo pradeja kurti tenai su nauju PS4 Cell 24 coru, bet veliau paaiskejo kad isvis nebenaudos Cell daugiau.. bet 24 corai tai butu .. :halone: siaip ar taip cia viskas jau keli metai daroma ,na tikrai ne siemet prasidejo viskas, tai viskas ten vaziuoja savo eiga, tik mum nieko nesakoma aisku kol kas.

na negerai vel butu jei vienas 6 coru ,kitas 24 coru . ka vel kurejam daryt reiktu :okay: jau sony gerai patrolino kurejus su PS3 cipu, tie metais megino issiaiskint kaip ka nors sukurt :okay:

PlayStation 4: Sony “confident” of pre-Xbox 720 release


VG247 has been told that Sony is aiming to release PlayStation 4 before Xbox 720 next Christmas, and that certain developers have been invited to reveal meetings in the US in May and June.


Following continued reports last week that PlayStation 4 is to be based on AMD hardware and is being planned for a 2013 release, a VG247 source has said Sony is aiming to get the machine to market ahead of Microsoft’s next generation Xbox.


The design goalposts for PS4, including specs, were in place at least two years ago, we were told. Our source said that Sony is “confident” it will have the console at market ahead of the next generation Xbox next Christmas.


VG247 reported this morning that developers and publishers have been told that Xbox 720 will be released for Holiday 2013.


“Sony are completely in the belief that they have the jump on Microsoft this time,” they said. “You should be watching the timing of next year’s E3 keynotes, and who’s going to go first.”


A second source said this morning that all next-generation systems will be in place “by 2014″.


Sony has apparently already put its favoured partners in the frame as to PlayStation 4.


“Top line publishers already know about it,” our source said. “Developers working with publishers – like Ubisoft, for example – already know what’s going on. They’re already working on it.”


While “most developers” will be fully briefed “by the end of this year,” some have been invited to events in May and June in the US.


Another source has told us more information is going to be issued about PS4 to developers under NDA in May.


MCV reported earlier this year that both PS4 and Xbox 720 “will be shown at E3 2012,” but both Microsoft and Sony have both said nothing consumer-facing about the next generation will happen at the LA event this year.


Direct to drive


In addition, a rumour is circulating that PlayStation 4 will use DirectX as opposed to a proprietary Sony API. It was reported last week that PlayStation 4 will not be based on PS3′s Cell processor in any way, and will instead use standard AMD hardware.


We were told today that Crytek was scaling its tech on the assumption that PS4 was going to be using a 24-core Cell processor as opposed to the eight-core unit in PS3. The studio was forced to halt development and start afresh when it was informed PlayStation 4 won’t be using Cell at all.


Indications are that PlayStation 4 will provide a development environment similar to that of the Xbox consoles and PC.


In addition VG247 has been told that elements of Vita’s launch hardware were changed to ensure that PS4 and Vita will be able to connect in a similar style to Nintendo’s Wii U and its controller – due for release this year – with Vita’s being used to control PS4 games with both twin sticks and touch.

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Jokių šansų, kad PS4 išeis anksčiau negu kitas xbox'as. Sony net nebeturi pinigų dėl naujausios konsolės, kiek milijardų reikia jai pagaminti, o juk ką tik Vita išleido, be to jiems 2011 buvo deficitinis...

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Amazon Instant Video paslauga isskirtinai PS3 .


As stated on the PlayStation Blog:


“Amazon Instant Video is available now on PlayStation Network, making the PS3 the first and only video game console to offer the service! Head on over to the TV/Video Services category of the XMB, where you can download and install the new Amazon Instant Video app right now for free. Once you launch the app, you’ll have instant access to thousands of streaming and downloadable movies and TV shows for rental or purchase. There are more than 120,000 commercial-free movies and TV shows for rental or purchase, including new releases, classic favorites, major TV shows, full seasons and even new episodes of some of your favorite TV shows the day after they air. Many of the DVD and Blu-Ray titles on are also offered on Amazon Instant Video available through this new app.”


If you’re an Amazon Prime member (I am!), you’ll also be able to watch as many of the more than 17,000 Prime Instant Videos as you can handle, at no additional cost. If you’re not yet an Amazon Prime member, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial right there within the app or just sign up—it’s $79 per year and totally worth it.


PS Vita System Software Update (v1.65)

Update 4/3/2012: We identified a symptom that users can not play adhoc play in PSP titles if they download the system software, so we have taken down the system software temporarily. The system software will be available to download again soon.


Hi, everyone. The next PS Vita System Software Update (v1.65) will be released soon and will include the following minor enhancements:


A “Notification Alert” option will be added to Settings, so you can toggle alerts on or off

“After 10 minutes” will be added to the time options under Power Save Settings

An Arrow icon will now appear when PS Vita finds new activities in the LiveArea

Caps Lock will be supported in the On Screen Keyboard


Don’t forget: there are several ways to update the firmware on your PS Vita:


Select “System Update” under the “Settings” menu and download the firmware directly to your PS Vita over Wi-Fi.

Connect your PS Vita to a PS3 or a PC/Mac and update via Content Manager.

Nauji PS Home updeitai.


Clusterpuck & Aurora 1.5 Come to PlayStation Home





Aurora 1.5



Spring Collectibles


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Ne į temą

Naujiena apie PSV atnaujinimą 1.65 jau pranešta prieš dieną PSV temoj, tai kam dar kelt tą patį ?
  • Patinka 1

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idomus gandai jau kokia savaite visur aptarinejami, ir na kazkaip laukiau kad bus paneigti bet iki siol nera paneigti ,tai galima i juos siek tiek paziuret. taigi spejama kad PS4 tures AMD APU A-8 3850 +7670 1GB gpu. gan idomiai cia nes tai na yra grynas pc kuri galima susirinkt siai dienai. ir gana pigiai. nors AMD A-8 3850 pats nera jau toks silpnas, 4 coru . ir pats be jokiu gpu papildomu veza Dirt 3 ant high,bei BF3 and medium. o pridejus AMD 7670 , gaunas crossfire ,tai kaip ir dual gpu jau ir tada na galima ir geriau palost viska. cia jei apie grynai PC kalbet su pc optimizacija, kuri nera labai gera kaip zinom. na butu idomu visai. bet gautus kad CPU bus silpnesnis netgi, o gpu galingesnis.

The PlayStation 4, reportedly codenamed Orbis, may utilize custom chips based on AMD's A8-3850 APU and Radeon HD 7670 GPU, sources have told IGN, offering the combined performance of both integrated and discrete graphics processors.


According to the official product specs, the A8-3850 packs a quad-core 2.9GHz processor with an integrated graphics chip. The APU will work in tandem with the system's dedicated GPU, the HD 7670, a DirectX 11-enabled card clocked to 1GHz with up to 1GB of dedicated VRAM.


The HD 7670 is a rebranded version of last year's HD 6670, sporting identical specs across the board. If you recall, the HD 6670 is the same card that we reported will be used in the Xbox 720. The implication, of course, is that the two systems will effectively go toe-to-toe as far as discrete graphics are concerned.


By current standards, the HD 6670 is an entry-level processor with a price of about $74.99. Benchmark tests place framerate performance for taxing titles games like Metro 2033 and Crysis 2 set to high settings at a resolution of 1920x1080 (1080p) with average framerates of just over 30 frames-per-second. The chip also supports HDMI1.4a output, which is necessary for the system's rumored 4k output. Naturally, a comparably lightweight operating system and console-optimized games will likely improve performance, but the PS4's real edge could come from the secondary GPU provided by the APU.


Onboard the A8-3850 is an HD 6550D, which makes the APU capable of running games at baseline specs and lower resolutions without the help of a discrete GPU. When the APU is paired with the HD 7670, however, Sony will be able to utilize an asymmetrical CrossFire configuration to share the load of realtime graphics processing.


Our sources caution that while current plans for the device make use of the the chipsets mentioned, it is possible that changes could be made prior to the system's launch.


With publishers rumored to have already begun development for the system and the system slated for a 2013 release, additional details are sure to emerge over the next few months.


UPDATE: For further clarification, the chips being used in the PlayStation 4 are based on the off-the-shelf parts detailed above and are being custom tooled for the console. Exact specs may vary.

  • Patinka 1

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Nu jeigu tokia ps4 koncepcija tai ji man nepatiko, atrodo kaip modemas, arba ipadas kaskoks

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SOny iki metu galo atleis apie 10k darbuotoju is ivairiu gamybos sriciu. na del bendro Sony viso pertvarkymo ir aisku daug ka pakeis robotai.



..ahhh yeahhh ! u no work for sony anymore .. :)



Today, Japan's Nikkei newspaper reported that Sony is axing 6 percent of its global workforce—approximately 10,000 individuals—by the end of the year.


Half the cuts will supposedly come from Sony's chemical and LCD businesses.


The paper also added that Sony is asking the seven executive directors who served through the last fiscal year to return their bonuses. Howard Stringer is apparently included.


The Tokyo-based company has been losing money for the past four years. New Sony head Kaz Hirai is under pressure to turn Sony around.


Previously, an unverified report surfaced in Japan that Sony is using "underhanded" techniques to let employees go.

Redagavo scalman

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Kad god of war, tai faktas. Tik nelabai isivaizduoju kam ten jis dar malku galetu duoti? Gi pagal story line'a jau israse visiem, tiek priesams, tiek "draugams". Dabar arba teleportuos i praeiti ir atrasys dar karta, arba klonuos save ir atmusines inkstus anam. Vienzo bus idomu paziuret. :halone:)))

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Ši tema yra užrakinta ir joje nebegalima rašyti naujų pranešimų.

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    • Gali būti kad iki dabartinės XBox konsolių kartos gyvavimo ciklo sulauksim naujo (ar atnaujinto) XBox kontrolerio, kuris palaikys funkcijas, panašias kaip Sony Dualsens, t. y. adaptive triggers ir haptic feedback (kas būtu visai logiška, seniai jau reikėjo). Bent jau Filas Spenceris apie tai kalba. Jeigu ne šiai kartai, tai būsimai, kurios visai galim sulaukti ir 2026 m. (būtu stiprus ėjimas iš Microsoft) tai tikrai.  
    • So, so. Tokia europetiška Stellar Blade versija (bent jau taip pasirodė). Pasižiūrėsim kas išeis.
    • Jau turiu. Early acsess buvo 02 06, pilnas paleidimas 02 11 visoms patformoms. Na ka gi - nauja Civilizacijos serija visada šventė!!!. Žaidžiu priepuolimais per sūnaus kompą, taigi dabar esu pirmos sesijos pabaigoje. Vizualai puikia padarytas, toks labiau kaip Civ V ramesnis stilius, dėl gamplay tai daug visokių naujovių. Puse kontento aišku dar įdės eigoje. Turiu ir konsoline versija ž atrodo identiškai, bet su pulteliu žaidžiasi sunkai, visgi tai yra PC žaidimas. Daugiau apie įspūdžius parašysiu kiek vėliau. To be continued kaip sakoma😄
    • Šitas. Po kokių gerų pusės metų gulėjimo stalčiuje (nors 2 buvo puikiai suėjęs) pagaliau užsikabinau ir labai patinka. Gėda prisipažinti, bet kelis kartus bandžiau pradėti ir mesdavau priėjęs pirmą rimtą encounterį zombių kaime - pradžioje vis nesuprasdavau kad jų visų nereikia bandyt išžudyti, o tik atsilaikyti kurį laiką😁 Bet dabar veža kaip turi būt, esu gal kokiam 9 chapterį. Formulė pparasta, bet visa dar smagi. Ir tiesa dabar jau puikiai optimizuotas. Performance mode ant vanilines PS5 labai gerai atrodo.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

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      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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