
SONY konsoliu naujienos !

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

PSV dar neisejus , o kelis zaidimus jau galima pirkt is US PSN, tai yra SEN



You'll have to search for them, but you can download five PlayStation Vita games through the PS3's PlayStation Store. The selection of early, hidden releases includes Uncharted: Golden Abyss (which is not discounted at all at $49.99), Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational for $35.99, Wipeout 2048 for $35.99, ModNation Racers Road Trip for $26.99, and the PSN-only Super Stardust Delta for $9.99.

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Tai tuo bus ir UK Playstation Store, zaidimai ant PSV

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o gamestop ir retail jau prekiauja PSV geimais.



Not only can you download Vita games early, you can buy boxed copies of first-party titles early as well. GameStop currently has copies of Little Deviants, Uncharted, Hot Shots, Wipeout 2048, and ModNation Racers in stock online right now. They ship within 24 hours, the site notes, or you can use the site to check for stock at your local store

ka tik pazejau Gamestop UK saite , kazkaip tikrai pigus PSV bundlai

PS Vita + Uncharted Golden Abyss + 16GB PS Vita Memory Card only £269.99 .

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Vo va cia tai jau suprantu kad Buldas gerai sudetas yra


Vientik apsimoka dabar isju pirkti kad 16gb korta uzdika gauni, uz PSV ir zaidima susimoki, + 16gb korta uzdika gausni, bet nemaciau kad ten butu parasta ar gauna ta Bonus (ausines ir t.t.)



When game projects from major studios die, more often than not they aren't outright cancelled, they're "permanently delayed." It's kind of like ending up in limbo, we imagine, but with fewer giant murderous spiders. Anyway, such is the fate of an unannounced Killzone 1 HD remake that was headed to Sony's PlayStation 3, according to the official Killzone Twitter account.


"With regards to KZ1 for PS3, not sure what happened but I've been informed that it's been delayed indefinitely," the Twitter read earlier today. The account offered "no further info" about the project (after many, many folks pinged it in response). When we contacted Sony for more info, the company confirmed the news as official but declined to offer further comment.


Killzone franchise creators Guerrilla Games are currently working on the next entry in the series, as well as a still-unnamed "new IP." For those of you looking to re-play the original Killzone on a PlayStation 3, well, there's this. That's ... something, right?

Nu ka atidejo ji, bet gal HD remaka padaris, bet dar neaisku
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Retro City Rampage releasing in May

bus ant PS3 ir PSV , bei steam su wiiware



VBlank Entertainment has been working on Retro City Rampage for quite some time. Finally, though, the game is nearing its completion.


The studio has confirmed that the game will be available in May. It’ll arrive on WiiWare, the PlayStation Network, Vita, and Steam.



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Sony Has New Console In The Works, AMD Building Graphics


Sony is working on an as-yet-unannounced new gaming console, former AMD employees say, and the processor designer may play a key role in the new product.

o mum svarbu kad grafika kuo geresne butu ir tiek . gaila kad jau nebekuria patys grafikos cipu , kaip kad buvo su PS2.

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Sony atrodo pamirso kad zmones vis dar gerai perka PSP,bei PS2 ir net nespeja ju tiekti tiek, koks yra poreikis. :)

Sony Can’t Produce Enough PS2s and PSPs to Meet Demand


The PSP will continue to sell on at $129. Right now there is more demand for PSP than there is production capacity… that is pretty much truth with the PlayStation 2 as well. PlayStation 2 will continue to sell as long as we can build it profitably and there is an audience for it, and PSP will follow that same trend.

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Kojima susipyko su Sony ir daugiau nekurs nieko jokiai Sony konsolei ..... :) ...wait ..wut :):)


Kojima Productions cuts all ties with Sony due to INTERNAL CONFLICTS


Kojima Productions has just announced on their official Twitter account that the firm has cuts all ties with Sony, and from now on they will not develop anything for all Sony platforms.


Kojima ProductionsKojima Productions tweeted, "We regret to announce that production has ceased on all titles for Sony platforms indefinitely due to internal conflicts…Our working relationship with Sony has been severely strained due to their inability to make compelling products and sell hardware… We therefore conclude that platforms like Xbox 360, Wii U and 3DS would allow us to make superior products and better serve our fans…Boycott Vita / Buy a 3DS."

aisku respectas Kojimai ... R U fck*** mad ??..

We therefore conclude that platforms like Xbox 360, Wii U and 3DS would allow us to make superior products and better serve our fans…Boycott Vita / Buy a 3DS."

... :D Redagavo scalman

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vienas žodis - apgailėtina. įdomu kas jau ten tarp jų įvyko kad taip stipriai užsišiko. :)

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ir dar pasakyt kad ......"platforms like Xbox 360, Wii U and 3DS would allow us to make superior products and better serve our fans.."


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Na regis kazkas gerai "pasposijo" nes oficialiame kojima twitter accounte nieko tokio kaip ir neismato, patiko picsas viename tread



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Media Create software sales (2/20 – 2/26)


01./00. [PSP] Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave # (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.02.23} (¥6.280) – 85.309 / NEW <69,47%>

02./00. [3DS] Harvest Moon: The Land of Origin (Marvelous AQL) {2012.02.23} (¥5.040) – 81.131 / NEW <74,23%>

03./00. [PS3] Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm Generation (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.02.23} (¥7.330) – 65.758 / NEW

04./00. [PSP] I Don’t Have Many Friends Portable # (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.02.23} (¥6.800) – 56.969 / NEW

05./00. [PS3] Asura’s Wrath (Capcom) {2012.02.23} (¥6.990) – 30.308 / NEW

06./00. [PSP] Nendoroid Generation # (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.02.23} (¥6.280) – 21.991 / NEW

07./05. [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land (Nintendo) {2011.11.03} (¥4.800) – 21.400 / 1.370.176 (+20%)

08./04. [3DS] Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo) {2011.12.01} (¥4.800) – 20.744 / 1.527.266 (-6%)

09./06. [3DS] Monster Hunter 3G # (Capcom) {2011.12.10} (¥5.800) – 17.841 / 1.267.675 (+2%)

10./00. [PS3] The Idolmaster: Gravure For You! Vol.5 (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.02.23} (¥9.980) – 17.038 / NEW

[PSP] I Don’t Have Many Friends Portable # (Bandai Namco Games)


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PSP dar nemire. Japonai gaus nauja zydra PSP , siu metu balandi








Resident Evil 15th Anniversary PSN Bundle

naujas RE 15th Anniversary rinkinys i kuri ieis:

Resident Evil: Director’s Cut

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 3

Resident Evil 4 HD

pasirodys JAP PSN Kovo 13-27 dienom. del eng versiju kol kas neaisku



A new downloadable Resident Evil bundle is hitting the Japanese PlayStation Network. Combining four games in a 15th Anniversary Thank You Pack, players will be able to download Resident Evil: Director’s Cut, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil 4 HD for a total of 3000 yen (which is roughly 23 GBP).


The bundle will be made available between March 13 and March 27. No word on a release for European or US PSN, but hopefully we’ll be hearing about it soon.

2012 PSN Gamers’ Choice Awards


Best PSN Exclusive: inFAMOUS Festival of Blood (PS3)

Best PSN Game: Resident Evil 4 (PS3)

Best PSN Game Playable Online: Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition (PS3)

Best PS3 Full Game: Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (PS3)

Best PlayStation Move Game: Dungeon Hunter: Alliance (PS3)

Best 3D Game: God of War: Origins Collection (PS3)

Best PlayStation Classic: Chrono Trigger (PS3/PSP)

Best Mini Game: Angry Birds (PS3/PSP)

Best PSP Game: DISSIDIA 012 [duodecim] FINAL FANTASY (PSP)

PlayStation Community Award – Best Indie: LIMBO (PS3)


Each of the games above will receive a 30% discount on the PlayStation Store later today, though PlayStation Plus subscribers will be offered a 50% discount. The promotion lasts for one week.

visi sie laimeja zaidimai gaus 30% nuolaida PSN'e , ir 50% nuolaida PSN Plus vartotojam. pradedant nuo siandia 1 savaite laiko. taigi gera proga isigyt kazkuri is siu zaidimu per savaite laiko.

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Nezinau kur pataikiau cia ar ne cia, bet stai naujasis Heavy rain kureju (Quantic Dream) zaidimo varikliukas.

Tiesa pasakius "real-time" gyvesnio veido nesu mates, toli grazu ir nevisuose cinematic traileriuose tai isvysi.


O cia interview su kurejais, malonu matyt tokius kurejus :)

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Ši tema yra užrakinta ir joje nebegalima rašyti naujų pranešimų.

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    • Gali būti kad iki dabartinės XBox konsolių kartos gyvavimo ciklo sulauksim naujo (ar atnaujinto) XBox kontrolerio, kuris palaikys funkcijas, panašias kaip Sony Dualsens, t. y. adaptive triggers ir haptic feedback (kas būtu visai logiška, seniai jau reikėjo). Bent jau Filas Spenceris apie tai kalba. Jeigu ne šiai kartai, tai būsimai, kurios visai galim sulaukti ir 2026 m. (būtu stiprus ėjimas iš Microsoft) tai tikrai.  
    • So, so. Tokia europetiška Stellar Blade versija (bent jau taip pasirodė). Pasižiūrėsim kas išeis.
    • Jau turiu. Early acsess buvo 02 06, pilnas paleidimas 02 11 visoms patformoms. Na ka gi - nauja Civilizacijos serija visada šventė!!!. Žaidžiu priepuolimais per sūnaus kompą, taigi dabar esu pirmos sesijos pabaigoje. Vizualai puikia padarytas, toks labiau kaip Civ V ramesnis stilius, dėl gamplay tai daug visokių naujovių. Puse kontento aišku dar įdės eigoje. Turiu ir konsoline versija ž atrodo identiškai, bet su pulteliu žaidžiasi sunkai, visgi tai yra PC žaidimas. Daugiau apie įspūdžius parašysiu kiek vėliau. To be continued kaip sakoma😄
    • Šitas. Po kokių gerų pusės metų gulėjimo stalčiuje (nors 2 buvo puikiai suėjęs) pagaliau užsikabinau ir labai patinka. Gėda prisipažinti, bet kelis kartus bandžiau pradėti ir mesdavau priėjęs pirmą rimtą encounterį zombių kaime - pradžioje vis nesuprasdavau kad jų visų nereikia bandyt išžudyti, o tik atsilaikyti kurį laiką😁 Bet dabar veža kaip turi būt, esu gal kokiam 9 chapterį. Formulė pparasta, bet visa dar smagi. Ir tiesa dabar jau puikiai optimizuotas. Performance mode ant vanilines PS5 labai gerai atrodo.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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