
Army of Two: The 40th Day

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Army of Two: The 40th Day

Army of Two: The 40th Day

  • Platformos

    • PlayStation Portable
    • Xbox 360
    • PlayStation 3
    • PlayStation Network (PSP)
  • Kūrėjas

    • EA Montreal
    • Buzz Monkey Software, LLC
    • Known Shippable
  • Leidėjas

    • Electronic Arts
  • Temos

    • Modern Military
  • Išleidimo data

  • Apie žaidimą

    For Tyson Rios and Elliot Salem, war is strictly business. After their arrangement with former P.M.C. SCC came to a sudden and bloody end, Rios and Salem work for the only people they still trust - each other. However neither their experience as Army Rangers serving in Mogadishu nor their work with SCC has prepared them for the kind of war they'll face in Shanghai.

Army of Two: The 40th Day

Apie žaidimą

For Tyson Rios and Elliot Salem, war is strictly business. After their arrangement with former P.M.C. SCC came to a sudden and bloody end, Rios and Salem work for the only people they still trust - each other. However neither their experience as Army Rangers serving in Mogadishu nor their work with SCC has prepared them for the kind of war they'll face in Shanghai.



Army of Two: The 40th Day, sequel to Army Of Two, was developed by EA Montreal. Like its predecessor, Army of Two: The 40th Day focuses heavily on co-op play either with a human or an A.I. controlled partner. The game follows the continuing misadventures of Salem and Rios now running their own private military corporation, Trans World Operations (T.W.O.). Counter to the variety of worldwide settings of the first game, Army of Two: The 40th Day is set entirely in Shanghai to create a more believable experience. This squarely puts the player(s) in the midst of the outbreak of war in Shanghai.


The game added a new feature called "two-man tactics" to give players a greater amount of choice as to how they will tackle each challenge in the game. Other new features are an overhauled A.I. system, new co-op partner controls, a realistic materials system that allows shooting through walls. Also the weapon customization has been upgraded; now you can put any part of a weapon onto another weapon, which changes both the look and stats.


At the end of the first game, Salem and Rios took down the SCC corporation, thus making them start their own private military organization called TWO (Trans World Operations). There is a cutscene with Rios and Salem in a helicopter along with Cha Min Soo and Viktor Roshanko, weapon and armor dealers, and their investors. They ask Alice to be their contract filer and she agrees. In this second installment in the series, Rios and Salem travel to Shanghai for a reason that is "yet unknown". As the two are there, the city turns to chaos and an unknown army has attacked for an unknown reason. It is the choice of Rios and Salem to fight their way out, or to discover the mystery of the 40th Day and save the city.


The soundtrack is composed by Tyler Bates:

  1. Introduction
  2. What Else Could Go Wrong?
  3. Highrise
  4. Embassy
  5. Descent
  6. Bossa China (Interlude)
  7. Vertigo
  8. Can Your Contact Hear Me?
  9. Highway
  10. Free Murray
  11. Get To Ground
  12. A Few Extra Bullets
  13. Zoo
  14. Cages
  15. Hospital Streets
  16. Auditorium
  17. Breznev
  18. Back To Back
  19. Bund

Downloadable Content

So far they have released one DLC add-on named Chapters of Deceit which adds 2 new campaign levels: The Assassination and Collateral Damage. It is $9.99 on PSN and 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live Arcade.

Xbox 360 Game

Installation on the Xbox 360 hard drive takes up 6.0GB of space.






“With ARMY OF TWO: THE 40th DAY, we’re pushing the tactical two-man military team into new battlegrounds offering a completely organic and rich co-op experience to deliver an action-packed co-op shooter this winter,” says Reid Schneider, Executive Producer, EA Montreal. ”As chaos blankets Shanghai, China, you must rely on your partner to survive as you weave through a broken city left devastated in a mysterious wake.”


When a disaster of epic proportions strikes Shanghai, China, Rios and Salem find themselves right in the middle of it all—the wrong place, the wrong time, but the right team. A carefully orchestrated series of mysterious catastrophes is dragging Shanghai to the brink of ruin, and now the Army of Two must fight their way through ravaged city districts as they try to beat the odds and uncover the secret of the 40th Day.


ARMY OF TWO: THE 40th DAY features a bigger playbook of new co-op moves that either player can use at any time, opening up new strategies and countless choices for both players. The result is a bigger, better, more organic and immersive co-op experience that lets gamers put their best two-man tactics to use whenever and wherever they want.





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Redagavo Magnitas

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visiskai nelaukiu, pirma dali perejau pas drauga ir zaidiau sukandes dantis kad pabaigt ji greiciau. istorija vapse nesamone kazkokia, valdyma durnas kazkoks. jei sitie dalykai bus nepakeisti ir neisbaigti tai sitas bus toks pats peace of s***.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

pirma dalis man tai patiko, tik gaila kad savo senaji profili netycia issitryniau tai ir saves viskas dingo nes nebuvau dar viso perejes ;D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Turi arba 15, arba 8 sausio iseit. Visai nebedaug liko. Can't wait :thumbup:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Bandžiau demo tai nafig,veltui siunčiaus,nepatiko visiškai.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Sita zaidima reikia zaisti dviese coop su zmogum (tada tai kaifas) , nes kai botas salia laksto tai ojei .........

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Ne į temą

Jo, vienam biškį nekas lošt. Su draugeliu split screen pirmą army of two tris ar keturis kartus perėjom :thumbsup4:
Redagavo no0ne

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

na demo versijos ir neina su botu lost ...tai kol pasigavau zaideja randomini...pirmos neloses bet taip ir galvojau kad bus kazkas tikrai negalvojau kad taip prastai ganetinai...hmm na nieko gero nepamaciau...po to tas antras zaidejas tepe slides viduri demo tai isvis gerai..nes niekaip neradom kaip vienas duris atidaryt mes ten...siaip galvojau bus linkmas coop zaidimas pasisaudyt is priedangu...o cia bent jau demuskej tai tik lakstem ir tiek.beje valdymas lievas tikrai.... :thumbsup4:

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  • Naujausios temos

  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • @Javelin  tikiu,kad ras Ps5 pro pirkeju daug ir Lietuvoje Nemanau,kad labai dideli skirtuma jausciau grafikoje. Va jei 60 stabilus fps visuose zaidimuose,tada neblogai butu. Siaip ipratau ir prie 30fps dar nuo Ps4 ar x360 laikų svarbu tie 30 butu stabilus,"nesokinejantys" tai daugiau tai maziau- tas tai tragedija budavo.. Visuose zaidimuose su Ps5 renkuosi "performance" rezima,ir jauciu kad 60fps eina, stqbiliai (tikiuos ne placebo efektas įsijungia :D. )
    • Taip čia Sony gerai padirbėjo. Mano vaniline sukasi (ir tikios toliau suksis🤞) kaip bitutė. Prasiplėčiau SSD 1TB ir ramu. Šiaip manau nauji visų laukiami žaidimai gali būti tas Pro (kaip ir beveik visų konsolių)  pardavimo varyklis. Tokie kaip TLOU3 ar visų laukimas GTA6. Aišku eis ir ant Slim, bet kai tu gali gauti mėgstamo žaidimo Max grafika, tai veikia.
    • Sutinku. Mokant pinigus už galutinį produktą, norėtųsi, kad ir veiktų kaip tai deklaruojama.
    • @tymbarkFM Kai anonsavo PS Portal išvadinau ji visišku š, nes nepalaiko native žaidimų. Vėliau pagalvojau, kad gal man jo reikėtų ir man pavyktu su juo greičiau išvalyti backlogą. Deja, mano remote play testai su PSPlay ir Playstation Remote Play parodė, kad mano Telia duotas Wifi-4 routeris net su 5ghz kanalu + ethernet kabelis pajungtas prie konsolės yra per silpni. Internetas Telia 500Mbps, o routerio pats atsinaujinti nenoriu, nes bus problemos su televizija, o Telia siūlo visišką šlamštą keitimui. Aišku galima atidarynėti portus, daryti statinį ip, bet man kaip paprastam vartotojui per daug vargo, nes Telia užrakino routerį nežinomu slaptažodžiu (defaultinis neveikia).
    • Neseniai įsigyjau PS Portal. Galiu pasakyti, kad kai veikia, tai puikiai atlieka savo funkciją. Namuose su lokaliu Wi-Fi veikia tobulai, bandžiau TPS action-žaidimus (Assassin's Creed, Outlaws) - galima nors ir visą žaidimą pereiti, jokio diskomforto, pultelis kaip originalus DualSense, ekranas geras, ryškus, nors ir LCD. Bandžiau darbe su Wi-Fi - veikia beveik tobulai, atiranda retkarčiais kokybės kritimas, bet žaisti galima. Kas nepavyko, tai pasijungti per Hotspot iš telefono, bandžiau dukart - nepavyko net pasijungti. Va čia yra didžiausias trūkumas. Iki Portal pirkimo bandžiau per Remote Play žaisti iš planšetės, pririšant pultelį - tai galiu pasakyti, kad ekspirjensas geresnis nei su Portal ir vietos net mažiau užima nešiojantis. Tai realiai nelabai dar turiu kuo pagrįsti tokį pirkinį. 😅
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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