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O tas 3D bus anaglyph ar poliarizuotas?

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O tas 3D bus anaglyph ar poliarizuotas?

koks dar anaglyph..aisku polarizuotas..kai kine,ir akiniai panasus dauguma dabar nauju 3D teliku iseis komplekte su 4 porom akiniu,ar 2 ,sony irgi duos bent kelias poras,bet siaip jei nori atskirai pirkt tai akinukai apie 90$ kainuoja.

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koks dar anaglyph..aisku polarizuotas..

Vėl dezinformuoji žmones... Dabar pabandyk atsakyti už savo žodžius ir parodyk kur parašyta, kad sony naudos poliarizuotus akinius?

jei nori atskirai pirkt tai akinukai apie 90$ kainuoja.

2 poros poliarizuotų akinių su nemokamu siuntimu į Lietuvą ebay'juje - 2,99$.


Kad nebus naudojami anaglyph akiniai - faktas. Kad nebus naudojami, nedaug kuo geresni už anaglyph, paprasti poliarizuoti akinukai, irgi - faktas.

Pats pabandžiau pasidomėti, kokią (iš daugiau nei dešimties) 3D technologiją naudos Sony. Tikslios info taip ir neradau, bet daug kur užsimenama apie Active Shutter (aktyvaus užrakto) akinius, kurie bus naudojami ir su naujais SONY vaizdo grotuvais ir televizoriais.

Redagavo SudraSkytaS

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Kiek permečiau akimis tavo nuorodas, tai nelabai radau paminėtos PS3 konsolės... Kažkaip visur rašo apie telikus...

Bet kaip ir sakau, bent jau man atrodo, kad būtent Active Shutter ir bus naudojami kartu su PS3...

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Kiek permečiau akimis tavo nuorodas, tai nelabai radau paminėtos PS3 konsolės... Kažkaip visur rašo apie telikus...

Bet kaip ir sakau, bent jau man atrodo, kad būtent Active Shutter ir bus naudojami kartu su PS3...

tai cia apie 3D telikus ir kalbam dabar.o PS3 gaus update kuris palaikys 3D tehnologija,ta pacia kuri bus visuose 3D telikuose,tikrai nebus PS3 spec skirtas tik sony telikam ar pan,juk ir 3D BD filmus bus galim ziuret per PS3,tas pats kas pirktum nauja BD playeri dabar kuris palaiko 3D,gali ji pirkti ,bet PS3 irgi palaikys 3D filmus is tu paciu BD disku.kiek maciau pats Panasonic uz kazkur 2500$ duoda nauja 3D telika ir 4 poras akiniu.dar jie nori ir 3D BD playeri gali paimt.siaip uz kakur tik 600$ gali 3D HD projektoriu paimt,Asus to nauji 3D palaikantys monikai. esme trame kad visi palaikys tuos pacius 3D akinius,nes filmai tais eis bendrai visiem,tai faktiskai su bet kokiais is tu nauju 3D akiniu galesi ziureti bet koki telika,ar projektoriu,ar 3D monika.

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Sony To Release Michael Jackson Video Game




Report: Sony To Release Michael Jackson Video Game Last week, Sony shelled out US$200 million for for the rights to release 10 new posthumous Michael Jackson albums, DVDs and video games between now and 2017 reports The Independent.


This is the largest advanced sum ever paid to a musician.


The "new" material was recorded by Jackson over three decades and includes never before released remixes, plus totally new tracks. According to The Independent, an album is scheduled for November. And after that, the newspaper states that anniversary editions of Bad and Thriller as well as an updated take on Off the Wall, a DVD compilation and a Michael Jackson video game.


Jackson, who passed away last year, had his own video game, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker from Sega and also appeared in music games Space Channel 5, its sequel and Midway's fighting games Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2.


The King of Pop was reportedly working on a video game at the time of his death. MJJ Productions, Jackson's production company, has been working on this unannounced home console title for "several months". Word has it that the game features both Jackson's likeness and his recorded speech as well as many of his hit songs.


"I am sure it will still be released," a MJJ Productions rep was quoted as saying. "Michael loved games."


In Japan, Sony released a PS3 bundle with a Blu-ray copy of documentary This Is It.

200 mln $ :)


Michael Jackson fans will be given several new chances to expand their record collection while his heirs spend the next seven years moonwalking their way to the bank, after the singer's estate announced the richest recording deal in the history of the music industry.


The record-breaking contract will see Sony pay a guaranteed $200m (£132m) for the right to release 10 new Michael Jackson albums, video games and DVDs between now and 2017. If certain sales figures are met, the family of the late performer could eventually earn as much as $250m (£165m).


Those figures dwarf the previous highest sum advanced to a musician: the $150m (£99m) that Live Nation paid to sign Jay-Z to a 10-year deal in 2008. And they seem all the more remarkable given the parlous state of the music industry, which has seen album sales decline by 52 per cent over the past decade.



New DivX Plus Software Update Targets PS3 via MKV Conversion

Today porfitron mailed in to let us know about the recent update, as the latest version targets the PlayStation 3 entertainment system with MKV video conversion.


The new DivX Plus Player now has DivX to Go, which will move/convert video files to a USB drive or CD/DVD disc for free... all you do is drag the video onto the PS3 icon.


The simple 5 Step outline is below, with the full guide available linked above or from


Step 1 - Download and Install the Free DivX Plus Software

Step 2 - Add your MKV video to the DivX Plus video library

Step 3 - Drag the video file to the PlayStation 3 icon

Step 4 - Follow the Transfer Wizard and Insert a USB or Disc

Step 5 - Let DivX to Go Finish, and Enjoy!

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Na idomu, ar bus geras tas Michael Jackson zaidimas :D:), nors atrodo, kad bus katostrofa

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ant segos beroc buvo vienas jacksono zaidimas, pliekdavau kaip nezinau kas. :)

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ant segos beroc buvo vienas jacksono zaidimas, pliekdavau kaip nezinau kas.

Ne į temą

Aha, aš irgi tokį prisimenu :D Bet tiesą pasakius žaisdavau tik dėl to, kad pasirinkimo didelio nebuvo.. :D

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PS3 Firmware (v3.21) Update


The next system software update for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) system will be released on April 1, 2010 (JST), and will disable the “Install Other OS” feature that was available on the PS3 systems prior to the current slimmer models, launched in September 2009. This feature enabled users to install an operating system, but due to security concerns, Sony Computer Entertainment will remove the functionality through the 3.21 system software update.


In addition, disabling the “Other OS” feature will help ensure that PS3 owners will continue to have access to the broad range of gaming and entertainment content from SCE and its content partners on a more secure system.


Consumers and organizations that currently use the “Other OS” feature can choose not to upgrade their PS3 systems, although the following features will no longer be available;


* Ability to sign in to PlayStation Network and use network features that require signing in to PlayStation Network, such as online features of PS3 games and chat

* Playback of PS3 software titles or Blu-ray Disc videos that require PS3 system software version 3.21 or later

* Playback of copyright-protected videos that are stored on a media server (when DTCP-IP is enabled under Settings)

* Use of new features and improvements that are available on PS3 system software 3.21 or later


For those PS3 users who are currently using the “Other OS” feature but choose to install the system software update, to avoid data loss they first need to back-up any data stored within the hard drive partition used by the “Other OS,” as they will not be able to access that data following the update.

va cia tai meslas nh.. :D fckoff sony..tai kas turi senus ps3 irg negales naudot jau other OS,nu grazu.issigando hackeriu.o taip tikejosi ir PSx emule pamatyt manau kas turi $ teks turet kelis PS3,nes su sena fw net i online negaesi eit grau,tikrai.

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PS3 Firmware (v3.21) Update

va cia tai meslas nh.. :D fckoff sony..tai kas turi senus ps3 irg negales naudot jau other OS,nu grazu.issigando hackeriu.o taip tikejosi ir PSx emule pamatyt manau kas turi $ teks turet kelis PS3,nes su sena fw net i online negaesi eit grau,tikrai.

Tikiuos cia "april fools" bus :D .

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Tikiuos cia "april fools" bus :D .

siaip logiskas zingsnis is sony puses,viskas panaikinti Other OS,suprantu kad nauji PS3 jos ir taip neturi,tai ir palikti nu tiem bent kas turi,dabar kas nenaujins fw net negales naudotis live,psn,niekuom isvis.anksciau buvo dar pasirinktina,ar nori naujint ar ne,vistiek gali juk jungtis ir naudotis live. na tikrai jauciamas spaudimas ju kad jie gali daryt dabar ka nori isvis.ka per daug finkciju turi PS3? nieko tokio nuimsim puse..aisku Other OS veda prie emuliu ir pan dalyku naudojimu ko sony visai nenori,bet ar cia kas nors piratauja su tom Other OS ,na kad nelabai imanoma kol kas.gaila gaila kad jei galima isirasyt OS i ps3 buvo is pradziu,veliau tas buvo tikrai dar tuom PS3 buvo iskirtinis bent jau.

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Sony nutraukia galimybę naudoti Linux PlayStatio 3 konsolėse


Ruošiamasi naujam Sony PlayStation 3 atnaujinimui kuris pasirodys Balandžio 1 dieną ir kuriame bus pašalinta galimybe įdiegti Linux distribucijas tokias kaip: Yellow Dog ir specialią Ubuntu versiją skirta Cell procesoriams.

Sony teigia , jog funkcija „Install Other OS“ gali pakenkti sony online paslaugų saugumui ir todėl jos bus atsisakyta . Priminsim , kad Playstation 3 Slim jau buvo panaikinta galimybė įdiegti alternatyvią operacinę sistemą.

Sony teigia , jog vartotojams bus galima atsisakyti atsinaujinti ,bet tada teks atsisakyti kai kurių funkcijų:

Vartotojui bus uždaryta prieiga prie PlayStation Network ir galimybė žaisti tinkle.

Vartotojai negalės žaisti naujų žaidimų ir žiūrėti Blue-ray filmus.

Negalės žiūrėti vaizdo transliacijų per DTCP-IP.

Prieš atsinaujinant rekomenduojama padaryti atsarginės duomenų kopijas iš įdiegtos operacinės sistemos ,nes po atnaujinimo negalėsite prieiti prie failų.



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