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Visi zinom kad buvo simuliatorius ir liks, bet valdymas suprastejas. Pats nesistebeciau jei imestum savo video kai gausi gt5 arba forza3 ir paziuresim kaip pats vairuosi MEDINUK :))

Ne į temą

ok ok nepyk :) ,bet kad tokius "gerus" vairuotojus ten leidzia losti tai tiesa,o del vairavimo tai tas video yra shh kruva,as gerai zinau kaip valdosi GT5P ir zinau kad GT5 bus tik geriau.o i sienas pasitrankyt tai gali bet kas,tiesiog kai nesi vaziaves su GT5P tai nezinai kaip ten viskas jauciasi,na nebent esi ,nzn.

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Esu vairaves pas drauga ir nekarta, bet kad ispudzio nepadare perdidelio. Valdymas visiem gali apsirodyti skirtingas, bet tik kurejai su testuotojais sprendzia kuris optimaliausias. Nemanau kad kai ateina i open beta koks zmogelis ir atsisedes prie vairo, pakeistu nuomone tiem kas dirba prie sio dalyko.

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Esu vairaves pas drauga ir nekarta, bet kad ispudzio nepadare perdidelio. Valdymas visiem gali apsirodyti skirtingas, bet tik kurejai su testuotojais sprendzia kuris optimaliausias. Nemanau kad kai ateina i open beta koks zmogelis ir atsisedes prie vairo, pakeistu nuomone tiem kas dirba prie sio dalyko.

Ne į temą

tai prisedes pavairaves tai cia zinai tas pats kas nieko.o del GT5 ir F3 tai visai nesijaudinu,zinau kaip vairuoju ir zinau kuris zaidimas geresnis,nes zinau kas kaip valdosi ir zinau ko tiketis galima is tai zino tik GT fanai,kitiem cia buna kaip kosmosas.

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As suprantu, kad tau bent jau bus gt5 geresnis. Bet tu nezinai kaip bus su f3, gi nesi net bandes vaziuoti, o ziureti gameplay videos tai yra kas kita. Greitu metu turetu buti demo, kai isbandysi ir pasasakysi kas gali buti geriau arba net vienodai

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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As suprantu, kad tau bent jau bus gt5 geresnis. Bet tu nezinai kaip bus su f3, gi nesi net bandes vaziuoti, o ziureti gameplay videos tai yra kas kita. Greitu metu turetu buti demo, kai isbandysi ir pasasakysi kas gali buti geriau arba net vienodai

patikek kai sitiek esi praloses ir perziurejas replay,tai apie zaidima labai daug gali suzinot is replay video,juk matai kaip masina elgiasi kelyje ,kaip ivaziuoja ir isvaziuoja is posukio,na daugybe dalyku,matai kaip masina valdosi ir zinai kaip ji valdysis paciam zaidime. kiekviena smulkmena kazka pasako :)


The Evolution of Gran Turismo

The Gran Turismo series debuted in late 1997 with the original PlayStation 1 game, Gran Turismo. The game sported an unprecedented 180 cars, 11 race tracks, and high-quality visuals. It was quickly sold out in Japan, and developer Polyphony Digital raced to produce both North American and European versions of the game. The original Gran Turismo was very well-received not only due to the quantity in the game but also due to the quality racing simulation gameplay. Eventually, Gran Turismo would become the highest-selling game ever on the PlayStation 1 platform.


Shortly after the success of Gran Turismo 1, lead developer Kazunori Yamauchi announced plans to release a sequel which was aimed to be even better than the original. Nearly 2 years later, Gran Turismo 2 was released for the PlayStation 1. The game beat its predecessor in nearly every regard with a whopping 650 cars and 27 race tracks. While Gran Turismo 2 never outsold its predecessor, most critics agree that it was a worthy sequel, and was arguably better than the first.


Fast forward a year, and the PlayStation 2 is finally out. The system increased the potential of the series, and now the premier racing simulator was seeking a solid sequel. In 2001, Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec was finally released for the PlayStation 2 platform. While there were less cars than both previous titles, the sheer quality of the driving experience and the overall presentation outdid both. The game sold out in most stores worldwide as people raced to see what all the fuss was about. Not only did the title push the PlayStation 2 platform itself, it also was rated as one of the best games ever made.


Just a few years later, Gran Turismo 4 was released for the PlayStation 2 platform. Unlike its predecessors, the game was met with criticism. Polyphony Digital had promised an online mode which never materialized, and what was considered the ultimate racing simulator still lacked damage modeling. Forza 1 was released only months later and was able to pull together what many considered the superior simulator experience. While that is debatable, Gran Turismo 4 still sold over 3.5 million units despite criticism.


Shortly afterwards, the PlayStation 3 was released, and the series was finally given the means to produce a full-fledged driving simulator. Gran Turismo 5 was announced as a PS3 exclusive at E3 2007 and people were immediately hoping for the best driving simulator yet. Unfortunately, the development time required to produce a proper sequel were so high that a budget title under the name Gran Turismo 5: Prologue was released in early 2008. The game included impressive next-generation visuals and about 10% of the total content that the full-title was deemed to include. Although being only a small taste of the full experience, GT5: Prologue was met with great reviews, and its $39.99 price tag aided in pushing nearly 4 million units to date.


Gran Turismo 5 has been a title that has been as secretive as the US Spy plane Aurora, but the title has been rumored to release during the holiday season of 2009. With that said, the game is going to sport an impressive 1000 cars and at least 80 tracks. Also, full-damage modeling was announced at E3 2009, and was shown during GamesCom 2009. Not to mention that the cockpit view and general visuals are without a doubt the best seen in any racing game to date. Gran Turismo 5 is sure to be a huge hit as with the previous titles, and its long-awaited release should come with reward.


The Gran Turismo series is one of the oldest and most-successful series in the videogame industry. Not only did it invent the racing simulation genre, but it has been there for every major step in technology. The PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2 and now the PlayStation 3 have all been home to this amazing series developed by Polyphony Digital, and watching the evolution of such a remarkable creation has been a car enthusiast’s dream.

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Tikrai matau, kad Scalman zino kas yra geras zaidimas! As ir sutiksiu su ta damage nuomone,kad man gran turismo zaidime jos tikrai netrugdavo nes,kiekviena vaziavima tu isijauti i vaidmeni bandai imt posukius idealiom trajektorijom bandai rato laikus kuo geresnius daryt,o ne dauzytis i kitus ir ziuret kaip byra detales.Aisku atsimenu ps1 laikus kai buvo dar nesveikas zaidimas toca touring cars va labai buvau suzavetas damage ir patikdavo dauzytis ir gana geras pats gameplayjus(valdymas masinos)kiek atsimenu :mml: taip,kad gran turismo buvo ir bus N1! kaip ir parasyta Real driving simuliator:) manau kas domisi masinom megsta realybe tai neras geresnio simuliatoriaus. daug emociju sitas zaidimas man atnese ir manau atnes dar daugiau.Taip,kad kritikai sakykit ka norit liksiu sio zaidimo fanas ir i nieka jo neiskeisiu!

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Worldwide Release for Gran Turismo 5 “Probably”


In his latest interview with Italian gaming site, Kazunori Yamauchi doesn’t shy away from nearly confirming a “simultaneous world release” for Gran Turismo 5. A worldwide release has been widely rumored after our own Amar212 first hinted at the fact way back in April, and it is looking more and more certain with each passing day. Yamauchi was also asked about Gran Turismo 5 feature list, which GTPlanet managed to grab before it was quickly pulled from Polyphony Digital’s website. Although he comes short of explaining why it was posted, he confirms the information is true. Yamauchi goes on to discuss how the new damage feature will affect a car’s handling characteristics, and goes on to say there will be “real NASCAR races.” Finally, Yamauchi retierates that the game will run at in full 1080p resolution at 60 frames-per-second.


Although there is no official English transcript for the interview, we can thank our own RoadRunner99 for offering the following translation of the most important questions:

MultiPlayer: GT5 Release?

KY: ”The game is still under development but its release is not too far, it will be after the PSP GT release and, very probably, it will be a simultaneous world release”


MultiPlayer:What about the game features that were published on the official japanese site, 1000 cars, 80

tracks and YouTube download?

KY: ”We would like to wait to publish them, but what you read on the site is true.”


MultiPlayer: Is there something new in the single player mode

KY: ”If you look at the PSP version, you’ll see that the game is very different from the previous Gran Turismo versions. The 5th episode will have many similar features to the PSP version”


MultiPlayer: How the damages will influence the gameplay?

KY: ”The damages are not only visible, they will affect the driving style.

It depends on the player, some players will like it, others will not”


MultiPlayer: Will we have Nascar and WRC championships in the game or just the cars?

KY: ”There will be real Nascar races

in the game. Nascar had necessary to be included

in the game. Regarding WRC championship we have been trying to add it to series since long ago. Now we got it.”


At the end KY confirmed 1080p and 60 fps.

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Are Racing Game Developers Being Held Back?


One of the developers behind the latest iteration of Need for Speed, NFS Shift, commented on the Gran Turismo 5 damage engine shown off at GamesCom last month. Obviously, his words weren’t exactly glowing, but you’ll find he provides interesting insight into the creative restrictions placed on racing game developers:


“We do as much as the manufacturers allow us to do, which is anything up to the point of encroaching the driver’s safety zone, which means we can’t tear the doors off.


“Actually, when the footage of Gran Turismo 5 came out of GamesCom with the doors flying off, we were all like ‘what the ****’? How are they able to do that?’ But then we looked closer and saw that they had fitted a roll cage to the car, which is fine, but it’s not quite so realistic. But to answer your question, yeah, hoods, bumpers and all that can come flying off in Shift.”


He later clarified his comments to GamerZines, stating that Polyphony Digital’s use of a rollcage in the Subaru was “a good workaround but one we haven’t had to do on Need For Speed: Shift”. Of course, it’s still odd he felt a roll cage in a WRC rally car was “not quite so realistic”, considering that Polyphony Digital weren’t working around anything other that what’s inside the actual vehicle. Regardless, if only “racing cars” show damage in GT5 (as is often speculated), this may be the reason.


The question, then, is just what are these developers – Polyphony Digital and otherwise – capable of when not bound by corporate buraucracy? Where does technology end, and the red tape begin? Are some developers able to negotiate more leniancy than others, or can they only show as much damage as the most conservative manufacturer in their game will allow? Perhaps I am the only one interested in finding out the answers to these questions, but until more people start asking them or developers start talking, they could remain a mystery for a long time to come.

taigi esme ne tame kad PD negali padaryt damage visom masinom,ar kodel jo yra per mazai,viskas susiveda i tai ka jiem leidzia daryti ir ko ne. kaip sake shifto kurejas,jie nepagalvojo apie tai kad galima padaryt kad nulektu ir dureles jei viduj butu tas apsauginis remas,taigi shiftas netures dureliu nulekimo,nes pagal sauguma to negali kai kuri racing simulatoriu matyt turi laikytis dagelio taisykliu kurios gal nelabai patinka zaidejam taciau yra butinos.taigi galbut GT5 damage tures tik tos masinos kurios bus spec paruostos racing ir viduj tures saugos tokios taisykles matyt.

jei zaidejai daugiau zinotu kas ir del ko yra daroma gal maziau reikstu savo nepasitenkinimus vienais ar kitaip dalykais.

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Gran Turismo 5’s “Head Tracking” Explained


The concept itself is simple enough -- it’s a camera that tracks the movement of your head -- but the results are breathtaking. If you’ve never seen this new technology in action, watch the following demo and you’ll quickly realize the implications of such a feature in Gran Turismo 5:

As we learned from Polyphony Digital’s website, you’ll be able to use this head tracking technology to manipulate the “cockpit camera” and presumably look through the corners and at your opponents with the simple turn of your head. From the translation (confirmed by Yamauchi):


“…the movement of Cockpit Camera interface (confirmed in full 3-D. The camera can be fully manipulated and you can opt to have your head tracked by the PSEye)”


Gran Turismo 5 Confirmed for Tokyo Game Show


Tensions were high last June at E3, when everyone and their brother expected something about Gran Turismo 5 to be announced at the largest trade show in the gaming industry. We got a cool trailer, but nothing else about the game was revealed. Next up was GamesCom, where the first playable version (with damage) was demonstrated. These delightful tidbits were released despite the fact that the game was not released on Sony’s “official list” of game titles to be highlighted at the show.


That trend is about to change for the upcoming Tokyo Game Show – Sony’s just released their official exhibitor list, with Gran Turismo 5 right in the middle of things. Kazunori Yamauchi has already confirmed that we can expect a “major advancement” at TGS, and with this new confirmation, we could see more revealed about the game than ever before. The show begins on September 24 – mark your calendars!

taigi pagal Yamauchi , TGS pamatysim dideliu pasikeitimu GT5 palyginus su GamesCom, na idomu idomu kas tai bus...bent as tai labiausia laukiu sio zaidimo kol kas... :) siaip jau viskas ir taip yra ko tik gali reiketi GT zaidimui,bet naujienos niekada nebuna blogos,bent jau ne is PD



New Gran Turismo 5 Video Discovered in GT PSP


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Gran Turismo 5 'Koenigsegg CCX' TRUE-HD QUALITY


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GT5 blow-out begins with Mercedes-Benz



Mercedes-Benz comes to Gran Turismo 5 as the game's blow-out starts before the Tokyo Games Show.


The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG which celebrated its world premiere during the 2009 International Motor Show (IAA), is the highlight in the latest version of the PlayStation®3 video game Gran Turismo®5. And just as with the visitors to the IAA, it is expected to excite gamers worldwide with its breathtaking performance.


When Gran Turismo®5 comes out soon to continue the success of this popular game series, fans the world over can look forward to the opportunity to take control of a very special car. The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG will be just as impressive in the game as it is in real life, thanks to the extremely realistic rendering techniques used to depict its drivers. Drivers of the SLS AMG can look forward to taking part in thrilling high speed races on a variety of different race tracks, including the legendary Nürburgring Nordschleife, while competing against other vehicles from the super sports car segment.


The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG will be displayed at the Tokyo Game Show (24 – 27 September 2009) with latest information on Gran Turismo®5.


With the new interpretation of the legendary gullwing, Mercedes-Benz is presenting a truly exciting super sports car which features an extremely impressive technology package: aluminium spaceframe bodywork with gullwing doors, AMG 6.3-litre V8 front centre engine with a maximum power of 420 kW/571 hp and dry sump lubrication, 7-speed double clutch transmission in a transaxle configuration, and sports suspension with aluminium double wishbone axles. The ideal weight distribution of 47 to 53 percent between the front and rear axles and the low centre of gravity accentuate the uncompromising sports car design. The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG will celebrate its market launch in the spring of 2010.



Gran Turismo 5 'Tribute To Ferrari 458 Italia'


Gran Turismo 5 Ferrari 458 Italia Debut trailer HD

The "Ferrari 458 Italia" debuted at the Frankfurt Motor Show on September 2009. This is a movie made in collaboration between "Gran Turismo" and Ferrari, that explores the allure of Ferrari's newest V8 Berlinetta.


The power output of Ferrari's first direct injection V8 unit to be mounted in their midship supercar, reaches an amazing 570ps. This next generation power performance and the flowing bodywork by Pininfarina comes together to produce a car that achieves a maximum speed of 325km/h.


The 458 Italia debuts as a ground breaking V8 midship supersport. Enjoy viewing the newest model of Ferrari that excels even beyond their famed F430, with the newest technology of "Gran Turismo".

kokios masinos ateina i GT5 !!! :lol:




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Kas man užkliūna GT5, kad mašinos nepalieka žymiu ant kelio :)

Kad ir tame 'Tribute To Ferrari 458 Italia', kai Ferrari startavo iš vietos, manau turėjo likti bent kažkiek padangų žymių ant kelio.

Prologue nepalieka žymių ant kelio ir dar nė vienam GT5 video nemačiau, kad paliktų. Susidaro įspūdis, kad mašina ir aplinka tarpusavyje nesąveikauja, yra iš atskirų pasaulių.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Kas man užkliūna GT5, kad mašinos nepalieka žymiu ant kelio :)

Kad ir tame 'Tribute To Ferrari 458 Italia', kai Ferrari startavo iš vietos, manau turėjo likti bent kažkiek padangų žymių ant kelio.

Prologue nepalieka žymių ant kelio ir dar nė vienam GT5 video nemačiau, kad paliktų. Susidaro įspūdis, kad mašina ir aplinka tarpusavyje nesąveikauja, yra iš atskirų pasaulių.

Ne į temą

o tas kam nors rupejo? turiu omeny tiem kad lose visus GT ir kurie zino uz ka GT yra tas zaidimas kuri galima losti metais.....tikrai ne uz padangu zymes ant kelio :)



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o tas kam nors rupejo? turiu omeny tiem kad lose visus GT ir kurie zino uz ka GT yra tas zaidimas kuri galima losti metais.....tikrai ne uz padangu zymes ant kelio :D

Tai suprantama, kad ne už padangų žymes. Bet GT šalia fizikos garsėja savo neįtikėtina vizualine kokybe, o toks dalykas, kaip žymės ant kelio, yra praktiškai visuose kituose lenktynių žaidimuose, o čia nėra. Nežinau kodėl, bet mane tai šiek tiek erzina :D

Beje, bent GT5P beveik nėra jokio greičio pojūčio, važiuoji 150km/h, jausmas kaip 35km/h (tarkim tiesiai lekiant). Po Dirt2 tas dalykas dar labiau man išryškėjo :D Labai tikiuosi, kad pilname GT5 bus geresnis greičio pojūtis.

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Gran Turismo 5: March 2010 in Japan


Gran Turismo 5’s release window has just been set to March 2010 for Japan, according to Kazunori Yamauchi at the TGS press conference.

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  • Naujausios temos

  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • todel, kad is witcherio tu jau zinai ko tiketis, o cia visiskai naujas IP. ir dar tikrai niekas neaisku apie ka. labiausiai uzkliuva, kad boba negrazi ir veiksmas kazkur kosmose. pirmas ispudis nekoks, bet palaukim. niekas gi nevercia preorderio daryt. pamatysim kazka daugiau tada gal jau aiskiau bus ar labiau hatint ar po truputi didinti smalsuma. vistiek cia gi naughty dog. kokybes standartai pas juos auksciausi
    • na filmas visada visas bus diske ir jam nereiks jokio patcho ar dlc  cia visai kitas reikalas. as irgi buciau pilnai uz tai, kad tureti patinkanti zaidima savo kolekcijoj, bet deja pilno zaidimo diske nera turbut jau nuo ps3/xbox360 laiku (butrent tada atsirado zaidimu patchai konsolese). butu labai gerai jei po kazkiek laiko kai zaidimas pilnai supatchintas ir su visai dlc butu isleidziamas fiziniu pavidalu, bet deja tas neapsimoka. gamepass  tai nuoma. labai gerai jei nezinai kas per zaidimas bet gal ir noretum ji pabandyt. o jei nepatinka tv su xbox gamepassu tai tam yra konsoles. xbox tampa servisu ir kuris butu pasiekiamas visur visiems ir ant bet ko... tuoj bus taip, kad pasileidinesi ant ps5 zaidima ir pirma ka pamatysi bus "Xbox Gamestudio" va kaip dabar su naughty dog naujausiu pristatytu zaidimu... daug hate'o, bet jei butu ps+ galima butu isbandyt nemokamai ir tada jau nusprest ar verta isigyti i savo kolekcija ar ne.. o kas del licenzijos tai ji ne visai tavo... gali but, kad zaidima turi nusipirkes, o jis jau isimtas is eshopo butent del kazkokios pasibaigusios licenzijos (panasiai kaip su senais gta. isimti is paduotuviu nes baigesi licenzija muzikai) o naujose zaidimo versijose tu muzikos ganalu paprasciausiai nera. ir siaip diskai dabar labiau kaip budas pigiau pazaisti zaidima. nupirkai, perejei, pardavei.. tai kuom ne prenumerata?
    • Suprantu tavo ironija, bet tikrai galiu pasakyti pasižiūrėjus ar man patinka ką matau ar ne. Palygink su Witcher IV anons treileriu ir viskas bus aišku.
    • @WirmiS, mintys išsakytos neblogos. Gal būt tai bus ateitis, į kurią mus visus taip stumia, bet tai tikrai tinka nevisiems. Taip man patinka Netflix ir aš turiu ne tik jo, bet ir beveik visų stramingų prenumerata, bet neturiu Gamepass (PS+ turiu dėl onlaino). Žiūrėti filmą ir žaisti yra pramoga, bet visgi nėra tapatus dalykai. Aš žaidžiu tik tuos žaidimus, kurie man TIKRAI patinka, nes tai reikalauja laisvo laiko, kurio su amžiumi (iki tam tikros ribos) darosi vis mažaiu. Todėl aš labai smarkia pasirenku kam man skirti tą laisvaaikio laiką. Nepatikėsi, bet dar per kelis metus nesu paleidęs ne vieno PS+ gaunamų žaidimų, nes ko man reika praktiškai viską nusiperku. T. p. turiu ir gan nemenka fizinių movie diskų kolekcija tais pačiais sumetimais. Nežinau gal tai amžius, gal old school, bet aš nenoriu tik įjungti TV su įmontuotu Gamepasu ir kažką tai streamingu pažaist. Noriu turėti fizinę konsole, nupirkta žaidimą (nebūtinai fizinį diską), bet mano asmenynę licenciją. Kažakaip taip.
    • Na xbox po truputi tampa ne konsoline, servisu. o kaip zinia kompanijos pinigus uzdirba butent is parduodamo softo bei zaidimu, o ne is gelezies. microsoftas susipirko developerius ir dabar tampa vienu is stambiausiu leideju. xbox tampa prieinamas visur: telefone, tv, amazon fire stick. bet kas kas turi prieiga prie interneto tampa xbox. zaidimu biblioteka? kokia jei beveik visi zaidimai skaitmeniniai. diskai tampa tik kaip raktas, kad galetum atsisiust zaidima. diske dabar tik dalis zaidimo arba tokia jo versija kurios be patcho nepazaisi. baigsis zaidimo licenzija, jis dings is online parduotuviu ir tas diskas taps bevertis. Kitas dalykas del gamepass. cia gi tas pats netflix tik skirtas zaidima. tai stabilios pinigines iplaukos microsoftui. vien kaip padidejo prenumeratoriu skaicius isejus naujam COD. plius MS nepamirso ir konsoliu, nors tai jau nera prioritetas. MS dirba ties kazkokiu nintendo switch "konkurentu". kas del series s. taip visi supranta, kad tai sioks toks stabdis, bet vistiek zaidimai ganetinai gerai sukas ant jo. didziausia problema, kad si konsoliu karta lyginant su praejusia yra labai labai silpna. tiek hardwaro patobulejimu tiek exlusivu atzvilgiu. tas pats ps5 kiek jau jis gavo tu exlusivu? tikru, o ne ps4 remasteriu? sony beveik nebeturi jokiu pranasumu tik savo varda ir zaideju prisirisima. tas pats sony zingsnis i PC rinka. tai labiau desperacija norint uzdirbti. playstationui 30 metu ir jie niekad neleido zaidimu ant pc. o dabar kaip viskas pasikeite. atsirado gamepass analogas, zaidimai ant pc. beveik nera exlusivu. o dar prisiminkim kaip visais budais sony stengesi pamaisyti MS isigyti Activision. kiek teismu, apeliaciju.... o paziurim i zaidimu kieki kuris iseis is MS.. ir jie iseis ant visu konsoliu. MS jau ruosias kastuveliu pinigeliam srebti.. ir kaip patys ms sneka, tai dar ne pabaiga su developeriu pirkimais... p.s. sorry, bet nenaudoju as lietuvisku raidziu
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      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
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      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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