
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

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god of war ??...!! .. wtf. gavosi 3 asmens begiojimas ir kapojimas kardu.kur as tai jau maciau?..aisku tas visko perkirtimas labai grazu ir na tai nebe MGS. gaila kad vis dar vadinasi MGS. nes net nepanasu i ji. jokio stelth .tiesiog begi ir kapoji.dar laika idomu kas bus su story..nes tai yra story neparode ne kiek..deje












kazi o pati nama irgi galima pat perkirst..?..o ka jus perkirstumet..?? as tai daug ka..

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Man patiko vienas peskaitytas pun: "this game will definitely have lots of CUTscenes" :thumbsup4:

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New MGS: Rising Story Details Announced; Takes Place Between MGS2 & MGS4


During Konami’s press conference, new details on Metal Gear Solid: Rising, the newest title in the long-standing Metal Gear Solid line, were released, and it has wowed the whole Konami E3 press conference crowd.The details, which has been just unveiled, includes the just shown trailer includes Zan Datsu which is the concept.


The trailer showcases Raiden fighting off the cyborgs. Raiden pull out the guts from the cyborg- a stomach battery so you can take the cyborg and mech life and energy. Players strategize what you want to take and really aim where you cut. It’s a little bit further than the typical action sword games on the market today.


The director is saying and as you can see, you were able to cut anything and in any angle you wish in MGS: Rising. But as you saw in the watermellon part, you can decide how much you wish to cut in a certain angle. The development team are still working with the system, but they want to make sure it’s fun to keep cutting and cutting .Of course Metal Gear Solid: Rising will have stealth elements but not like past MGS iterations. Also can decide whether to cut vital areas and if you wish to cut to kill enemies. The game will utilize Raiden’s speed.


The new hero will give you the speed and stealth so you do not need to hide on the floor anymore. The development team on Rising want to make this more like a hunting stealth title.


Now, the interesting part, the story: The story takes place between MGS2 and MGS4. Raiden’s sword strikes fear into enemies, so it’s clear they’re aiming to raise Raiden’s popularity a lot in Metal Gear Solid: Rising.

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Gamescom: No-kill Game Possible in Metal Gear Rising

Can you resist slicing up everything in sight?

The Metal Gear Solid series has always allowed players to stealthily make their way through the games without killing a single fool. The upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Rising will continue this proud tradition when it is released next year. At Gamescom today Konami confirmed that we'll be able to slice our way to the end of Rising without killing a single human.


Metal Gear Solid: Rising is all about slicing stuff up with your katana. People, cyborgs, buildings, sushi -- nothing is unsliceable. Surely the ability to cut the crap out of everything will be very tempting… Maybe there will be achievements/trophies in it for those who exercise restraint and make it to the end without ending a human life. Konami says you will never be rewarded for killing humans in Rising. When you encounter human resistance you can slice their weapons in half, causing them to run away in fear. If you accidentally slice off a hand or two, well, that will be forgiven, we are told.


There are plenty of enemies you can kill and still achieve a no-kill game. Rising is full of cyborgs and mechs, so feel free to slice them to your heart's content.


The character you control in Rising, Raiden, is almost the total opposite of usual MGS protagonist Snake and his style of stealth will be quite different. Raiden is a very acrobatic ninja. While Snake would wait patiently for an enemy to walk by, Raiden won't be standing around twiddling his thumbs. He can move undetected and easily sneak up on enemies while remaining in stealth mode. Konami calls this "hunting stealth." This is all in line with Konami's attempts to make Rising a friendlier game to pick up, hopefully making it more attractive to a wider audience.

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Metal Gear Solid Developer "Really Ready" To Go Multi-Platform


Kojima Productions, the developer behind Metal Gear Solid games, has made a bunch of, well, Metal Gear Solid.


The vast majority of them are on one platform — typically, the PSP or the PS3. The developer is ready to move to more consoles.


Upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Rising, however, is headed to the Xbox 360, the PS3 and the PC.


"I think it's very important for the future of Japanese publishing," Shigenobu Matsuyama, Rising's creative director, told "We see publishers — Capcom have started a little bit earlier than us — and I can say most of the Japanese studios have seen the importance of going multi-platform, and our studio as well."


Continuing, Matsuyama added, "I think we're now really ready to go multi-platform at once, I mean development cycle wise. I think this will be a normal trend for Japanese studios in the future."


Matsuayam also stated that he was surprised how popular PC gaming was in Germany when he visited for Gamescom. "Living in Japan, PC games are not really mainstream, but seeing them here I thought that this PC area is also a place that we need to consider more seriously."


Bringing Rising to the PC is a start, no?

nu jo gal ir pasiruose jau i multiplatfromas...nors kazi kas gausis..kad nebutu kaip su Square,tie kai pasiruose tai po to zaidimai labai "geri" pradejo eiti.. :D nors apie rising nieko blogo nesakau.svarbu kad nebutu popsiskas zaidimas.begi kerti,begi kerti ,po to paziuri kokia cutscena su kawai merga ir toliau begi kerti...sito tai gal nereikia.

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Rising director: MGS story is too complex, not focus of Rising


Idle thumbs may become more active in the latest entry of the highly venerated franchise, though. According to Metal Gear Solid: Rising director Shigenobu Matsuyama, Rising's cut-scenes will be significantly shorter, while the story will take a backseat to the action.

Speaking with Eurogamer, Matsuyama agreed the that the convoluted Metal Gear universe had become "mental" with recent iterations and will not be a focus of Rising. "I'm not saying the story is not important, but that was specifically tailored by Hideo Kojima. Since I'm not him, I'm not going to base my game on a very heavy scene. The story will not be in the centre. It's more katana action. I have to play a different style," he explained.

Fans of Metal Gear's complex lore shouldn't take that to mean the narrative will be low quality, though. Matsuyama said, "The story will be there, because I believe (in) a good-quality story background."

With the doors to the Tokyo Game Show opening later this week, expect Konami to show off more on Rising then.

maziau intarpu,daugiau veiksmo

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lol. staciai kerta, keglius perkerta arbuzus perkerta bet stalas stovi kaip stovejes....

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lol. staciai kerta, keglius perkerta arbuzus perkerta bet stalas stovi kaip stovejes....

manau cia specialiai parodyt...

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