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kol kas tik gandas, bet visai realu logiskai mastant kad Sony jau butu paruosus savo cloud gaming.


Rumour: Sony to enter into cloud gaming deal at E3


VG247 has learned that Sony is to announce a cloud gaming deal with either Gaikai or OnLive at E3, apparently allowing streamed games on PlayStation hardware. Details are light, but the news expected to be announced in the Sony press conference on June 4.

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nauja SOny sutartis su O2..

Sony signs O2 screen deal


SCEE to get its own PlayStation certified gaming zone at the venue


The O2 will become home to a PlayStation certified gaming zone thanks to a new partnership between the London venue and Sony.


As Sony's official Screen Partner Sony will supply 280 Bravia televisions to the venue, as well as PlayStations and Vitas so visitors to the O2 can get hands on with the consoles.


"The Official Screen Partnership with The O2 represents a true Sony United showcase of our best technology, content and brand experiences, and a platform via which Sony's full entertainment proposition can be most effectively demonstrated to our customers," said Sonys GM of brand and consumer marketing Matt Coombe.


"Sony's connected devices offer a much richer experience for our customers and, combined with some of the best content available, that experience also looks and sounds better than ever before."


The O2 sees around 8 million visitors a year, and features an indoor arena, exhibition spaces, a club and a cinema. Sony Music and Sony Pictures will also contribute content.


"There are obvious synergies between a global entertainment brand like Sony and an internationally recognised music and entertainment venue like The O2, so we're delighted that we've been able to form this partnership," added SVP of Europe for AEG Global Partnerships, Paul Samuels.


"At The O2 we're always looking for ways to improve and enhance the visitors' experience and Sony's proposition will provide The O2 with state-of-the-art audio visual technology and a unique fan interaction experience."

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Puiki idėja, geriausia aišku kad nereiks nieko portint, kūrėjai tiesiog galės įdėt į service'ą ir viskas. Aišku čia gal labiau ant PS3 toks dalykas tinka, nes visgi reikia stipraus interneto ryšio tai tų žaidimų nepasinešiosi su PS Vita, galėsi žaist tik ten kur rasi WiFi. Na bet vistiek manau neblogą čia tokį kozerį Sony meta.

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jeigu gandai pasitvirtins ,tai Sony pasirase sutarti su Gaikai gaus ir pilna backward tada galimybe visom sony platformom iskaitant ir ps2 aisku. tai gali buti tikra bomba..teks palaukt E3 Sony konfo arba leaku nauju ..taciau na sony paseme Gaikai cloud gaming jau gales tikrai aisku kad ir PS4 tada jau backwardintu viska.


First and third-party games to be streamed to hardware


Sony's rumoured cloud gaming deal with Gaikai is to allow current-generation hardware to play PlayStation 2 and PSone games via a streaming solution, GamesIndustry International understands.


According to sources, the service will offer first-party games and be open to third-party publishers to sell back catalogue to players. The partnership is likely to be announced at E3 next week as part of Sony's conference on Monday.


Gaikai already has an extensive portfolio of video game partners that have been on board with CEO David Perry's vision since the service first went live, including Electronic Arts, Ubisoft and Capcom, but all titles so far have been for the PC format.


The appetite for PlayStation 2 games has been proven with collected HD releases of titles including Silent Hill, God of War, Devil May Cry and Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.


The streaming games company has also signed up retailers like GAME and Best Buy, services such as YouTube, TV manufacturer LG and social network Facebook, and is expected to announce further partnerships next week.


It's not yet clear which Sony devices beyond the PlayStation 3 would get a Gaikai-supported game streaming service, but it could extend to Sony branded TVs and tablets.


A backwards compatibility offering at this stage in the PS3's lifecycle would also allow Sony to test streaming games before it goes fully next-gen with the release of the PlayStation 4.


Sony's history with backwards compatibility is patchy. The PlayStation 3 originally allowed gamers to play older PlayStation 2 and PSone games, but support for PS2 games was dropped as the PS3 went through a number of different iterations. PSone and PlayStation 2 games are currently available for download on the PlayStation Store.


Both Sony Computer Entertainment and Gaikai declined to comment when contacted.

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