
Final Fantasy XIV

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taigi pagal naujus scanus,FF XIV tures naujas rases,bent jau naujus pavadinimus tu rasiu kurios jau buvo FF XI

Hyuran (human in FFXI)

Lalafell (Taru in FFXI)

Elzen (Elvaan in FFXI)

Miqo'te (Mithra in FFIX)

Roegadyn (Galka in FFXI).


taip pat kol kas zinoma kad bus galima rinktis is

Fighter (swordsman, archer)

Sorcerer (enchanter, warlock)

Crafter (blacksmith, cook)

Gatherer (gardener, fishermen).



ir kol kas kalbiama tik apie ps3 bei pc versijas


beje cia tas cencept artas is FF XIV oficialaus puslapio,reza 3000 x 779 ;)


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Hyuran: The race with the highest population in Eorzea. They're split into midlanders and highlanders, depending on where they reside.


Miqo'te: A race of hunters that's split into day and night clans, referred to respectively as Sun Seekers and Moon Keepers.


Lalafell: A small-framed, highly intelligent farming people that originates from islands in the southern seas. They've now spread throughout the land, although there aren't too many of them in cold environments.


Elezen: This ancient race once ruled over Eorzea. They have excellent hearing abilities thanks to their ears, which stick out. While they once fought with the invading Hyuran, the two races now coexist almost completely peacefully.


Roegadyn: A large-framed sea going people based in the northern seas.


These races correspond, respectively, to FFXI's Hume, Mithra, Tarutaru, Elvaan, and Galka races. FFXI fans will probably recognize them instantly once Square Enix shares official artwork.


As detailed above, the Huyran and Miqo'te races are split into sub types. In an interview with the magazine, director Nobuaki Komoto wouldn't disclose if this character setting will play a part in the game.


Also introduced in the magazine are four job categories: fighter, sorcerer, gatherer, and crafter. These have sub jobs beneath them. Fighter includes swordsman and archer, for instance. Crafter includes blacksmith and cook. Traditional FF classes like Black Mage and Warrior are being avoided, said producer Hiromichi Tanaka to the magazine.


Using the game's Armory System, you can instantly change your character's class by making equipment and accessory changes. Your character earns experience in individual classes, learning new skills along the way. Based off your equipment changes, you can create a specialist in a certain job, or make your character into a jack of all trades.


Komoto noted that this system could be used by players who sometimes feel like adventuring on their own. They'd probably want a character who can both fight and heal.


FFXIV also features the Guild Leave system, which is basically like the quests you see in other online RPGs. Guild Leaves are special plates (in the artwork shown in the magazine, they look like cards) that adventurers can get through guilds. The plates direct you to perform quests based off your current level and status. Clear the quest, return to the guild, and you'll receive rewards.


It appears that Square Enix wants players to team up to clear these quests. The magazine suggests that players could get a bunch of quests together and plan a week of adventuring in advance. Only one player in your party needs to have a given Guild Leave in order to take on the quest. In fact, only the person hosting the quest gets the rewards at the end. The other players are in it just to build up their characters. Square Enix is considering making it so that it's easier to build up your skills when you're out on a quest.


To help out on your adventure, the game features something called Etelites. These are special stones located in major cities and areas. Play the person who manages a given Etelite, and you'll be able to use the device to warp to other areas of the FFXIV world.


The magazine also shared details on FFXIV's world setting. As detailed at E3 and in subsequent interviews, your adventure in Final Fantasy XIV begins in Eorzea, although this is just a part of the larger world known as Hydelin. Eorzea is split into city states, of which the magazine introduces three: the sand city of Urudan, the forest city of Guridania, and the sea city of Ramusa Rumansa.


If you're big on MMORPGs, you'll probably be expecting a dynamic world, with time and weather changes. FFXIV has just that. One day in Eorzea passes in about an hour of real world time.


Kawamoto mentioned one goal with the time aspect of the game. He wants the game to be enjoyed by people who play just a little bit every day. If, for example, you end up logging in at the same time every day, he hopes the game's time schedule works out so that you'll end up playing at a different time each time you log in.


Final Fantasy XIV is still due for release some time in 2010.

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Pirmi FF XIV in game screenai nuleakinti is Famitsu.


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Tikrai labai graziai atrodo :huh:


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Apie FF XIV jau zinom daugiau negu apie XIII Versus :huh:

taip ir per greit vyksiancia GameCom bus kazkas naujo tik apie FF XIII bei FF XIV,negirdet isvis nieko nei apie XIII versus,nei apie FF XIII agito,na matyt truksta zmoniu ir dabar visi stengiasi kuo geriau uzbaigt FF XIII,o XIV dali kuria kita komanda ir jie juda i prieki labai greitai kaip matosi,kas man bent jau yra labai gerai,nes labai laukiu pagaliau kada bus galima ant ps3 sulost FF online

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O as labiausiai laukiu FF XIII Versus, bet apie ji jokiu ziniu :huh:

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na pagaliau pakilom iki auksciausios kokybes ,ir atrodo kad kurejai ne siaip sau sake kad ju patobulintas variklis gali pateikti in game kokybe bevik tokia kokia buvo naudojama FF AC filme.tiesiog nerealiai atrodo rubu teksturos ir pan dalykai.o aplinkos fantastines. ir tegu tai MMORPG,taciau jis nebus eilinis MMORPG,o tikrai naujoviskas,isskirtinis ir labiau i viena zaideja sukoncentruotas zaidimas,su intarpais,pokalbiais ,siuzetu.galbut butent tokio FF mes ir laukem,atviru erdviu,isskirtiniu personazu,jokio levelio kelimo,jokiu exp nebus,kas siaip jau yra negirdeta tokio tipo zaidimuose,bet jie zino koki FF jie nori sukurti ir manau as ju minty pagaunu :huh:

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The Crystal Tools engine, originally named the White Engine, is a game engine built by Square Enix to be used on all seventh generation game consoles; the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows PCs, and some of its technology for Wii.


Crystal Tools, as stated by Tetsuya Nomura, was created in the switch from the PlayStation 2 to the PlayStation 3 during the development of Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and Final Fantasy XIV with Nomura commenting that in the PlayStation 3 switch, "the hurdles are greater than they were in the move from the PS1 to the PS2"


One of the main aspects of the engine is that it allows highly detailed CGI to be rendered in real-time. Nomura has commented that the engine will be able "to recreate battle scenes reminiscent of Final Fantasy VII Advent Children." It also handles advanced audio processing, cinematic cutscene transition, physics effects calculations and special effects rendering.[citation needed] The engine reportedly uses four of the six synergistic processing elements that are available to games running on the Cell processor, to achieve near-pre-rendered CGI quality in realtime.

Atsinaujino oficialus zaidimo psl ,ten visa naujausia info ir dar daugiau

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taigi pagaliau turesim ne tik CG lygio grafika bet ir realius paros laiko bei oru kaita.o dar pridekim didziulius plotus,skirtingus zemes pavirsius ir visa tai atrodo tikrai idomiau ir uz XIII dali.



Gamescom - Famitsu Interviews Hiromichi Tanaka

daug naujos info apie zaidimo GC parodyta versija ir apie tai ko laukti is pilnos versijos <_<

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kaip gali skirtis zaidimai naudojantys ta pati varikli,tiek ff XIII , tiek ir FF XIV . bet visiskai nepanasus zaidimai is grafines puses.vienas open world MMO,kitas koridorinis linijinis RPG .ffXIV atrodo tiesiog uber cool
















4Gamer Interview with Tanaka and Sundi (Part 1)

4Gamer Interview with Tanaka and Sundi (Part 2)

ZAM Interviews Hiromichi Tanaka

A Closer Look At The Alpha User Interface


Gamescom 2009: Producers Hiromichi Tanaka and Sage Sundi Talk Final Fantasy XIV

Interview highlights:


* The game was built for the PC first and then ported to PS3

* The PS3 version will have keyboard/mouse support

* Cutscenes will have voice acting

* Guildleves allow use of the Aetheryte transit system as well as access to restricted areas and other special privileges

* They are looking into a variety of payment options including pre-paid cards

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  • Naujausios temos

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    • @Javelin  tikiu,kad ras Ps5 pro pirkeju daug ir Lietuvoje Nemanau,kad labai dideli skirtuma jausciau grafikoje. Va jei 60 stabilus fps visuose zaidimuose,tada neblogai butu. Siaip ipratau ir prie 30fps dar nuo Ps4 ar x360 laikų svarbu tie 30 butu stabilus,"nesokinejantys" tai daugiau tai maziau- tas tai tragedija budavo.. Visuose zaidimuose su Ps5 renkuosi "performance" rezima,ir jauciu kad 60fps eina, stqbiliai (tikiuos ne placebo efektas įsijungia :D. )
    • Taip čia Sony gerai padirbėjo. Mano vaniline sukasi (ir tikios toliau suksis🤞) kaip bitutė. Prasiplėčiau SSD 1TB ir ramu. Šiaip manau nauji visų laukiami žaidimai gali būti tas Pro (kaip ir beveik visų konsolių)  pardavimo varyklis. Tokie kaip TLOU3 ar visų laukimas GTA6. Aišku eis ir ant Slim, bet kai tu gali gauti mėgstamo žaidimo Max grafika, tai veikia.
    • Sutinku. Mokant pinigus už galutinį produktą, norėtųsi, kad ir veiktų kaip tai deklaruojama.
    • @tymbarkFM Kai anonsavo PS Portal išvadinau ji visišku š, nes nepalaiko native žaidimų. Vėliau pagalvojau, kad gal man jo reikėtų ir man pavyktu su juo greičiau išvalyti backlogą. Deja, mano remote play testai su PSPlay ir Playstation Remote Play parodė, kad mano Telia duotas Wifi-4 routeris net su 5ghz kanalu + ethernet kabelis pajungtas prie konsolės yra per silpni. Internetas Telia 500Mbps, o routerio pats atsinaujinti nenoriu, nes bus problemos su televizija, o Telia siūlo visišką šlamštą keitimui. Aišku galima atidarynėti portus, daryti statinį ip, bet man kaip paprastam vartotojui per daug vargo, nes Telia užrakino routerį nežinomu slaptažodžiu (defaultinis neveikia).
    • Neseniai įsigyjau PS Portal. Galiu pasakyti, kad kai veikia, tai puikiai atlieka savo funkciją. Namuose su lokaliu Wi-Fi veikia tobulai, bandžiau TPS action-žaidimus (Assassin's Creed, Outlaws) - galima nors ir visą žaidimą pereiti, jokio diskomforto, pultelis kaip originalus DualSense, ekranas geras, ryškus, nors ir LCD. Bandžiau darbe su Wi-Fi - veikia beveik tobulai, atiranda retkarčiais kokybės kritimas, bet žaisti galima. Kas nepavyko, tai pasijungti per Hotspot iš telefono, bandžiau dukart - nepavyko net pasijungti. Va čia yra didžiausias trūkumas. Iki Portal pirkimo bandžiau per Remote Play žaisti iš planšetės, pririšant pultelį - tai galiu pasakyti, kad ekspirjensas geresnis nei su Portal ir vietos net mažiau užima nešiojantis. Tai realiai nelabai dar turiu kuo pagrįsti tokį pirkinį. 😅
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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