
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

kas nors zinot, ar cia bus kortom remtas zaidimas kaip acid?

ir beto tas big-ass-robot-thingie kur screenuose, tai speju metal gear yra arne?

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  kiler01 parašė:

kas nors zinot, ar cia bus kortom remtas zaidimas kaip acid?

ir beto tas big-ass-robot-thingie kur screenuose, tai speju metal gear yra arne?

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nebus kaip acid.bus kaip portable ops labiau

na tai tikriausiai kad ten ne snake :)

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Kojima reads Peace Walker script on latest podcast

Posted on July 22, 2009 by Nick

In the latest HideChan podcast, producer Hideo Kojima, designer Shuyo Murata and some other members of Kojima Productions did a reading of the Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker script. The script is in it's final phases of completion, according to Kojima, saying that the staff read through is the last step before it's handed off to the voice actors for recording. Kojima also goes on to say that the majority of the voice actors have yet to be decided on, and urges fans to write in with suggestions. He does reveal that the actor for Snake has already been decided upon, though he doesn't give a name.

Of course, in usual Kojima fashion, certain parts of the reading have been bleeped out and censored, not too unlike the interview Famitsu posted just days before the game was revealed at E3. Check it out here, courtesy the HideChan blog. The script reading starts around 15 minutes in, and of course, is in full Japanese(sorry to get the hopes of non-Nihongo speakers).

MGS: Peace Walker is due out sometime next year, exclusively for the PSP.

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Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker gameplay and trailer GamesCom 2009

Co-op ?!!! :)

pagaliau tikrai pilnavertis MGS,o ne kazkokia mini kopija skirta psp,ir tokio co-op rezimo dar nera mates nei vienas psp zaidimas,viskas atrodo taip idomu ir nauja,ko niekaip nesitikejau kad gali buti taip gerai :) :)

4 zaideju co-op ?!!! ant psp !!

tokio gero co-op dar nesu mates,kiekvienas yra komandos dalis,ir kiekvienas daro kazka del komandos. ir del saves tuo paciu,nzn tiesiog WAU !!

nzn man cia Kojima uzgniauze kvapa cool is that

Kodel MGS Peace Walker buvo kurtas butent PSP


Many Metal Gear Solid fans were upset at Konami and Kojima Productions for bringing the next game in the Metal Gear Solid saga to the PSP instead of the Playstation 3. In the latest Kojima Productions podcast, Sean Eyestone explained their decision to develop Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP:

“We want people to go out and socialize with other people. You know physically take your PSP with you, go to your friend’s house and hang out together. Of course we could have done co-op, maybe, on PS3 or something like that. But whenever you do online co-op, that actually, in a way, kind of discourages people from playing together.”

He later stated, “So not just going home to your respective houses playing online but actually physically coming together, enjoying yourself and kind of recapturing that old-school feel of playing together, enjoying a game together.”

But that’s not all. Sean Eyestone also added another explanation:

“The other reason is just that we want people to take Metal Gear with them wherever they go. This is a real hardcore, no holds barred Metal Gear game. It’s the first time anything of this caliber has ever been done on the PSP. As always with Kojima Productions, we want to be the first and we are. So you got this great Kojima Productions game with great Hideo Kojima story in the palm of your hand that you can play with friends. And, really, what more could you ask for?”

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker will be released exclusively for the PSP sometime in 2010.

PSP's Metal Gear Solid Will Require "Hundreds of Hours" to Complete


In an open letter to fans, MGS designer Hideo Kojima says that Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker will be a "full-featured" sequel that will be so full of content it will "require hundreds of hours to complete."

"The main team from MGS4 is participating in the development of this title and I am involved in all aspects of the game, ranging from design, direction and scenario writing," Kojima writes in the latest issue of Konami's internal magazine On Screen, which is being handed out at Gamescom this week.

Peace Walker will be set in the Costa Rica of the 1970s, ten years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 3. The story will have Snake and his crew questioning their purpose as they battle to defend a nation without a military from foreign invasion, Kojima writes.

The developer also says that the game will be a graphically beautiful title.

"Despite being on the PSP, we don't plan on making any compromises with the graphics," he writes. "The art team is used to producing PS3-level quality and the results will make you wonder if this is really a PSP game."

Peace Walker will also include many features unique to the PSP platform, he writes, and a new gameplay system.

virs 100 valandu MGS ? !!! to dar nera buve

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Kojima: Peace Walker and Rising teams "are not good friends."



Kojima has a civil war on his hands between the two Metal Gear Solid teams.

According to Hideo Kojima, the two separate teams working on Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and Metal Gear Solid: Rising "are not really good friends." In a GamePro exclusive interview with Kojima at GamesCom, the creator of the Metal Gear Solid franchise said the reason they are not good friends is because the Rising team has access to more money and is working with higher-end technology and hardware specs. "That's the one reason why they are not good friends," said Kojima.

Is the Peace Walker PSP team envious of the Rising team? Pretty much. "If you could imagine the PSP team looking at the Rising team," explained Kojima, "they have all the money and specs."

Kojima didn't seem frustrated with the competitive team dynamics; in fact it was quite comical to him. "It's interesting for me to see the team members act in this way," laughed Kojima, "This was never before because it was always just one small team. Now we are much bigger."

GamePro says that as long as no fistfights break out, a little competition never hurt anybody. You can read the final moments of our interview with Hideo Kojima below for his full thoughts on the inter-office warring. What's more is the cover story of GamePro's November issue is Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, and includes an update on Rising. GamePro Magazine subscribers will be getting their issues in a couple weeks.

How is the progress on Metal Gear Solid: Rising going?

KOJIMA: We're at an experiment level right now. We're doing a lot of experiments for Rising. But let me give you a hint at what's happening at KJP right now. I said this at GDC, as Kojima Productions, and for the Metal Gear Solid series as well, we always want to go to the next step beyond. And how we go up a step is really a big job actually. But what we're doing right now is making totally new, not just an overhaul, engines and A.I.s and things like that. Even the management and team formations that we have at Kojima Productions, we are changing this around. The core of it is, of course, the Rising team. So they're doing a lot of high-level stuff with great staffs. And that doesn't mean the guys who are making PSP are the shitty's not that. However, we have the core team who is doing real high-level experiments and alongside we have the PSP team, which are not really good friends right now, but in Kojima Productions and with Rising that is what's happening right now.

The reason why I say they are not good friends is because the PSP is working day and night to make it even better than MGS4, but of course they can't do it because of a lot of restrictions. On the other hand, the Rising team is using loads of money and loads of capacity and hardware specs. If you could imagine the PSP team looking at the Rising team saying, they have all the money and specs. That's the one reason why they are not good friends.

It's interesting for me to see the team members act in this way. This was never before because it was always just one small team. Now we are much bigger. So it's really interesting for me to watch the team right now.

So there's an internal competition between the two teams?

KOJIMA: Well, we are creating a trailer for PSP like crazy. We give our best and think we did great, it looks great. But when we look at the Rising team we say, should we really keep creating PSP? Because the Rising graphics are so high quality.

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Peace Walker to have full-featured single-player mode


At GamesCom 2009, Konami and Kojima Productions introduced the brand new co-op mode for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Although the showing left a positive impression, many fans were concerned about how the new mode could detract resources from the single-player experience (if there is one at all). Sean Eyestone of Kojima Productions put those concerns to rest on the latest Kojima Productions podcast, The KP Report Session 099:

“There will be a single-player mode. Of course there will be. It’s Metal Gear. It always features a really deep story and there will be a full-featured single-player mode. So don’t worry about that. You’ll be able to enjoy it either way.”

He later added, “By no means are we sacrificing the single-player mode. It will still have a deep story; it will still have a very fun single-player mode. We’re not going to gear it totally towards co-op. You’ll be able to have fun with it either way you decide to play it.”

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  lama2 parašė:

O kaip pasijungti demo? Pas mane 5.50 gen-b2 raso kad reikia 5.51 kai jungiu zaidima.

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pamirst jau reikia kad nauji zaidimai eis ant turimu cfw,neis jie neis tikrai,reikia laukt naujos cfw arba imt antra PSP i ji isirasyt naujausia org fw ir lost :D

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  lama2 parašė:

O kaip pasijungti demo? Pas mane 5.50 gen-b2 raso kad reikia 5.51 kai jungiu zaidima.

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Radau kaip paleist

Guys, I found a way to get it to work

First of all, make sure you have CFW 5.50 GEN-B.

Now get into recovery mode > Advanced > Toggle USB (flash0)

Now on your PC, create a text file in notepad and copy/paste the following line:






(NOTE: In notepad this will appear as one line, keep it like that)

Save the text file as call it ''version.txt''

Now, go to Computer > Memory stick (Flash0) > VSH > ETC

Here you will find the version.txt file. Make a backup and then copy the version.txt file you just made there. Overwrite it.

Now, you will ''trick'' the game so it thinks you have firmware version 5.55, while you actually have 5.50.

Enjoy, and feel free to ask questions!

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Veikia, aciu Jumbo. Zaidimas nenuvyle mygtukai labai pagerinti lyginant su OPS, grafika grazi, kai pritrauki Snake modeli matosi kiek darbo ideta, zaidimas nelengvas uzstrigau 3 misijoj, galbut vienintelis dalykas kuris nuvyle tai kad ne visos cutscenes realtime yra tu piestiniu.

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Gaila, kad mano kompas kazko streikuoja ir nenori atidaryt flash0, todel tikriausiai neteks ismegint sio zaidimo :D

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