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Leaked footage showing the full trophy list for Gran Turismo 5 has found its way onto the web.


The clip was hosted by Czech site Konzolista and shows all 60 awards, posted in full below.


A clip of somebody playing what looks like a finished version of Sony's highly anticipated racer has also appeared on YouTube, suggesting the game is finally done and dusted. Maybe that pre-Christmas launch window isn't so unrealistic after all?

1 - Hidden Trophy

2 – Hidden Trophy

3 - Hidden Trophy

4 - Penniless - Spend every last Credit you have - bronze

5 - Colorful - Collect 256 paint colors - bronze

6 - The Air of Experience - Raise a B-Spec driver to the peak of this career - bronze

7 - A Star is Born - Train a B-Spec driver up to Class 30 or above - bronze

8 - Human Stopwatch - Complete three consecutive laps with tomes within 0.2 seconds of the Best Lap Time - bronze

9 - GT-R Official Record - Achieve a time of 7´29.03 on Nurburgring Nordshleife in a Nissan GT-R 07 - bronze

10 - Dream Race - Win the ultimate three-way showdown between a FordMark IV Race Car, a Ferrari 330 P4 R... - bronze

11 – Arch Rivals – Achieve a one-two finish in a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X and a Subaru IMPREZA WRX STI - bronze

12 – Within One Hundredth – Win a race by a margin of 0.01 seconds or less - bronze

13 – 111 Meters a Second – Achieve a speed of 400km/h - bronze

14 – Speed Demon – Achieve a speed of 300km/h - bronze

15 – Sky-High Roller – Buy an insanely expensive car - bronze

16 – High Roller – Bought a seriously expensive car - bronze

17 – Maximum Mileage – Buy a used car with 300,000km or more travel distance - bronze

18 – Half a Century of Cars – Own at least one car each from the ´60s, ´70s, ´80s, ´90s and ´00s, - bronze

19 – Old-Timer – Acquire a car manufactured in 1959 or earlier - bronze

20 – Multi-Millionaire – Possess an Ivane amount of money - bronze

21 – Car Collector – Fill your Garage with 1000 cars - bronze

22 – Beyond the Autobahn – Drive 12,718km in total – the length of all Germany´s Autobahns combined - bronze

23 – Driving Music – Use the Personal BGM function, and go for a drive while listening to your favorite songs - bronze

24 – Data Analyst – Analyze your performance using the Data Logger – bronze

25 – Dream Drifter – Get 10,000 points or more in a Sector Mode Drift Trial – bronze

26 – Race Ready – Perform Racing Modifications on one of your cars – bronze

27 – Loony Tune – Spend an Ivane amount of money on tuning a car – bronze

28 – Course Designer – Create and share a track – bronze

29 – Proud Owner – Take and Share a photo – bronze

30 – The Right Direction – Win your first B -Spec event race – bronze

31 – Win Number One – Win your first A-Spec event race – bronze

32 – Gran Turismo Karting Experience – Complete the Gran Turismo Karting Experience Special Event– bronze

33 – Jeff Gordon NASCAR School – Complete the Jeff Gordon NASCAR School Special Event– bronze

34 – Top Gear Test Track – Complete the Top Gear Test Track Special Event– bronze

35 – AMG Driving Academy – Complete the AMG Driving Academy Special Event– bronze

36 – Gran Turismo Rally – Complete the Gran Turismo Rally Special Event– bronze

37 – Grand Tour – Complete the Grand Tour Special Event– bronze

38 – Sebastien Loeb Rally Challenge – Complete the Sebastien Loeb Rally Challenge Special Event – bronze

39 - Hidden Trophy

40 - National C License – Complete the C License – bronze

41 - National B License – Complete the B License – bronze

42 – National A License – Complete the A License – bronze

43 - International C License – Complete the International C License – bronze

44 - International B License – Complete the International B License – bronze

45 – International A License – Complete the International A License – bronze

46 – Super License – Complete the S License – bronze

47 - Beginner Series Complete – Complete the Begginer series of Race Events – bronze

48 - Professional Series Complete – Complete the Professional series of Race Events – bronze

49 - Amateur Series Complete – Complete the Amateur series of Race Events – bronze

50 – Professional Series Complete – Complete the Professional series of Race Events – bronze

51 – Expert Series Complete – Complete the Expert series of Race Events – bronze

52 – Extreme Series Complete – Complete the Extreme series of Eace Events – bronze

53 - Hidden Trophy

54 – Hidden Trophy

55 – Finale – Reach the sfing movie – gold

56 – Expert Manager – Reach B-Spec Level 40 – silver

57 – Excellent Driver – Reach A-Spec Level 40 – silver

58 – Gold Standard – Get a gold trophy in every race event, license test and special event – gold

59 – Gran Turismo Platinum Trophy – Earn every single Gran Turismo 5 Trophy – platinum

60 - Hidden Trophy


Trumpai: viršui pateiktas GT5 trofėjų sąrašas. Kam patinka juos gaut atsitiktinai nežiūrėkite off-topic!


Šaltinis: kaip visad, :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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GT5 intro video. cia kas nori susigadint nuotaika ziuredamas lievos kokybes ,lievai nufilmuota GT5 intro. as tai neziurejau.tik ne tokios kokybes.



permeciau ..tai puse intro rodo kaip masina gaminama nuo kasyklu iki masinu galmyklos.real video.nuo puses prasideda zaidimo jau grafikos pristatymas. bet pazesim kai bus geros kokybes nes jau girdejau kad gabalas tai geras kala ten. ;)

Redagavo scalman

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Hmmm.... gal butu galima nedeti tokio turinio, kol zaidimas neisejo. Gerbkite kurejus visgi.

Redagavo Saruncikas

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Hmmm.... gal butu galima nedeti tokio turinio, kol zaidimas neisejo. Gerbkite kurejus visgi.

zaidimas idejo nes kazkas ji jau turi.prie ko cia kad mes pazesim intro tai negerbiam kureju?? ;) juk ne is torentu siunciam nulekinta ir losiam.tada tai sakyciau kad negerbiam,bet irgi man su tuo nebutu jokiu problemu. o zaidimo retail versija kazkas jau turi.nuo to kad as cia neidesiu youtube linko,tai nereiskia kad niekas to per pacia youtube neziuri. ne ebt jie ir ilgumo intro sukure cia. vos ne 10 min. ;)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Emm, gtplanete daug naujienu su "Video removed at the request of Sony Computer Entertainment America."


Gal kas matete kas kur kitoje vietoje idejes jas?

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Emm, gtplanete daug naujienu su "Video removed at the request of Sony Computer Entertainment America."


Gal kas matete kas kur kitoje vietoje idejes jas?

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na youtube yra keli video to zmogaus kurie dejo dabar viska.kas is to ,kokybe lieva,gampley atrodo baisiai nes nzn kodel bet zmogus kuris gavo GT5 neturi jokios tehnikos kad perkelt HD kokybes video.camrip kas nori?...keli video buvo tikrai ,nieko ten nera tuose video,nuobodzios lenktynes, tokias pacias gali ir GT5P pravaziuot.

beje man intro nepatinka,nei pirma dalis su simfonine muzika,nei antra dalis su gameplay,buvo anksteniu treileriu ir geresniu.lietaus mazai parodo nakties mazai.pagrinde matyti vaizdai is kitu treileriu.aisku zaidimas pagrindas, na tiesiog intro tai toks,sakyciau prasciausias intro is visu GT man galbut. :dribble:

Redagavo scalman

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na matai as perskajciau komentara gtplanete, tai biski kitaip zmogus issirejske, tai vat... :dribble: niko nepagaunu

Ne į temą

1.Nice Track



3.who is this player ? where is he living ? i would kill him for this game

he gets every second a message !!!!!!!

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

na matai as perskajciau komentara gtplanete, tai biski kitaip zmogus issirejske, tai vat... :dribble: niko nepagaunu

Ne į temą

1.Nice Track



3.who is this player ? where is he living ? i would kill him for this game

he gets every second a message !!!!!!!

Ne į temą

na jis ten rode per video arcade kokios trasos yra ,dar ten kazka. velgi nieko naujo. bet svarbiausia kad kokybe tai nerauk rutu. :) koks jau garsas ten gali buti ,kad su kamera filmuotair garsas i kameros mikrafa eina is TV garso, net ne tiesiogei.skamba kaip ir kibiro. pats pazek koks intro video garsas.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose




Gran Turismo 5 currently in-stock and available for purchase on retailer website


According to forum posters, is currently posting on their website that they have Gran Turismo 5: Collector's Edition in-stock and ready for the consumer. We gave them a call asking if this information was correct and they confirmed that they currently have the game in-stock and ready for order. Selling for a slightly inflated price of $135.99, this could be the opportunity some PS3 owners have been waiting for or it could be an elaborate hoax to garner early sales. Despite the confirmation via phone call, you still have to wonder whether this is completely legit or just a ploy to get sales.

na nuejau tuo linku ir tikrai Colectors edition puikiausiai yra ,aisku retail versija,bet tipo jei jau turi pilna versija.siek tiek kaina vos ne 2x uzkelta,bet ei,tikriem fanam tai ne motais. kazin kiek tai tikra.

Redagavo scalman

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Na, tokio padriko, meniu ( interface ) dar jokiam zaidime neteko matyti. Atrodo, kad noreta sukisti visa turini i viena ekrana, ir butinai su paveiksliukais. Zonda pirmame video Eiger Nor.. trasoje pakyla ir nusileidzia kaip kartono dezute (jokio masinos svorio pojucio), lygiai taip kaip ir prologue, ar cia tik man taip atrodo. Na nezinau, kolkas vaizeliai nekokie. Issakau savo nuomone, nepulkit :huh:.


P.S. Turint prologue ir pila versija butinai palyginsiu, manau fizikos skirtumu bus minimum'as.

Redagavo Saruncikas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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