
SONY konsoliu naujienos !

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Japonijos 7/16 – 7/22 konsoliu pardavimai :


3DS – 44,399

PS3 – 15,214

PSP – 13,058

Vita – 11,932

Wii – 9,002

PS2 – 1,093

Xbox 360 – 865

DSi – 706

DSi LL – 637

PSP .. :sit:

PS2 perka nonstop ir toliau panasiu tempu.. :)

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paskelbtos labai geros PS3 kolekcijos ..god of war .. 5 zaidimai vienam diske :)


Come August 28th, you’ll be able to pick these beauties up starting at $29.99! They not only come with some of the best and most memorable games in the PlayStation family, they’re also packed with a few additional goodies to make it worth your hard-earned cash. For longtime fans who may already have a few installments of these franchises, select titles from the Collections will also be available individually — without the extras — on the PlayStation Store.


God of War Saga


God of War

God of War II

God of War III

God of War: Origins Collection (which includes God of War: Chains of Olympus and God of War: Ghost of Sparta)

Exclusive Bonus Content

Voucher For 1 Trial Month of PlayStation Plus

Remastered for HD, DUALSHOCK Control, Full PlayStation Network Trophy Support and 3D (3D supported only in God of War III and God of War: Origins Collection)


inFAMOUS Collection




inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood

Extra missions

Additional character costumes, power ups and weapon styles



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Kolkas anonsuota tik amerikos rinkai, bet paklausima davė europos bosams, laukim gerų žinių. :)

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iki rudens SOny zada ir daugiau rinkiniu jau kai paleis tai tokius Ultimate jau matosi.tokiu geru seriju kur po 2 ,3 dalis yra ..sudes i viena diska paleis uz vieno zaidimo kaina.. :genius:

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GOD ir inFAMOUS paimčiau tikrai

Su uncharted sunkiai butu tokia kolekcija daryti , du žaidimai sutilptu į BR-50GB bet trečios dalies niekaip, aišku norėtu ir sukistu į viena BR diską arba butu viena dežutė o disku trys, bet ir šiaip nėra labai jau daug tokiu žaidimu kad turėtu po kokius 3-4 dalis tas žaidimas

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god of war ir infamous kolekcijos bus dviejuose diskuose. na fiziskai jie netelpa i viena.

dar tokia mintis kilo,kad manyciau ir sony ten taip galvoja,kad tai yra gan geras budas pries naudotu kopiju kam pirkt naudotus ten 2,3 ar daugiau zaidimu po pvz dabar as ten noriu senesniu zaidimu , tai ieskosiu naudotos kopijos kad pigiau gautus. o kam,jei jie paleis uz ta pacia vieno zaidimo kaina va tokias kolekcijas. nereiks pirkt naudotu. :genius:


Sony has been answering questions on the PlayStation Blog concerning today’s PlayStation Collections announcement. Associate Product Marketing Manager of Software Marketing Cristian Cardona shared pricing for the inFamous and God of War packages (which were initially thought to be $29.99), general plans for release, and more.


The new information is as follows:


- Despite what was said on the PS Blog initially, there is no 3D support for God of War 3

- No plans to bring the collections to Europe currently

- inFamous Collection and God of War Saga Collection will be $39.99

- Different bundles will be available on the PlayStation Store

- Move support is only for inFamous 2

- Sucker Punch is making the extra mini-missions

- No new trophies

- inFamous 2 DLC includes all the original DLC that was offered for the games (including stuff in the Hero Edition)

- Should be able to use pre-existing save data

- God of War and inFamous collections both contain two discs

- Every collection won’t be released on the PlayStation Store

- God of War Origins Collection will be redeemable via a voucher

- Festival of Blood will be redeemable via a voucher

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GOD ir inFAMOUS paimčiau tikrai

Su uncharted sunkiai butu tokia kolekcija daryti , du žaidimai sutilptu į BR-50GB bet trečios dalies niekaip, aišku norėtu ir sukistu į viena BR diską arba butu viena dežutė o disku trys, bet ir šiaip nėra labai jau daug tokiu žaidimu kad turėtu po kokius 3-4 dalis tas žaidimas


Tai ,kad yra Uncharted kolekcija su 3 diskais vienam pake :mellow: 69.99 euro maciau kainuoja :mellow:

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atrodo tik girdeti balsa, bet ir matyti kalbancio zmogaus veido mimikas :mellow:


How it works:


1 Plug in your webcam and point it toward your face. (Placing it centered on top of your monitor works well!)


NOTE: Not all webcams are created equal! Some lower-end webcams tend to do terrible things to their throughput in low-light situations causing very bad framerate issues in the SOEmote images. We highly recommend a camera similar to the Logitech C920.

2 If your webcam has a microphone in it, you can use that. Otherwise, you could consider adding a headset or microphone so that you can use the Voice Font elements of SOEmote.

3 After your hardware is plugged in and working, just launch EverQuest II. Everything you need is included in the game.

4 EQII should detect that you activated a webcam and launch the SOEmote interface automatically, but if not, you can launch it from the EQII start menu. (Look for the "SOEmote" option.)

5 Once the interface is up, hit the CALIBRATE button. If you'd like to use a Voice Font, pull down the menu on the SOEmote interface and select an option.


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The Pulse Wireless Stereo Headset Elite Edition has a price tag of $149.99. The product, which is compatible with the Playstation 3, Playstation Vita and other systems, will be released in North America later this fall.


Pulse Wireless Stereo Headset Elite Edition


BassImpact technology

BassImpact converts low frequency bass into pulses around the earpads letting you feel the sound.

BassImpact triggered pulses deliver an unprecedented level of immersion and sharpens your perception on the battlefield.

Feel the sound with BassImpact technology

Enjoy hi-fidelity 7.1 virtual surround sound

Crystal clear voice chat

Perfect for use with mobile devices

Comfortable for hours of gameplay

Preset modes optimized for select gaming genres

Stay informed with on-screen headset status updates




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Tikrai gražiai atrodo jos, tik gaila kad EU veliau gaus turbūt

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tas per gamescom pristatytas Cross-Controller tikrai cool dalykas ...visiskai ta pati jau atlieka ka ir WiiU , ir daugiau. tas LBP2 levelis kuri ten rode tikrai idomiai ten valde. :gosh:


PSN Pliusai gaus cloud storage iki 1gb talpa, vietoj buvusiu 250mb, bei PSN Plus ateina ir i PSVita.


At GamesCom 2012, Sony has just announced that Playstation Plus cloud storage will be uprgraded to 1GB from previously 250MB capacity. This service will be coming to PS VITA pretty soon.


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PS3 gauna nauja Youtube App' sa


Playing hours of Journey giving you cravings to watch Journey on YouTube? Or maybe DiRT Showdown put you in the mood to watch real-life action sports from the Red Bull channel? Give button mashing a whole new meaning with the new YouTube app for PS3, rolling out later today in North America for free from PlayStation Store.



You might have watched YouTube on PS3 before, but get ready for a whole new world of video and features. We have a completely new experience, designed for the big screen and optimized for the PS3. Here’s what you’ll find:

Search: Finding the videos you want is easier than ever, with search suggestions and instant video results while you type.

Your subscribed channels: Sign in to find the latest videos from your YouTube subscriptions, which now also includes official music videos.

Your phone as a remote: With a quick pairing process, you can control YouTube on PS3 with a smartphone. Find a video on your phone and with a button it’ll play on the big screen. While the video is playing you can control it from the phone, or keep browsing YouTube for the next one.



With today’s Store publish, you’ll find the new app in the PlayStation Store under My Channels. We’ll keep improving the PS3 experience and plan to bring the app to more countries in coming months.

Taciau kaip supratau tai kolkas cia tik US regionui

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Bet galima parsisiųsti iš US Store ir naudoti prisijungus prie UK acc. Panašu, kad naujasis YouTube app nepalaiko 1080p, o gaila.

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Ši tema yra užrakinta ir joje nebegalima rašyti naujų pranešimų.