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Varo į neviltį tokie screen'ai ir video. SOMEONE GIVE ME A PS3 ! :D

o kam tau jis,gt5 juk bus ps4 skirtas :D:P :P :P :P

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Apie GT5 neleidžia nei dienos užsimiršti, nes kur tik ką įsijungsi (TV kanalą) apie mašinų sportą ten būtinai rasi Gran Turismo užrašą... duokit tą žaidimą pagaliau kiek gi galima kankinti tuos žmones :DDD

Redagavo Agnusas

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kokios idomios detales rastos tame numeryje



Mechanical damage and failure will include things such as broken gearboxes, brake failures, and stalled engines.


Both premium and standard model cars will include fully operational reverse lights, horns, and will accumulate dirt and grime which must be washed off by these guys.


More features are re-confirmed, such as imprecise weather forecasts, point-to-point timed rally stages, time-of-day synchronization between virtual circuits and their real-world locations, and official NASCAR rules and regulations.


Heavy snow accumulation will continue to make the track more slippery, and “ruts” will be carved into the snow as you drive to make conditions even more challenging.


You’ll be able to create and define your own special events within the game, presumably giving you complete control over all race variables and competitors.


In B-Spec mode, you’ll simultaneously manage the racing careers of up to six different drivers. You will have to push them, but take it too far and their morale and performance will suffer. For 24-hour endurance events, you will choose four of your drivers to compete together on your race team.


You will be able to trade cars with your friends – including those which you have tweaked and tuned for maximum performance.

krc OMFG!!


In next weeks Dutch TV magazine Veronica (number 44) there is a special about GT5. In small print it states that it is a commercial addition, so probably paid and previewed by Sony. I translated the most interesting parts (don't expect too much, because no new features are introduced) and clearly it was written before the delay was anounced.


Millions of fans have been looking out for GT5 for over four years. According to some GT5, exclusive to the PS3, is the mother of all race games. This fall 'The Real Driving Simulator' at last will become reality and gamers can experience what Sony Playstation calls the biggest game release ever.


… but also the VW vans and the latest hybrid cars, like the Tesla Roadster are in.....


There are more than 100 tracks in 20 different locations in GT5.


Track creator: The player has a few parameters at his disposal, among which are the number of corners, the length of the longest straight and the difficulty of the track. The start and finish of the track don't have to be at the same location. Tracks can be created upto about 10 km in length. Next to theme, weather conditions and location the player has the option the set the race length and the number of laps. Settings can be valid for the entire track or per sector. Another setting is how often a certain corner is to be taken, and how sharp and wide they must be.


Every rip, bump and almost all gravel grains are digitally rendered on the tracks. Yamauchi and his team visited all known car manufactures and development centres, raced on all tracks themselves and used satellite pictures, blueprints and telemetry to recreated the tracks as accurately as possible. Recreating Rome and Madrid took over two years.


Ofcourse these tracks are not available before you completed a number of tests. But players with GT PSP can transfer their cars to GT5 (editor, that's me: huh, what has that to do with tracks??, no mention about transferring cars from Prologue though). If you don't have GT PSP than you can unlock cars and tracks in various modes, like career mode, championship races and license tests. For the more casual player a kind of “best of GT5” is available in arcade mode.


Weather: Heavy snow fall makes the track more slippery and creates rutting (spoorvorming in Dutch) with each lap.


Next to races in daylight, some races are at late afternoon, at sunrise, or during the night. All can have rain and/or snow conditions.


Special events: The Mercedes Benz driving school challanges take place at the Nürburgring and features two cars. One of them being the SLS AMG.


Create your own special events: Not part of the Special Events, but an important extra option is to create your own special events. Sony call this “What if” experiences, like the X1 prototype and concepts cars from the seventies. Players not only can recreate races from the past, but rewrite racing history!


B-spec mode: Upto six (6) drivers. Teach them, be hard on them, but not too hard, as they might get frustrated. Sometimes you've got to yell in your microphone to keep them focussed. The better you guide them, the more their performance and self assurance improves. Once you've got four (4) B-spec drivers, you can enter 24-hours races. A well balanced team is recommended.


In Photo Mode pictures can be taken in 3D too.

Headtracking only in cockpit view.


Online: Upto 16 players. Keep track of your friends' performances via various lobbies. Cars can be given away. Not only the cars you unlocked, but also the cars you have already tuned. You can share racing tips and tracks. During online races you can spectate others and there will be special competitions and also various leader boards keeping track of the best scores.

savo trasa galesi susikurt iki 10km ilgio..tokia gan normali bus trasa. :D dar uzsidet orus ir paros blem..tikrai bus gali nakti ir per lietu....eik tu... :D

Redagavo Magnitas

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Cia vien kiek uztruksi kol ismeginsi ivairius naujus dalykus ir naujas galimybes,o ka jau kalbet apie masinu rinkima ir t.t. Bus toks didelis zaidimas,kad net sunku pagalvot.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Cia vien kiek uztruksi kol ismeginsi ivairius naujus dalykus ir naujas galimybes,o ka jau kalbet apie masinu rinkima ir t.t. Bus toks didelis zaidimas,kad net sunku pagalvot.

tai jo keikvienas gales savo Niurgburgringa susikurt pagal save ir veliau pasidalint su draugais,ar ismegint ka sukure kiti. siaip trasu kurimas racinguose man visada buvo lame kodel gi ne dabar galesi pats kurt ir pats megint. priedet 100 trasu jau kurios bus zaidime.tai dar galesi knistis dienom prie savo trasu ir dalintis su kitais.i domu kaip bus su trasos kurimu ir kas bu antram plane ar galesi fona pasirint irgi..krc nerealu butu ralio trasu kiek prisikurt galima bus. :D nustatyt orus ,po to juos keist. ir pan.arba padaryt 10 km tiesiaja kur galesi max speed masinu ismegint. :D tikrai iki kai kuriu galimybiu kol daeisi dar GT PSP visas masinas i arcade garaza galima bus persimest iskart.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

tai jo keikvienas gales savo Niurgburgringa susikurt pagal save ir veliau pasidalint su draugais,ar ismegint ka sukure kiti. siaip trasu kurimas racinguose man visada buvo lame kodel gi ne dabar galesi pats kurt ir pats megint. priedet 100 trasu jau kurios bus zaidime.tai dar galesi knistis dienom prie savo trasu ir dalintis su kitais.i domu kaip bus su trasos kurimu ir kas bu antram plane ar galesi fona pasirint irgi..krc nerealu butu ralio trasu kiek prisikurt galima bus. :P nustatyt orus ,po to juos keist. ir pan.arba padaryt 10 km tiesiaja kur galesi max speed masinu ismegint. :) tikrai iki kai kuriu galimybiu kol daeisi dar GT PSP visas masinas i arcade garaza galima bus persimest iskart.


Arba galimybe siek tiek pavargus sukurt kazka panasaus i kacergines zieda :D Manau irgi visai idomu butu.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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sypher parašė:

Arba galimybe siek tiek pavargus sukurt kazka panasaus i kacergines zieda :) Manau irgi visai idomu butu.

o kodel gi ne.reikia tik geru foto turet is virsaus trasos,ir gali atkurt analoga aisku.bent jau trasos forma.idomiai cia juk taip daug ka galima atkurt siaip jau. atsimenu kazkada senai kai rode GT5 ta sistema kai jie lygins tavo trasos laika su realiu tos realios trasos laiku online,kazkas tokio buvo ten.


dar truputi zvilgtelt i nauja GT5 puksteli


if PS3 doesnt do everything ,then GT5 realy do everything...nes na..jis tikrai daro viska.sklido kalbos kad PD masto apie motociklu DLC , na tipo kaip buvo sukure Tourist Trophy simule su mocais ant GT4 variklio,tai cia imestu vel mocus,nereiktu kurt atskiro geimo.

Redagavo Magnitas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Kuo daugiau tuo geriau, aišku tegul mocus jau kaip DLC daro o ne vėl atkelia žaidimą :) O Aš kaip tik noriu ant GT5 prasinešti su mocu, žinant kad jie tai padarys tobulai. Man šiurpuliukai nuo gerų aparatų eina... o dar ir kaip užriaumoja mmmm....

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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nu nzn man su mocais nelabai patinka

bet realiai klabant toks nu normalus su mocais zaidimai tik vienas ir buvo paciu PD sukurtas,nekalbu apie superbike ir pan,ar krosus ,normalus mocai gamykliniai tai toki ogeimo iki tourist trophy tikrai nebuvau karjera ir pan dalykais. taigi galim ir nemegti zaidimu su mocais,bet dievint juos realiai,nes man zaidimai su mocais tai neikad neodmino,bet tourist tai buvo kazkas naujo ir kitokio. jei padarytu tai ant GT5 ...butu..amazing b*..













Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Industry sources have expressed concern to Eurogamer that high-profile racing game Gran Turismo 5 will miss Sony's promised "before Christmas" release date and instead come out some time next year.


One source told us that current schedules list the Polyphony Digital game as "TBC", and that there is "not too much hope" that it will hit shop shelves this year.


Gran Turismo 5, perhaps the most anticipated PS3 game ever, was scheduled for release today.


Last month Sony announced it had been delayed to "before Christmas", claiming "creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating a racing experience of the highest quality".


At the time Sony tweeted to say a new date would be confirmed "before the end of the month". That, obviously, did not happen.


Current UK retailer listings for the game offer a mixed message.


GAME says it'll be released in 2011, and it's without a release window at all on both Amazon and Play.


However, Zavvi and Shopto both say it'll be released on 3rd December.


While retailer release dates are often placeholder, they offer food for thought.


Despite the concern, Eurogamer has been told that Sony is sticking to its official December 2010 statement without providing a firm date.

Trumpai: deja, turiu jus visus nuvilti. patikimi šaltiniai abejoja, kad visų laukiamas (jau 5 metus!) ir daug žadantis Gran Turismo 5 bus išleistas šiais metas. Ankščiau Sony prižadėjo, kad šis lenktynių simuliatorius bus išleistas dar prieš Kalėdas. O juk būtų puikus metas šio žaidimo sulaukti atostogų metu, būtų begalės laiko lakstyti lenktynėse.




Ne į temą

P.S. Man asmeniškai nelabai smagu matyti, kaip Playmanijoje naujienos atsiranda kas kelias savaites, todėl, manau suradęs laisvo laiko galėčiau įdomesnes naujienas išversti ir patalpinti homepage'e, naujienų skiltyje. Šiuo dalyku truputį užsiiminėjau, tačiau ten tiek daug naujienų rašytojų, kad ten būčiau kaip šuniui penkta koja. Žinoma, tam reikėtų Jūsų pritarimo, todėl kreipiuosi į Jus, Playmanai :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Ne į temą

P.S. Man asmeniškai nelabai smagu matyti, kaip Playmanijoje naujienos atsiranda kas kelias savaites, todėl, manau suradęs laisvo laiko galėčiau įdomesnes naujienas išversti ir patalpinti homepage'e, naujienų skiltyje. Šiuo dalyku truputį užsiiminėjau, tačiau ten tiek daug naujienų rašytojų, kad ten būčiau kaip šuniui penkta koja. Žinoma, tam reikėtų Jūsų pritarimo, todėl kreipiuosi į Jus, Playmanai :)

Ne į temą

matyt sioj temoj visas kitas naujienas irgi tu sudejai ? kitose? tikrai pagal tave nieks nededa naujienu? :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Ne į temą

matyt sioj temoj visas kitas naujienas irgi tu sudejai ? kitose? tikrai pagal tave nieks nededa naujienu? :)
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Jis apie pagrindinį puslapį kalba, ne apie forumą...

Ne į temą

na butent pagr puslapi tos naujienos ten tokios pasene kad nzn.ka as kur nors idedu tai ten ideda po kokios savaites gal ir tai dar ne viska kas yra. bet kad kazkaip ar ten ju reikia? man tai ne.

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