
Duke Nukem Forever

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2K Games has made it official: Duke Nukem Forever is alive and, well, in the hands of developer Gearbox Software, confirming our earlier reports that the Borderlands studio was helping to complete the game's absurdly long development cycle.


The publisher announced this morning in advance of PAX 2010 that Gearbox Software was on the job, picking up where developer 3D Realms left off. Gearbox plans to ship the game on the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 within the next year, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal—the WSJ says DNF is due "next year" and "currently expected to ship in 2010."


Given Duke Nukem Forever's epic development—it was first announced in 1997 as a sequel to Duke Nukem 3D—it might be wise to hedge on the later of those two release windows.


Gearbox and 2K will be showcasing the game to press and the public at this weekend's PAX convention. 2K Games is offering a publicly playable demo of Duke Nukem Forever at its booth.


After more than a decade in development, Duke Nukem Forever all but ended its production after the collapse of studio 3D Realms. Gearbox Software president Randy Pitchford tells the WSJ that his studio picked up development in late 2009 and that the game is currently in the "polishing" stages.

taigi gearboxai paeme kur 3D realms numete buvo ir dakurs iki galo.neaisku kiek ten to dakurimo like kokio senumo variklis ten bus.juk neperekure visko ant naujesnio. ai ilgai lauke kazkas ,kazkas ne. man tai vienodai kazkaip. per ta laika isejo kruva zaidimu,ir dar iseis ,neaisku ka veiks toks seniena pasirodes tarp visu tu naujienu,bet savo fanu baze jis turi ,tai pirkimai aisku bus.


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Come, Get Some. mano manymu tai uzrasyta ant jo marskineliu. Na ka, laukiam 2011 metu bombos... NEsvarbu, del manes tais metais gali ir Half Life 3 iseit, bet Duke Nukem yra mano #1

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ispudziai vieno is tu kas galejo ismeginti demo versija..

Two Girls, One Duke


Duke Nukem is back and he needs to take a piss.


The Duke Nukem Forever playable demo here at PAX 2010 makes the seemingly impossible a reality. People, including your Kotaku reporter, are playing Duke Nukem Forever, maybe a dozen years after we expected to. Duke, from what I can tell, hasn't changed.


He's still cracking jokes, chewing bubblegum, and getting oral sex from two ladies at a time when he's not using his guns — or his buggy — to obliterate his enemies.


Duke Nukem Forever is, of course, a first person shooter. The controls are standard, mapped as you'd expect on the Xbox 360 controller on which I played the game. Zoom on the left trigger. Shoot on the right. Click the right stick to crouch. But, before all that, at the start of the demo, pull the right trigger to piss.


The demo starts with a first person view of the urinal. You can make Duke urinate as much as you want. The wait is over!


Well, no that's not what this game is about. You're in a football locker room. There are a couple of hot tubs and, in the main area, some soldiers gearing up for a fight. On the whiteboard they plan their move against the beast on the field. Their strategy: cockblock. You can draw on the whiteboard. I drew straight lines. But on another TV playing the game here at PAX I saw someone drawing a penis.


The game is 100% in the spirit of classic Duke. By this point in the demo you've been hit with "Hail to the King, Baby," and sooner or later he's whistling, laughing at the bad guys he kills and lamenting that "Those alien bastards are going to pay for shooting up my ride."


When you leave the locker room, you race down some halls where aliens are fighting soldiers. These scripted sequences show some of the destructibility (mostly of your allies' limbs) and the smoke and explosion effects in the game. The effects look modern, though not beyond what we see in other games.


Out in the field, things became more impressive. A massive monster — the big aliens seen in leaked Duke artwork — is stomping across the grass. You've gone from just having your fists up to being armed with The Devastator, a big gun in each hand. Health is regenerative and the big bad guy wasn't that tough in the demo. I unloaded my ammo into him, waited for the next ammo drop, and then fired some more. Duke finished him with a button-prompted melee move.


The finale: press a button to do a "field goal," which is a punt of the monster's eye down the field.


Cue the Duke Nukem Forever logo and a camera pulls back to show that Duke, in first-person, was playing a video game. He's got a gold Xbox 360 controller with the face buttons re-named as D, U, K and E. There's a busty lady in a schoolgirl outfit near the bottom of your first-person view. And there's a second one. One stands up and wipes her mouth.


"What about the game, was it any good?" one of them asks.


"Yeah, but after 12 fucking years it should be," he answers.


After that the demo jumped forward to level 15, which began as a driving level. Duke was in a dune buggy, racing down a canyon as an alien shuttle streamed forward overhead. The buggy can boost for big jumps and, since aliens do run in its way, run over bad guys with a splat. Quickly, though, I was out of the buggy and running Duke toward an enemy turret, his laser-sighted pistol in hand. I was also able to get a railgun which had a scope and was good for headshots.


One of the most prominent tech elements of the game is a depth-of-field aspect which blurs enemies who aren't in Duke's focus. Of the obvious tech demonstrations happening in the demo — the destruction shown as cacti splintered from gunfire, the shattered mirror back in the locker room — this blurring effect was the only one that was distracting.


People wondered how Duke Nukem would make his return. Would a parody video game character steeped in 80s absurdity play in 2010? Or would he have to be a parody of a parody? It seems from the demo that Duke is strictly himself and that the kind of profane, naughty, steroid-injected humor of the Duke of old is indeed what will play in 2010 — or in 2011, to be more specific. The game is set for a 2011 release on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Gearbox Software is working on the game with other studios and, we believe, creators who used to be on the project at 3D Realms.


To those who don't know the Duke Nukem Forever story, the game might seem like a standard first-person shooter with a few technological gimmicks and a more absurd, played-for-laughs attitude than today's more straight-faced but equally gruff shooter games. For those who know the DNF tale, this is the king returned as if through a time machine, a playable time capsule of one of gaming's wrongest icons.


P.S. The trailer being shown behind closed doors for the game includes strippers and a three breasted giant monster. Of the latter, Duke says, "Hell, I'd still hit it."





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Duke Nukem Forever '3 times the size of MW2'


Duke Nukem Forever isn't just complete - it's a "huge, triple-A" game. And its campaign is three times the size of a certain Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.


That's according to Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford - who rescued the title from extinction after 12 years of development.



DNF is now, miraculously, due for release next year. We've played it - and it's surprisingly impressive.


"It's gonna be big," Pitchford told CVG. "Duke is a big, triple-A title.


"The campaign is huge. It's probably three times the size of the last Call Of Duty game. And it's great through and through.


"Any time I play I play it, at any given moment, I'm having a great time and I want to see the next moment. There's crazy set-pieces and, in that regard... if you're expecting this to be a fizzle-out, a low budget thing, you're going to be like: 'Holy shit! Oh my God! This is no joke!'"


"If you're expecting perfect, there's no such thing as perfect. I don't think anything can up to 12 years, but I think it's astonishing how big it is - especially given how it's suddenly here. To people that are on the outside, it [appears to have] come out of nowhere "

beje kas per steam isigys Borderlands GOY edition gauna raktus i isankstini priejima prie Duke.

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Duke Nukem Forever interview: An end in sight


Duke Nukem Forever might actually be completed and released -- but like most everyone, I won't be convinced until the final product is in my hands. During a recent press event, I played through the same demo we saw at PAX and spoke with 2K Games senior producer Melissa Miller, who did her best to reassure me that the game might actually, maybe, seriously come out.


"It's really amazing when you think about it, because these guys -- along with everybody else -- thought Duke Nukem was dead," Miller recalled of one of the current developers, Triptych Games, which was founded by nine ex-members of 3D Realms. "And they were a group that just said, 'No, we're not gonna let this stop.'"


Miller confirmed that the Triptych staff is currently working out of the Gearbox offices in Plano, Texas. "It's all these guys who've been working for years and years and years," she explained. "And when people are like, 'Gearbox are taking over the game! Are they gonna change it?' It's like, 'No!' They have a group of guys who are part of the vision of making this game. Guys like Allen Blum -- who's the guy who created Duke, way back when."

"The architecture of the final game is there." - Melissa Miller, 2K Games

"The architecture of the final game is there," Miller said of Duke Nukem Forever's current state, much as it was when it landed in Gearbox's hands, "which is not to say it is necessarily the final experience." The team, she explained, has "begun polishing" the game, though, she added, "we're not towards the end."


"We know the game from A to Z, and now we're going in and looking at the individual elements," Miller said of the team's progress, reciting aloud some of the issues the team is on the lookout for: "Where are people getting tired? Where is the gameplay getting tedious? I've got these scripted sequences in the game with story info -- when are people not getting the story stuff?"


The combined efforts of Gearbox, Triptych and Piranha Games (up in Vancouver) are focused on getting the game together for a 2011 launch -- a comfortably large target date by which the game is to be finally completed. (Uh-oh, did I just jinx it again?) However, for the wary among us, three seemingly disparate development teams at work on DNF tends to give us greater pause. "A lot of the guys who aren't necessarily Triptych, but were Gearbox before they acquired the IP, still worked on Duke at some point," Miller assured. "Randy [Pitchford] and Brian [Martel] are perfect examples" -- both being founders of Gearbox and one-time 3D Realms staff.


Of course, the current 3D Realms staff is one team not working on the present incarnation of DNF, despite toiling over the project for more than a decade. Still, Pitchford maintains a close relationship with 3D Realms founder and co-owner George Broussard, who, along with partner Scott Miller, has unofficial ties to the current development. "George Broussard and Scott Miller are not actively involved on the project," Melissa Miller emphasized. "That's not to say that they are not people that Randy talks to. And I know Randy has a relationship with George Broussard because he worked with him. George Broussard is the guy that convinced Randy to move to Texas!" Miller laughingly noted.


With so much history in its making, I wondered if if DNF's various versions from over the years would be somehow incorporated into the final game -- like, say, playable "Quake II Engine" levels? Or perhaps an in-game vault stuffed with unlockable development memorabilia? "I can't comment on that!" Miller said with a coy laugh. That could be asking too much, of course -- at this point, some version of Duke Nukem Forever just needs to be completed. And if the demo is any indication, today's version is pretty good!


But as Duke himself points out in the game's still unreleased PAX trailer, "after 12 fucking years, it'd better be."

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Censored Duke Nukem Forever Trailer


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Bet tai kai balsas iki 0:45, grynai jokerio, galvojau H. Ledger prisikele

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As tai pirkdamas borderlands GOTY gavau toki lapuka kuriame yra kodas ir per duke nukem puslapi uzsireginus ir ji panaudojus bus galima ar jau galima nzn (nesidomiu) palost beta dar pries isleidima jos. Tai sakau gal kam duosiu, nes neidomus man tas duke nukem ;]

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As tai pirkdamas borderlands GOTY gavau toki lapuka kuriame yra kodas ir per duke nukem puslapi uzsireginus ir ji panaudojus bus galima ar jau galima nzn (nesidomiu) palost beta dar pries isleidima jos. Tai sakau gal kam duosiu, nes neidomus man tas duke nukem ;]

Jau galima uzsireginti ir leis demo palost, o ne beta ;)

Redagavo MadenX

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laukiu ziauriai, jau laukiu kokius 10 metu :) kai pirma traileri pamaciau :) ir pagaliau, kad tik neatidetu :)

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