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Lovefilm coming to UK PS3s in November

I menesi 5.99£ moket reikes (visai neblogai teks uzsisakyt)

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Taip iseina , video gale paraso kad i menesi tiek moket , tai gausis kad kiek noresi , gal ir bus koks limitas , nu nedaug liko laukt

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Lovefilm coming to UK PS3s in November

I menesi 5.99£ moket reikes (visai neblogai teks uzsisakyt)

neblogai aisku,bet per pc jau senai tai daryt irgi gali,kas turi pc accounta tiesiog prisijungs su juo per ps3 ir toliau naudosis.per pc dar ir zaidimus galima imt is ju,na per ps3 bus tik ant filmu,bet gerai aisku,cia kaip nuoma nu.kaina panasi kaip ir kitu panasiu nuomu vietu kuriom niekad nesinaudoju.

pakuote prasideda nuo 5.99 .bet i ja neieina visis filmai kuriuos jie turi aisku.tokie labiau yra visa info ju puslapi. nauji filmai kurie neieina i packus buna po 0.99 iki 3.49 uz viena filma.

nzn man nuoma ne prie sirdies, o uz ka jau noriu moket tai noriu tai ir turet , o ne tik issinuomot vienam kartui.juk ne viska is eiles ziurim.

galima juk visa tai tiesiai per tv ziuret ,isigijus spec tiuneri ju, na cia ka ir kiti siulo. ir tikrai ne belekike filmu kiek nori per menesi.ten kazkiek i savaite kiek zinau yra skirta. pvz kiek disku gali turet per karta tai yra cia viskas paaiskinta,manau kad online bus tas pats.


pvz uz 5.99 susonline galimybe gauni 3 rentalus i menesi ir viena rentalas lygu 2 val. ziurejimo online. na tik online tokiu planu kol kas nematau ,bet zu unlimited reikia jau moket 10 ir daugiau, o siaip 3 renatalai ir 2 val vienam kartui tai cia juokas. juk niekas neduos kazko uz dyka ar ne. nereik but naiviem.

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o man patinka but naivem

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o man patinka but naivem

Ne į temą

nera tas blogai juk galima pasirinkt unlimited plana ir ziruet kiek nori. velgi. galima ir atsisiust ir paziuret.cia juk ne HD. o kai kuriuos filmus manau tiesiog butina turet fiziskai isigyt,kad ir bluray pavidalu. o nuomotis galima viska ir jau senai.tik nuoma man tas pats kas skolinimasis,tik uz tai dar ir pinigus moket reikia,ir tau niekas nepriklauso uz ka sumoki. Uk bent jau ta pati su dauguma intero tiekeju gali gaut kurie teikia ir intero paslaugas,gali moket menesini mokesti arba moket tada kai ziuri,ir tam uztenka tik TV. uz 6 svarus i menesi gaut 6 filmus paziuret man kazkaip lame.



PSP price drop for Europe


As of Oct. 27, SCEE is ready to drop the price of the PSPgo from 250 euros to 179, while still maintaining the offer of havin g10 free PSN downloads; it will meanwhile lower the price of the more popular PSP 3000 from 169 euros to 119. PSP 3000 bundles will meanwhile drop from 189 to 139 euros. For our surely confused audience in America, a “euro” is kind of like a dollar, except magical. It is said that this discount will last until at least December 31, after which it is subject to change.

kainos kris ir gana normaliai taip sakyciau kas tik gerai aisku.

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There's A New PlayStation 2 Bundle In Town





The tenth anniversary of the launch of the PlayStation 2 in North America is right around the corner, and the console still sells well enough to warrant a brand new Toy Story 3 bundle from Sony.


The $99 Toy Story 3 PlayStation 2 bundle brings together the decade-old console with a copy of Disney Interactive's Toy Story 3 video game on October 31, two days before the smash hit movie hits DVD and Blu-ray. With the holidays coming, it's an excellent opportunity for Sony to grab a few more PS2 sales for parents not willing or able to spend the extra cash on one of today's fine video game consoles.


PlayStation 3 associate marketing manager Ami Sheth talks up the bundle today on the PlayStation Blog.


Nearly 10 years since it first launched, the PS2 continues to be a force in gaming and to date is in more than 146 million homes worldwide. At $99, the PS2 provides great entertainment value for new gamers and families with its built-in DVD player and a deep library of more than 2,000 games.

PS2 rocks.. :)

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Wow. Čia tai bent. Dar bundle PS2 išleido, tai kada nustos įdomu gamint? Manau, dar pora metų gali laikytis... :D

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Taigi ir PES 2011 ir NBA 2k11 išlido ant PS2 ir dar nemažai grajų ;) manau, kad dar kitais metais tikrai išleis ką nors ;)

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Taigi ir PES 2011 ir NBA 2k11 išlido ant PS2 ir dar nemažai grajų :) manau, kad dar kitais metais tikrai išleis ką nors :)

Tai žaidimus taip, bet nedaro bundle edition su NBA, ar PES, o čia bundle edition su naujo modelio PS2.

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Western retailers have already been knocking $50 off the PSPgo's $249 price tag. Today, Sony made the price-cut official in the U.S. official. The cut for Japan, however, is twice as big.


According to Reuters, the PSPgo will be priced at $199 in the US instead of the previous $249 list price.


After less than a year on the market in Japan, the digital-download-only PSPgo will get a whopping ¥10,000 (US$124) price cut.


Starting on October 26, the PSPgo will retail for ¥16,800 ($208), instead of the ¥26,800 ($332) Sony now charges.

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Sony’s consolidated results for the 3 months to September 30th build on those from last quarter to paint an increasingly positive picture of the company’s financial health. Sony as a whole recorded an operating income of ¥68.7 billion (£524m, $828m) compared to the operating loss of ¥32.6bn (£249m, $393m)they suffered in the same period last year.


Making a significant contribution to the turn around from a year ago and getting special mention on the front page of the report for their efforts is Sony’s Network Products and Services (NPS) segment, home of PlayStation. This was despite the strong Yen (or weak Dollar and Euro) leading to unfavourable exchange rates.


Twelve months ago the NPS segment recorded an operating loss of ¥59bn (£450m, $710m) but in the last three months have returned an operating income of ¥6.9bn (£53m, $83m). Sony cite the increased sales combined with the reduced cost to them of manufacturing the PS3 as a key factor, along with increasing PC unit sales.


Speaking of unit sales, in the quarter Sony sold 3.5m PS3s, up from 2.4m in Q1 and 3.2m in Q2 ’09 which saw the launch of the PS3 Slim. The PSP recorded sales of 1.5m which is up from 1.2m in Q1, but down a massive 50% from 3m in Q2 ’09. The venerable PS2 chalked up 1.5m sales, down slightly from 1.6m in Q1 and down 21% from the 1.9m in Q2 ’09.


PS3 software unit sales recorded notable growth jumping 48% to 35.3m from 23.9m a year ago. Meanwhile sales of both PSP and PS2 software have declined. PSP software sales totalled 11m down 15% from the 13m in Q2 ’09. PS2 software unit sales fell 51% to 5.6m from 11.4m last year.


Sources: Sony

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European PS3 Owners, Get Ready For MUBI!




Movies? No, MUBI. The streaming art house cinema service is coming to the PS3 this week, so grab the popcorn.


On November 3rd, the service commences on the PS3 in the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. The following week the service will launch in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Sony hasn't yet revealed yet when Australia and New Zealand will get the service, but will shortly.


MUBI has motion pictures from an array of great filmmakers like Jean-Luc Godard, Wong Kar-Wai, David Lynch and more. PS3 owners can rent them for 7 days for £2.99/€3.59 or get an unlimited 30 day subscription for £9.99/€12.99.

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New Official PlayStation 3 Bluetooth Headset



Along with being 30% smaller than the first PS3 Bluetooth, the new model comes with advanced features that make it attractive to both gamers and folks who walk around looking as if they're talking to themselves. The built-in built-in noise cancellation is new, and the headset now sports advanced mobile phone features like three-way calling and call waiting.


The new headset should be available in U.S. stores this month for $49.99.




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