
SONY konsoliu naujienos !

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More Sony Motion Controller Details

Sony Computer Entertainment reached out to its development partners today, getting them up to speed on the new PlayStation Eye-powered motion controller tech it showcased at E3 2009. It also expanded upon the details provided at the show.


The PlayStation 3's second motion control push is slated to launch in Spring 2010, Sony Computer Entertainment reiterated to developers today, arriving with a "range of first-party and third-party content." SCE pitched the new controller as capable of functioning "with any games across all genres from casual to core."


On the technical side, SCE says that the PlayStation Eye accessory will come equipped with force feedback rumble. Sony boasts that the "face-tracking and head-tracking capability already in the PS3 SDK" will offer developers "powerful tools for new types of user interaction."


Sony says its new controller will also work in tandem with the Eye's built-in microphone array for voice input and voice recognition. Up to four of the new motion controllers can be tracked at once by the PlayStation Eye.


Adding the wand controller to games comes at a horsepower cost, Sony notes, writing that the "motion-tracking library has some SPU overhead and has an impact on memory as well, although these will be minimized."


The developer targeted communication also indicates that Sony is "currently looking into the possibility" of combining motion control wand and stock PS3 controller functions, offering the example of "the motion controller as a sword and use DualShock 3 as a shield."


Sony did not express a price, firm launch date or plans to bundle the PlayStation Eye motion control accessory.

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PlayStation Home Has Finally Lost The Plot


But in a good way. See, my biggest criticism of PlayStation Home is that it's sterile. Boring. But this Saturday night, that sterility will be temporarily relieved. By


Apparently it's a dance-off between humans and hamsters. Presumably with lots of grinding. And with a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man somehow involved. It's all a little hard to come to terms with, but at 8PM PST this Saturday night, if you find yourself spending the night in, you may as well check it out, let me know if you see a breakdancing Marshmallow Man.


Sony: Home needs more stuff like this. You've spent years of manpower and millions of dollars building the thing, you may as well have a little fun with it.

taigi sianakt eisim i dance party :thumbsup4:



PSW Magazine Rumors: PS3 Price Cut & PS3 Slim at TGS 2009

It appears the latest issue of PlayStation World Magazine reveals that both a PS3 price cut and the rumored PS3 Slim will both be announced at this year's Tokyo Game Show.


To quote: Expect the long-awaited price chop to be announced at the Tokyo Games Show.


This year the Tokyo Games Show will be held from September 24 to September 27 in the Makuhari Messe, in Chiba, Japan.


Sony could make this announcement a lot sooner now that Activision CEO, Bobby Kotick has threatened to stop supporting the PS3 if a price cut is not announced soon.


The PS3 Slim packaging looks almost identical to the confirmed PSP Go, so it isn't a fake. Expect the smaller, lighter PS3 to be announced at the Tokyo Games Show in September, just in time for Xmas.

Taigi tikriausiai viskas bus pakslebta per TGS ,tiek nauja kaina tiek tikriausiai Ps3 Slim ,kuris pagal viska gali atrodyti stai taip





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labai jau plonas,ir atrodo idomiai ;) tikiuosi blokelio nepadarys isoreje tokio dydzio kaip x360 kad yra.

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Activision Needs Sony In Order To Remain #1 The Sales Explain It All




For a very long period of time EA has been the number one publisher in the videogame industry. EA Sports, EA Games, EA Sports BIG, etc… but now Activision is the king. Recruiting Blizzard was such a strong move for Activision putting them over the top as a publishing company but there’s more to that title that what people know.


Recently Bobby Kotick made the statement that going forward into 2010 and 2011 they may have too stop supporting SONY as a platform because of the tie ratio and lack of returns investing in Sony.

Let’s read between the lines here, A company like Sony which has three successful products on the market, which has sold over 23 million playstation 3’s world wide and, also for the second biggest publisher in the game EA who has made most of their profit on Sony’s machine this year so far says something. What you might ask! ok here it goes, Activision wants a price cut but does a price cut automatically guarantees that Activision as a publishing company will recieve more games sales or a bigger return? NO it does not.


This argument is based on the fact that Activision wants Playstation 3 to have a price cut so that more systems can sell which will provide the opportunity for more games sales from properties such as Call Of Duty, Guitar Hero, and more. Remember there’s no guranatee just the open opportunity to have that expansion will be great.


Bobby Kotick knows that sales will jump software wise but hardware will be the main increase especially initially when a price cut happens.


The fact of the matter is this Activision was able to become number 1 because of the platforms that Sony has provided since they started out with the Playstation Brand and, looking at sales comparisons on their top games SONY has delivered the goods. LOOK BELOW


007 Quantum Of Soalce

PS3 (670,000 vs 940,000)360

X-Men Origins

PS3 (280,000 vs 300,000)360

Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

PS3 (4.3 Million vs 7.4 Million)360

Call Of Duty: World At War

PS3 (3.3 Million vs 5.5 Million)360

Guitar Hero: World Tour

PS3 (1.2 Million vs 1.9 Million)360


Looking at these numbers and considering the Price of 360, the one year advantage, and the 7 Million worldwide sales lead Microsoft holds these numbers are looking great on Sony’s side considering still being the most expensive.

Sony recently replied back to the infamous comment made by Bobby Kotick basically saying that they respect their opinions but they really have nothing to say towards the situation and, you know why… because of this.


Take Away the Playstation 3 sales of these games and look at what Activision is left with, do you think they will be the number one publisher without the extra sales if they dropped Sony Support?



tipo Activision pagasdins Sony kad jie juos tipo mes jei ps3 nemazins kainos,juokdariai ;)

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sita naujiena buvo ir ten Artojas pakomentavo jog activision nepatenkinti Prototype zaidimo pardavimais sony konsoleje,nes ps3 turetojai sluoja db inFamuos is lentynu o tuo tarpu panasus zaidimas prototype uzmirstas. x360 jam sekasi kur kas geriau su pardavimais,nes ten db nieko naujo ir kazko idomaus lb nera. bet cia manau labiau paciu kureju kalte jog prototype ne toks viliojantis kaip infamuos,reikejo labiau pasistengt ;)

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sita naujiena buvo ir ten Artojas pakomentavo jog activision nepatenkinti Prototype zaidimo pardavimais sony konsoleje,nes ps3 turetojai sluoja db inFamuos is lentynu o tuo tarpu panasus zaidimas prototype uzmirstas. x360 jam sekasi kur kas geriau su pardavimais,nes ten db nieko naujo ir kazko idomaus lb nera. bet cia manau labiau paciu kureju kalte jog prototype ne toks viliojantis kaip infamuos,reikejo labiau pasistengt ;)

na infamous sluoja dar ir del Uncharted 2 beta kodo, ir jau ne pirma karta vis ps3 gauna tokiu dovaneliu,juk visda idomu perkant viena gauti dar ir bonusa,ypac po to kai visi pamate koks geras Uncharted 2.viska reikia apgalvot ir tada pardavimai bus labai geri. ;)

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Details on Sony's PlayStation Cloud Surface


According to shakedown1987 via GameTrailers , Sony has began training on their recently patented "PlayStation Cloud".


Apparently, PlayStation Cloud is similar to the social-media site Facebook. This application will update, in real-time, and show all your friends your latest trophy accomplishments, avatar changes, etc.


Furthermore, it seems Sony is looking to make some features of the service public, and is actively looking for current customer service employees to moderate the public arenas.


To quote: Someone from SCEA consumer services told me something interesting. I recently called Sony's consumer services to complain to them about the lack of features, hoping they would forward it to the right people.


The guy I talked to was like he had no idea if they are getting those features however he said that he has an orientation sometime next week for a new service with new features called PlayStation Cloud, he said that all he knows about it is what his manager had told him and that there will be something similar to FaceBook where you'll have a News Feed thing that will say all the things you've done or friends have done on PlayStation Network like your friend just played this and unlocked this trophy, changed his avatar or reached this level.


He also said that there might be a lot of more public features because his manager told him that SCEA Corporate told his manager that they are looking for people within consumer services to become moderators for some of the features that will be in PlayStation Cloud. He said his manager doesn't know much about it, just that Sony wants to make PlayStation Network become more social and connected.


I really don't know if he was telling the truth or not but the conversation was real and it was SCEA Consumer Services. It seems very believable and Sony did patent "PS Cloud" few months back.


New Michael Jackson Game to Hit Consoles for Holiday 2009


According to Belgium news site 9Lives (linked above), the King of Pop will start his 'This Is It' concert in July... and apparently a new Michael Jackson video game is also in the works.


Although not many details were given, the game which is said to include videoclips and dancesteps will be released on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Wii before Holiday 2009.


To quote, roughly translated: The outlook for the Michael Jackson fans are long time never so beautiful as now. Soon the late King of Pop fifty times the O2 Arena in London and flooding it with new material would come out. But that's not all.


According MJJ Productions they are also working on a video game with Michael Jackson in the lead. Everything will be up and going on, including music, video and dance cards.


What the game will be called was not yet known. The fact is that the video game for Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 developed and for the Christmas period would come on the market.


It is not the first time that the King of Pop shines in a videogame. Thus, even though he appeared in Michael Jackson's Moon Walker, Space Channel 5 and Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2.

na neblogas atsisveikinimas su fanais,is 10 londono koncertu jis uzdirbs virs 50mln ,kodel nesukurus naujo video why not

is tikro galima visai nebloga zaidima padaryt jei tik reikiama linkme ji kurti

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New Michael Jackson Game to Hit Consoles for Holiday 2009

OMG!!!!!!!! kaip laukiu sito zaidimo!!!! nesvarbu kas ten per zaidimas ir svarbu, kad ten Michael!!!! gerai kad ir ant ps2 bus :whistling:

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b** is pradziu pamates ant video uzrasa michael jackson pagalvojau kad cia jau is geimo koks video :D keista ar atvarys michael i lietuva pakoncertuout? nieks nezinot? :D

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b** is pradziu pamates ant video uzrasa michael jackson pagalvojau kad cia jau is geimo koks video :D keista ar atvarys michael i lietuva pakoncertuout? nieks nezinot? :D

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juk MJ sake "This Is It" ... taip vadinas sitas jo mini turas



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kazkur skaiciau kad jis pakoncertas in uk nori dar po pasauli biski pakocertuot...

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Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars Coming to PSP



Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, the highest rated video game in the history of the DS, is coming to the Playstation Portable, Take-Two Interactive announced this morning.


"We're proud to extend this truly unique handheld Grand Theft Auto experience to PSP and offer a downloadable version of Chinatown Wars for PSPgo," said Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games. "Rockstar Leeds has shown incredible talent in creating games that raise the bar in terms of depth and innovation on portables, and with Chinatown Wars we have a rich, fast-paced, and incredibly addictive entry into the series."


Despite record review scores, Chinatown Wars sold just 89,000 copies on the DS in it's first month on shelves, leading some to wonder if the DS was a good platform for mature gaming.


It will be interesting to see how Chinatown Wars sales compare on the PSP when it hits in North America and Europe this fall. It could prove that piracy, not maturity, was the real culprit in those sales after all.


"Rockstar's work with the GTA series has been an enormous part of the success of PlayStation platforms," said Jack Tretton, President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America. "We're excited to welcome the critically acclaimed Chinatown Wars to the outstanding line-up of great games headed to the PSP platform this fall."


The game will be available as both a digital download on the Playstation Network and on UMD.

The PSP version will add widescreen graphics, as well beefed-up lighting and animations. The game's single-player campaign will have new story missions. The DS version had stylus-driven minigames and it's not clear whether they'll be removed for the port or reworked to use the PSP's face buttons.






Four PS3 wands can be used at once


Posted By: wraggster


Sony plans a major push for the PS3 wand motion-sensor in spring next year, with plans to establish "a range of first-party and third-party content".


That's according to a developer brief leaked on Kotaku, which goes on to reveal that the wand will have rumble and up to four controllers can be used at once.


Sony unveiled the prototype wand motion sensor at E3. The hardware has in-built sensors as well as a dome on top that is tracked by the PlayStation Eye. This provides 1:1 motion-sensing capability. Furthermore, Sony says the PS Eye will be able to track head movement and recognise voice.


Sony notes, however, that there will be "SPU overhead" that has "an impact on memory" when using these features.



PS3 Games Cheap At Amazon Today


Posted By: wraggster


via kotaku


Looking for some relatively cheap, older-type PlayStation 3 games? Amazon's doing the PS3 deal day thing once again, kicking things off with a little Modern Warfare and seeing where things go from there.


Judging from the clues and the games already on sale, Amazon seems to be trying to move games that everyone who owns a PlayStation 3 have already picked up by now, but if you are a new PS3 owner, then you might want to take a look. As per usual, they have one Deal of the Day, and that is Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, available all day long for $29.98, or 42% off of their normal price.


Then they have the timed deals, which right now features a $40 copy of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, good for another couple of hours. It looks like that will be replaced by a game I am not able to decipher the clue for, with Guitar Hero: Metallica, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction possibly, and finally a chance to "Step into the ring with the Eighth Wonder of the World", whatever that may mean.


Amazingly helpful, aren't I? You smart folks will probably have the clues figured out before I even post this. Feel free to lord your superior riddle-solving skills over me in the comments section.

labai geros amazon nuolaidos :D


Sony responds to Kotick's PS3 threats


Posted By: wraggster


Sony Computer Entertainment America has issued a statement in response to Activision's suggestion that it might drop support for Sony consoles in the future.


Last week CEO of Activision Bobby Kotick said that his company would have to reassess support for the PlayStation 3 and the PSP if Sony does not drop the price of the home console.


"PlayStation has tremendous momentum coming out of E3, and we are seeing positive growth with more than 350 titles slated to hit across all our platforms, including many anticipated games from our publishing partners," said spokesperson Patrick Seybold.


"We enjoy healthy business relationships with and greatly value our publishing partners and are working closely with them to deliver the best entertainment experience."


It's expected that Sony will cut the price of the PlayStation 3 later this year, to bring it into line with cheaper hardware from Nintendo and Microsoft.


US retail chain GameStop most recently said it expects a PS3 price cut this year of around USD 100.

taigi pries sventes turesim matyt apie -100$ ps3 kainos kritima,kas yra labai gerai,nuemus 100$ ,kaina bus isvis juokinga :D Redagavo scalman

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taigi pries sventes turesim matyt apie -100$ ps3 kainos kritima,kas yra labai gerai,nuemus 100$ ,kaina bus isvis juokinga :)

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Dėja mūsų tai neliečia, nes visgi jau esam įsigyje PS3 :]

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Mūsų - tie, kurie jau turi PS3

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    • Jau turiu. Early acsess buvo 02 06, pilnas paleidimas 02 11 visoms patformoms. Na ka gi - nauja Civilizacijos serija visada šventė!!!. Žaidžiu priepuolimais per sūnaus kompą, taigi dabar esu pirmos sesijos pabaigoje. Vizualai puikia padarytas, toks labiau kaip Civ V ramesnis stilius, dėl gamplay tai daug visokių naujovių. Puse kontento aišku dar įdės eigoje. Turiu ir konsoline versija ž atrodo identiškai, bet su pulteliu žaidžiasi sunkai, visgi tai yra PC žaidimas. Daugiau apie įspūdžius parašysiu kiek vėliau. To be continued kaip sakoma😄
    • Šitas. Po kokių gerų pusės metų gulėjimo stalčiuje (nors 2 buvo puikiai suėjęs) pagaliau užsikabinau ir labai patinka. Gėda prisipažinti, bet kelis kartus bandžiau pradėti ir mesdavau priėjęs pirmą rimtą encounterį zombių kaime - pradžioje vis nesuprasdavau kad jų visų nereikia bandyt išžudyti, o tik atsilaikyti kurį laiką😁 Bet dabar veža kaip turi būt, esu gal kokiam 9 chapterį. Formulė pparasta, bet visa dar smagi. Ir tiesa dabar jau puikiai optimizuotas. Performance mode ant vanilines PS5 labai gerai atrodo.
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