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Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

  • Platformos

    • Xbox 360
    • PlayStation 3
    • Xbox 360 Games Store
    • PC
  • Kūrėjas

    • Obsidian Entertainment
    • QLOC
    • Zenimax Media Inc
  • Leidėjas

    • Bethesda Softworks
    • Zenimax Media Inc
  • Temos

    • Sci-Fi
    • Alternate Historical
    • Post-Apocalyptic
  • Išleidimo data

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    The post-apocalyptic Fallout universe expands into Nevada in this new title in the franchise. As a courier once left for dead by a mysterious man in a striped suit, the player must now set out to find their assailant and uncover the secrets of the enigmatic ruler of New Vegas.

Fallout: New Vegas

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The post-apocalyptic Fallout universe expands into Nevada in this new title in the franchise. As a courier once left for dead by a mysterious man in a striped suit, the player must now set out to find their assailant and uncover the secrets of the enigmatic ruler of New Vegas.



The Vit-O-Matic allows players to place their S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points
The Vit-O-Matic allows players to place their S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points

Fallout: New Vegas takes place in and near its titular city, three years after the events of Fallout 3. Players control a wasteland courier who, at the beginning of the game, is shot in the head by an unknown assailant in a checkered suit, and buried in a shallow grave while attempting to travel to the town of Primm. The courier is then found by Victor the Securitron, a robot who happened to see the murder attempt from afar and dug the courier out of the potential grave once the assailants left the crime scene. Victor then brings the courier to the small, nearby Nevada town of Goodsprings, more specifically to the home of Doc Mitchell, the town's resident doctor. Once players are back at the town, Mitchell removes the bullet pieces that were scattered in their skull. After the bullet fragments are removed and the wound is cleaned and healed, Mitchell asks players their name; afterwards, he holds a mirror in front of the player and asks if he "left anything out of place," and this is where players create and customize the look of their character.

Soon after, Mitchell shows players the Vit-O-Matic Vigor-Tester. After that, he asks players some word association questions. Once those are answered, he gives the player a Rorschach test. After all of his tests are finished, he gives the player some items, including a Pip-Boy 3000 and then sends them on their way. Players are then free to explore the Mojave in order to find the identity of their assailant and why the package they were carrying was so important.


Sometime in early 2009 Obsidian Entertainment was approached by Bethesda Softworks to develop a title in the Fallout franchise for them. The Obsidian higher-ups quickly agreed with Bethesda and work on the game was started shortly thereafter. During the Bethesda Softworks London event on April 20, 2009, the company announced the development of a new video game entry in the Fallout franchise, in development at Obsidian Entertainment.

The team behind New Vegas
The team behind New Vegas

Back in 2003 when the original creator of Fallout, Black Isle Studios, was shut down by Interplay Entertainment due to financial troubles, Feargus Urquhart, the founder of Black Isle Studios, went on to create Obsidian Entertainment that same year with Chris Avellone, Chris Jones, Chris Parker, and Darren Monahan.

Fallout: New Vegas was developed by many of the people that created the first and second Fallout games. For example, Josh Sawyer was the lead designer and project directer of Fallout: New Vegas. He was previously the lead designer of " Van Buren", the canceled first attempt to create a third Fallout game and, besides location, some story elements were also used from Van Buren.

Fallout: New Vegas is known by many employees at Obsidian as Van Buren's spiritual successor. New Vegas features many locations that were set to appear in Van Buren, such as the Hoover Dam.

Fallout: New Vegas uses the Gamebryo engine, the same engine that was featured in Fallout 3. The G.E.C.K. editing software, which is based off the Gamebryo engine, was used to create Fallout: New Vegas. New Vegas also re-used many assets from Fallout 3, such as models and textures. Fallout: New Vegas was released on October 19, 2010 in North America and October 22, 2010 in Europe, for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and the PC.


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V.A.T.S. returns.

Fallout: New Vegas plays identically to Fallout 3 with some added improvements, including the following: customizable weapon attachments, such as extended clips and sights (all of which are reflected by the in game weapon model), specialty ammo, special attacks in VATS mode for all weapons (for example the "fore" attack with the 9 iron, which is an upward swing at the target) and more dialogue options based on the players stats: explosives, bartering etc. A good example of this is when you're in Goodsprings you can use your explosives skill to convince Easy Pete to relinquish his dynamite stash to you. You can now aim using iron sights instead of just zooming the camera in. The third person view has been improved and the developer acknowledges that people wanted to play it as more of a shooter instead of relying on V.A.T.S. so the shooting mechanics have been improved to accommodate for this. In Fallout 3, the level cap was level 20, then raised to 30 once the Broken Steel downloadable content was released. In Fallout: New Vegas the level cap is 30 right from the start and expands to a maximum of 50 with the DLCs. Perks are now earned every 2 levels instead of every level in Fallout 3 and every third level in Fallout 2.

The character customization options are virtually the same as Fallout 3's. After Doc Mitchell brings you back from the desert and fixes you up he will ask you your name and then give you the Reflection. The Reflection is a mirror that will allow you to choose your race, facial options, and your age. After your character is to your liking Mitchell will escort you to the Vit-O-Matic Vigor-Tester, which will allow you to assign your S.P.E.C.I.A.L character points. The game also introduces the companion wheel where you can give various commands to each of your companions such as how far they should be following you and their combat tactics. You can also tell them to use a stimpak if needed.

Fallout 3 protected the lives of story-related characters by having them fall unconscious instead of dying. Obsidian has completely gotten rid of this (Note: there is only one adult of the 2200 NPCs in the game that cannot be killed though children are still unkillable). Now players can complete the game by killing all the NPCs featured in the game, or they can play the entire game as a pacifist. Bean bag ammunition for your guns and boxing gloves have a "Fatigue" effect which will knock out a NPC rather then killing them, allowing the player to be a pacifist.

Karma & Reputation

The karma system returns once again, but this time it isn't the primary way other characters perceive you. The primary purpose of the karma system is to show how moral or immoral you are based on your total actions throughout the game. Having karmic extremes still carries consequence, though, as certain followers will refuse to join the Courier if they dislike the player's karmic alignment. In addition to the karma system, Fallout: New Vegas is re-introducing the reputation system featured in the original Fallout games. Raising your reputation in individual towns, settlements, and factions will give you special privileges with that town/settlement/faction. There's also a reputation meter that shows you how well liked or hated you are. Based on your actions there are several reputations in the game.

Health & Item Degradation

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Killing an enemy with a melee weapon

Like in Fallout 3, characters' limbs can become crippled after receiving too much damage. Each limb will have a different effect when it's crippled. For example, a crippled leg will cause the character to move slowly while a crippled arm will decrease accuracy dramatically. Crippled limbs can be repaired using Stimpaks or a new item called a Doctor's Bag, which automatically heals all crippled limbs. In Hardcore mode, Stimpaks cannot be used for this purpose. Instead, players must find a doctor or use a Doctor's Bag. Unlike Fallout 3, consumable items like food and beverages heal over time instead of automatically. The same chems from Fallout 3 are in Fallout: New Vegas including some new ones. They are all just as addictive.

Item degradation returns as well. Equipment including clothing/armor and weapons will wear out over time and become less effective. Items can be repaired using parts from another item of the same type or by paying someone who is capable of fixing items (this generally costs a lot of caps depending on the item and the amount of wear the item has).

Finally, radiation is once again something that can affect the player if they aren't careful. Some places have life-threatening amounts of radiation such as Camp Searchlight, a town that is practically drowning in it.


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Lockpicking is the same as it was in Fallout 3

Lockpicking and computer hacking are frequent occurrences in Fallout: New Vegas, and a minigame is present for each. Lockpicking is done with a screw driver (something that the player has with them at all times) and bobby pins. The player must rotate the bobby pin to a certain position in the lock and apply torque with the screw driver. Too much torque in the wrong area will cause the bobby pin to snap. The Lockpick skill dictates the difficulty level of locks that the player can attempt to pick.

Hacking computers is a longer and more challenging process. The screen comes up with a list of jumbled characters containing possible passwords. By guessing a password, the player is shown how many letters of the guessed word are in their correct positions in the password the terminal is actually looking for. This allows the player to narrow down future choices. If the player uses up their limited supply of guesses, they are locked out of the computer. The Science skill dictates what computers the player can hack.


There are several major factions in the game that have an important impact on the plot, the player will have an option to either, side with, attack or remain neutral with any given faction.

Major Factions

  • NCR - The New California Republic, is possibly the last form of an organized government. As its name would suggest, it was founded in California, in the settlement of Shady Sands.
  • Caesar's Legion - A slaver faction, made up of tribes that were united under Caesar.
  • Mr. House - The head of New Vegas, he is the man that re-established the casinos with the help of 3 major tribes.

Minor Factions

  • Brotherhood of Steel - An organization devoted to salvaging pre-war technology.
  • Followers of the Apocalypse - A humanitarian organization, founded to help and aid people all across the United States.
  • Boomers - Descendants from Vault 34, their base is located in a pre-war facility known as Nellis Air Force Base.
  • Great Khans - A group of raiders, the Great Khans were included in Fallout 1 and 2. They are located at Red Rock Canyon.
  • The White Glove Society - A clan of former cannibals, they control the Ultra-Luxe casino on The Strip.
  • Omertas - A faction resembling the Italian Mob, they control the prostitution ring outside of their casino, the Gomorrah.
  • The Chairmen - A former warrior tribe until their make over in 2274, they are the definition of "cool" from the 1950's. They control "The Tops" casino.
  • The Kings- A gang of Elvis impersonators headquartered in The Kings School of Impersonation. They are the main power in Freeside and are lead by a man only known as The King and his right-hand man, Pacer.
  • The White Legs(Honest Hearts DLC)- A hostile tribe in league with Caesar's Legion who are attacking the other tribes and trying to kill Joshua Graham and his New Canaanites
  • Dead Horses- A friendly tribe allied with Joshua Graham and the surviving New Canaanites.
  • The Sorrows- A docile tribe that New Canaanite citizen Daniel is trying to evacuate from the wasteland to avoid conflict with the White Legs. The player can choose weather to let them go or convince them to fight alongside Joshua Graham and the Dead Horses to drive the White Legs out of Zion


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Players can now aim down the sights of most guns

Unlike in Fallout 3 where you only found a version of the pistol with a silencer on it and in Fallout 2 you could only upgrade certain weapons with a pre-chosen upgrade, Fallout: New Vegas features fully realized weapon modifications. These include: scopes for longer range and more precise shots, extended magazines for a expanded ammo pool, silencers for a more stealth based character, and faster reloading for lever action rifles. You can even find mods for Melee weapons, such as a cork core for the baseball bat, increasing damage. Weapons can only have a max of three weapon modifications at a time.

Specialized ammunition appears in Fallout: New Vegas, such as hollow point, armor piercing and United States Military grade ammunition. There are also ammunition variations that do a great deal more damage than standard ammunition, but the downside to having this type of ammo means your weapons' quality degrades faster and requires you to repair it more often. These types of ammunition appear more commonly in explosive and energy based weapons.


In a recent interview a developer confirmed that traits would be making a return appearance from Fallout 1 and 2 into Fallout New Vegas. Traits are like perks, but are chosen during character creation and usually don't allow modifications or additional traits throughout the game. Players can choose up to 2 traits, or none at all. Traits mainly focus on making each character appear distinctly different as well as play differently right after character creation by having each trait contain a bonus to one specific playstyle, while detracting from another such as:

  • Built to Destroy - 3% chance to critical hit with all weapons, but their condition decays 15% faster.
  • Claustrophobia (Old World Blues) - +1 to SPECIAL attributes while outdoors, but -1 when indoors.
  • Early Bird (Old World Blues) - +2 to SPECIAL attributes from 6am to 12 pm, -1 from 6pm to 6am.
  • Fast Shot - You fire 20% faster when using guns and energy weapons, but shots are 20% less accurate.
  • Four Eyes - Bonus to Perception while wearing glasses, but negatively impacts perception when not wearing them.
  • Good Natured - Bonus to Speech and Barter skills, but decreases ability with weapons.
  • Heavy Handed - Melee and unarmed attacks do more damage, but damage from critical hits is reduced.
  • Hoarder (Old World Blues) - The player gains +25 lbs. to total carry weight, but suffers a -1 to all SPECIAL attributes when the weight of carried equipment is less than 160 lbs.
  • Hot Blooded (Old World Blues) - When the character has less than 50% health he gains a +15% increase in damage, but he/she also receives a -2 to Agility and Perception.
  • Kamikaze - Bonus 10 Action Points, but -2 to Damage Threshold.
  • Logan's Loophole (Old World Blues) - Chems last twice as long, no chance of addiction. Level cap of 30.
  • Loose Cannon - Thrown weapons are 30% faster, but have 25% less range.
  • Skilled (Old World Blues) - +5 to all skills, -10% experience gain.
  • Small Frame - Bonus to Agility, but limbs break more easily.
  • Trigger Discipline - Guns and energy weapons are 20% more accurate, but are 20% slower.
  • Wild Wasteland - Adds humorous random encounters to the game.


Throughout the game you will meet people who will join your team. Unlike in Fallout 3 you no longer have to go through a dialogue tree in order to do simple things such as sort through inventory or administer a stimpak. Instead when you select a companion a radial wheel will appear in order to make selections easy. The radial wheel is very similar to the one seen in the Mass Effect series.

The gameplay of companions is very different in Fallout: New Vegas, mostly because of the revamped AI for NPC's in general. Not only are companions smarter in combat but they also have opinions and quest lines. Depending on how you interact with your companions you will get various results. These results will range from entire quest lines to just making him/her or it angry or various other emotions depending on what you make them equip or do. You are allowed one humanoid, and one non-humanoid in your party at one time.

Hardcore Mode

One of the new features in Fallout: New Vegas is Hardcore Mode. The new feature is first offered right before the courier leaves Doc Mitchell's house. If the player turns on Hardcore mode and plays through with the feature on all the way to the end of the game, the player will receive an achievement/trophy at the end of the game. The mode can be toggled on and off at any time in-game. In Hardcore Mode the player can suffer from dehydration,starvation, and sleep deprivation which requires players to keep those cycles in check or the courier can be suffered with deadly side effects and eventually death. Ammo has weight, and Stimpaks and Radaway heal over time as opposed to healing instantly in normal mode. Also, the only way to treat crippled limbs in Hardcore Mode is to visit a doctor, use doctor bags, or use the addictive chem of Hydra. Another note worth thing is that sleeping does not have the same effect in Hardcore mode compared to the normal version of the game. Unless the courier is sleeping in an owned bed, the courier can not heal themselves or their limps by sleeping. Lastly, any companions that the courier acquires can permanently die off.

Weapon Mods

This section details every weapon mod in Fallout: New Vegas (not including DLC weapons). Weapon mods can be purchased from the following places: 188 Trading Post, Crimson Caravan Company, Goodsprings, Novac, Fortification Hill, Silver Rush, Great Khan armory, Gibson Scrap Yard, and Gun Runners.


Recharger PistolLaser RCW RecyclerReplenishes 1 shot per 4 rounds
.357 MagnumHD Cylinder
Long Barrel
Increases condition by 50%
3 Damage
.44 MagnumScope
Heavy Frame
Adds a short range scope
Increases condition by 50%
9mm PistolExtended Mags
Increases magazine capacity by 7 bullets
Adds a short range scope
10mm PistolSilencer
Extended Mags
Laser Sight
Reduces noise
Increases magazine capacity by 4 bullets
Increases accuracy
12.7mm PistolSilencerReduces Noise


Assault CarbineExtended MagazinesIncreases magazine capacity by 6 bullets
Brush GunForged ReceiverIncreases weapon condition by 50%
Cowboy RepeaterCustom Action
Long Tube
Maple Stock
Increases rate of fire
Increase magazine capacity by 4 bullets
Reduces weight by 1.5
Grenade RifleLong BarrelIncreases range by 100%
Laser RCWLaser RCW RecyclerReplenishes 1 shot per 4 rounds
Laser RifleFocus Optics
Beam Splitter
Increases damage by 3
Splits beam, causing a damage increase by 30%
Adds a long-range scope
Light Machine GunExpanded DrumsIncrease magazine capacity by 110 bullets
Plasma RifleMag AcceleratorIncreases speed of projectile
Service RifleForged Receiver
Upgraded Springs
Increases weapon condition by 50%
Increases rate of fire
Trail CarbineScopeAdds a mid-range scope
Hunting RifleExtended Mag
Custom Action
Increases magazine capacity by 5 bullets
Adds a high powered scope
Increases rate of fire
Sniper RifleCarbon Fiber Parts
Reduces weight by 5
Reduces noise
Varmint RifleExtended Mags
Night Scope
Increases magazine capacity by 3 bullets
Adds long-range scope that turns into a night vision scope after 6 PM
Reduces noise

Submachine Guns

Silenced .22 SMGExpanded DrumsIncreases magazine capacity by 60 bullets
9mm Submachine GunDrums
Light Bolt
Increases magazine capacity by 30 bullets
Increases rate of fire
10mm Submachine GunExtended Mags
Recoil Comp
Increases magazine capacity by 10 bullets
Decreases spread
12.7mm Submachine GunSilencerReduces noise


Hunting ShotgunLongtube
Increases magazine capacity by 3 shells
Decreases spread


MinigunDamped Subframe
High-Speed Motor
Decreases spread
Increases rate of fire
Fat ManLittle Boy KitReduces weight by 50%
FlamerExpanded TanksIncreases magazine capacity by 60
Gatling LaserFocus Optics
CF Frame
Increases damage by 3
Reduces weight by 50%
Grenade Machine GunHigh-Speed KitIncreases rate of fire
Missile LauncherGuidance SystemIncreases accuracy
Plasma CasterHS ElectrodeIncreases rate of fire


Protagonist: The Courier

Gender: Player's Choice

Race: Human

Ethnicity: Player's Choice

Age: Player's Choice

Overview: The Courier is the main character of New Vegas. Almost everything about The Courier is customizable including gender, ethnicity and age. This makes them more akin to The Chosen One or The Vault Dweller, of Fallout 2 and Fallout respectively, than they are to The Lone Wanderer of Fallout 3.

Companions (Fallout: New Vegas)
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Arcade Israel Gannon (Voiced by Zachary Levi)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Age: 35
  • Specialty: Doctor, Member of the Followers of the Apocalypse
  • Perk: Better Healing (The player regains more health from all sources)
  • Location: Old Mormon Fort
  • How to acquire: You must have a Speech level of 75 in order to convince Arcade to join you or you must have a good reputation with the Followers of the Apocalypse.
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Craig Boone (Voiced by James Marsden)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Age: 26
  • Specialty: Town Guard, former New Californian Republic First Recon Sniper Unit
  • Perk: Spotter (Hostile targets are highlighted whenever the player is actively aiming)
  • Location: Novac
  • How to acquire: Complete the mission you receive from Boone (One for my Baby), then convince him to join you.
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Rose of Sharon Cassidy (Voiced by Rachel Roswell)
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Age: 37
  • Specialty: Water Merchant, Owner of Cassidy Caravans
  • Perk: Whiskey Rose (Both she and the player gain Damage Threshold when they drink Whiskey. Additionally, the player does not suffer intelligence loss from consuming alcohol and ignores the negative effects of alcohol addiction.)
  • Location: Mojave Outpost
  • How to acquire: While completing "Heartache by the Number", you will be told to purchase Cassidy Caravans for the Crimson Caravan company. Convince Cass to sell her company, then convince her to join you.
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Veronica Renata Santangelo (Voiced by Felicia Day)
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Age: 27
  • Specialty: Journeyman Scribe, Procurement Specialist, Brotherhood of Steel
  • Perk: Scribe Assistant (The player can craft Workbench items through Veronica’s dialogue)
  • Location: 188 Trading Post
  • How to acquire: Veronica actually wants to join you! She can be easily recruited once you find her on the top side of the 188 Trading Post.
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Lillian Marie Bowen (Voiced by David Anthony Pizzuto)
  • Gender: N/A
  • Race: Nightkin Super Mutant
  • Ethnicity: African
  • Age: 203
  • Specialty: Farmer in Jacobstown
  • Perk: Stealth Girl (The duration of Stealth Boys is increased by 200% and all Sneak Attack Critical Hits do an additional 10% damage)
  • Location: Jacobstown
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Raul Alfonso Tejada (Voiced by Danny Trejo)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ghoul
  • Ethnicity: Meztiso
  • Age: 230
  • Specialty: Repairman
  • Perk: Regular Maintenance (The condition of weapons and armor decays 50% slower, 75% if convinced to let go of his gunslinging ways in his past, and 33% to firearms damage if he dons his cowboy costume by convincing him to go back to his gunslinging ways in his sidequest)
  • Location: Black Mountain
  • How to acquire: Rescue him from the prison in Black Mountain and he will join you. You must have a Science or Lockpick level of 100 in order to free Raul without killing Tabitha in completing the quest "Crazy, Crazy, Crazy".
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Eyebot (Duraframe) – Subject E
  • Age: 6
  • Specialty: Shop Security
  • Perk: Enhanced Sensors (The player can detect enemies at an increased range. Additionally, enemies will appear on the player’s compass and can be targeted in V.A.T.S. even when cloaked)
  • Location: Primm
  • How to acquire: ED-E can be found inside the Mojave Courier office in Primm. You will need to have a Science level of 55, a Repair skill of 35, or a repairing him using certain required items said in-game.
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Cyber-Hound Mk. III, LEO Support Model, Serial Number B955883
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 209
  • Specialty: Sidekick to The King
  • Perk: Search and Mark (Unequipped chems, firearms, and ammunition within a short distance are highlighted when you zoom the camera.)
  • Location: The King's School of Impersonation
  • How to acquire: After completing the initial quest for The King, you can open up a dialogue tree regarding Rex. Turns out Rex needs a new brain and if you offer to help him, The King will allow you to take Rex.
Companions (Dead Money)
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Dog/God (Voiced by Dave B. Mitchell)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Super Mutant
  • Specialty: 2nd Generation Super Mutant
  • Perk: Because of their split personality Dog/God have separate perks. Ravenous Hunger (When Ghost People are knocked out Dog will deal the final blow by eating them), In His Foot Steps (When God is in control he will give the player a bonus to their sneak skill).
  • Location: Villa Police Station
  • How to acquire: Dog is gained by progressing through the main story arc of Dead Money
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  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human
  • Specialty: Former Brotherhood of Steel Knight
  • Perk: Signal Interference (Delays alarms for a short period of time)
  • Location: Villa Clinic
  • How to acquire: Christine is gained by progressing through the main story arc of Dead Money
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Dean Domino
Dean Domino (Voiced by Barry Dennen)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ghoul
  • Perk: Unclean Living (Delays the affects of toxic clouds and reduces damage from them)
  • Location: Sierra Madre - Residential District
  • How to acquire: Dean is gained by progressing through the main story arc of Dead Money

Companions (Honest Hearts)

Follows-Chalk (Voiced by Christian Lanz)

  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human (Scout for the Dead Horse tribe)
  • Perk: Well-Stacked Cairns- Reaching viewpoints (such as Ranger stations) grants +3 Perception for 3 minutes.
  • Location: Angel Cave
  • How to acquire: Follows-Chalk comes up to you shortly after entering Zion after a battle with the White Legs.

Waking Cloud (Voiced by Misi L. Lecube)

  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human (Midwife for the Sorrows tribe)
  • Perk: Quiet as the Waters- Makes it much easier to sneak by White Legs (Decreases their Perception by 3)
  • Location: Sorrows Camp
  • How to acquire: Waking Cloud offers to be you guide to help you along with certian quests once you reach the Sorrows camp

Joshua Graham aka The Burned Man (Voiced by Keith Szarabajka)

  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human ( War Chief of the Dead Horses)
  • Perk: The Way of the Canaanite - decreases the fire spread and increases two times the chance to score a critical hit with any .45 Auto pistol.
  • Location: Angel Cave in the Dead Horse Camp
  • How to acquire: After telling Daniel that you want to go slaughter all the White Legs, you will automatically be transported to Joshua Graham where he will run down the plan of action to exterminating the White Legs. When that conservation is finished, Joshua Graham will be your companion.


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Welcome to New Vegas

All casinos in Fallout: New Vegas have their own feel and appearance, outside and inside. Casinos feature all sorts of gambling mini-games, such as, blackjack, poker, roulette, and slot machines. Each casino keeps track of the players winnings in each game if the player wins enough in a certain mini-game, for example: blackjack, they will be allowed to start betting at the high roller table. If the player makes an enormous amount of money, they will bust the casino and be forced to leave, three of the major casinos on the strip have a winnings limit of 10.000 caps. If the player busts all of the casinos in the game they will be awarded with an achievement or trophy.

  • The Strip

Contains most of the Casinos in the game. Each casino is almost a mini faction if not part of a bigger faction in the game. You can gamble in each and the rules and style is different for each one. Most if not all of the casinos accept each of the games two new currencies and bottle caps. The two new currencies are NCR dollars and Caesar's Coins. The player is allowed to win a maximum of 9,000 chips in the Gomorrah, 10,000 in The Tops and 15,000 in the Ultra-Luxe. Once the player reaches the respective limits, they forced to stop gambling at the casino.

  • Lucky 38

The Lucky 38 is the home of the mysterious Mr. House. Nobody has been seen entering the Lucky 38 in quite some time. The Lucky 38 towers over everything else on the strip; it can be seen from nearly everywhere in the Mojave Wasteland.

  • Vault 21

This Vault was designed with a Vegas flavor as the rules were designed with gambling in mind. Every dispute was determined by bets until Mr. House bet them for the vault and won. Vault 21 is located underneath New Vegas. It is still populated with it's original inhabitants but has since been opened to the outside world. Vault 21 is now a hotel and a gambling hot spot in New Vegas.

  • The Ultra-Luxe

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This is the fancy place that everyone wants to go to enjoy finest dining in the Mojave wasteland. It is fancy and you'll most likely find very good health boosting food here. The casino is one of the most pristine buildings in the in-game world.

  • The Tops

The most secured casino in all of New Vegas. The Tops is known for its Frank Sinatra music, slot machines, roulette wheel, and blackjack tables. The casino has the most security personnel of any casino in New Vegas, having guards posted everywhere you look. Weapons are strictly forbidden inside the tops. When attempting to enter the tops you will have to relinquish your weapons to the security guards outside.

  • Vikki and Vance

Located in Primm, the casino is named after the notorious bandit duo Vikki and Vance (an homage to Bonny and Clyde) the player needs to eliminate the Powder Gangers and reestablish law within the town for the casino to open up again. It's one of the few things that attract people towards the town of Primm. The winning limit is 2700 caps.

  • The Atomic Wrangler

A casino that is situated in Freeside. This casino is by no means luxurious,but if you cant get into Vegas, this is the place to be. The casino is run by the Garret twins (James and Francine) they can usually be seen at the reception. The winning limit is 5.000 caps.

  • Sierra Madre Casino

The Sierra Madre Casino can be found in the Dead Money addon, the casino is surrounded by rumors of great pre-war treasure which many have tried to steal but none have succeeded. Unlike any other casinos in the Mojave Wasteland this one only uses Sierra Madre chips, which the player can use to gamble or buy items from Sierra Madre vending machines. Once the player wins 7500 chips he gets a complementary voucher which he can use at the vending machines to get a 1000 free chips. The winning limit is 10.000 and unlike other casinos slots in this one have only a 25 maximum bet instead of 200 this means that the player can't exceed the winning limit, at least not to 32.000 chips. Once the player leaves Sierra Madre he can still get complementary vouchers (provided he won one in the casino) he can use the vouchers at the Sierra Madre vending machine in the Abandoned BoS Bunker to get the 1000 free chips and then buy items from the list, provided he found their codes while in Sierra Madre.

Downloadable Content

On August 18, 2010, Senior Producer Jason Bergman told gaming website, Destructoid in an interview, that downloadable content is already being planned. He also added that it will be out shortly after the launch of Fallout: New Vegas.

On October 18, 2010, Bethesda's Pete Hines announced that Obsidian would be bringing it's first downloadable content exclusively to the Xbox 360 at the end of the year. Later on November 17th it was announced that the first addon would be called Dead Money.

Dead Money

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The Ghost People

Dead Money brings players to the unfinished resort/casino, Sierra Madre. The courier is lured to Sierra Madre by a radio signal, similar to the downloadable content in Fallout 3. The area is highly radiated and to make matters worse the casino is armed with one of the most grand defense systems in the west. The courier will encounter many new characters in Sierra Madre, including the hostile hazmat suit wearing inhabitants known only as the Ghost People.

The addon also includes new achievements, perks, and raise the level cap from 30 to 35.

Honest Hearts

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The Burned Man

Honest Hearts drops the courier into a conflict between waring tribes, The Sorrows and The White Legs, The Burned Man and a New Canaanite missionary, Daniel, when a caravan they're escorting is ambushed. The main location of this DLC is Zion National Park in Utah. The addon also adds new perks, weapons, and increases the level cap from 35 to 40.

Honest Hearts was first hinted at, like Dead Money, via in-game graffiti, sparking speculation that it would be the next DLC. This speculation was seemingly confirmed when ZeniMax registered "Honest Hearts" as a trademark.

The graffiti hinting at Honest Hearts refers to Joshua Graham and New Canaan, which were originally to appear in Van Buren, Black Isle's canceled Fallout 3 project.

Honest Hearts was confirmed when a listing for it was spotted on the trademark filing website, Trademarkia.

Old World Blues

[external image]

Old World Blues will be the third released piece of downloadable content for Fallout: New Vegas. It will take place in and around The Big Empty, an area that was to be featured in Van Buren (Fallout 3), and the character Ulysses, who has been heavily mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas, Dead Money, and Honest Hearts.

Old World Blues has been confirmed to be released on Tuesday, July 19th (according to the official Fallout New Vegas site).

Lonesome Road

[external image]

The "Lonesome Road" DLC was released September 20, 2011. The Courier (The playable character) is contacted by the original Courier 6, Ulysses, who refused to deliver the Platinum Chip at the start of Fallout: New Vegas. He did so when he learned that the Courier's name was on the list of the six couriers. In the transmission that the Courier receives, Ulysses promises to answer why, only if the Courier took one last job to the Divide. An area that has been ruined by frequent earthquakes and storms. There begins the fabled location of the battle between Ulysses and the Courier. This DLC will raise the level cap by 5, bringing to maximum level to 50.

Courier's Stash

Will include all preorder bonus packs. This includes the Caravan Pack, Classic Pack, Mercenary Pack, and Tribal Pack.

Gun Runner's Arsenal

Gun Runner's Arsenal adds more unique weapons, weapon mods, ammo types, and recipes to the vendors of the Mojave Wasteland. Many of these weapons have high prices, high stats, and are acquirable at any point in the game.

Bug Reports

Fallout: New Vegas was the center of attention on forum outlets for weeks due to launching with hundreds of game-breaking bugs and glitches which have been reported by players all over the world. All though some players insisted they did not encounter any bugs, many others claimed the game was literally unplayable. While its predecessor Fallout 3 had similar issues many consumers expressed their outrage over New Vegas, accusing Bethesda of shipping a broken and unfinished product. All major bugs have since been fixed though here are a few examples of previously reported bugs:

[external image]
  • Quest givers would disappear from the game, making it impossible to proceed.
  • Save games were permanently corrupted if the player accumulated too many save files.
  • Using fast travel, upon arriving at their destination players would instantly be killed.
  • If players fired their gun just after loading a save file, the game would freeze.

One infamous bug occurred at the very beginning of the game in which Doc Mitchell's head was slowly revolving on itself 360 degrees. (pictured)

All Roads

A graphic novel written by Fallout 2 designer and Fallout: New Vegas senior designer, Chris Avellone, and drawn by Welinton Alves & Jean Diaz. Following from the perspective of two characters as they're tracking down the Courier, a week before their failed execution. All Roads is a prequel to Fallout: New Vegas. The novel will be published by Darkhorse Comics and Bethesda Softworks. All Roads is scheduled for a release in fall 2010. A hardcover copy of the graphic novel will be included in the limited edition of Fallout: New Vegas.

Another All Roads to Fallout: New Vegas addition is letting the reader/player witness characters leaving behind or storing items at in-game locations. Allowing the player to find them when they're playing the game.

Collector's Edition

[external image]
The perfect gift for a gambling addict

The collector's edition of Fallout: New Vegas was announced on May 11th 2010. It will be sold for both the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 for $80, and $70 for the PC version. The collector's edition Was released on October 19, 2010.

List of what is included in the collector's edition

  • "Lucky 7" poker chips
  • A specialized deck of Fallout: New Vegas themed cards
  • "Lucky 38" platinum poker chip
  • The Fallout: New Vegas Dark Horse Comic book All Roads (hardcover)
  • The Making of Fallout: New Vegas DVD

Ultimate Edition

[external image]

On the 7th, February, 2012 the Ultimate Edition of Fallout: New Vegas was announced on BethBlog and it is readily available at stores for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. This edition contains all the the DLC (Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues and Lonesome Road) along with Gun Runners's Arsenal and Courier's Stash (which contains all of pre-order bonus packs), which, true to it's name, makes this the ultimate edition of Fallout: New Vegas indeed.

Pre-Order Bonuses

On May 28, 2010, a pre-order bonus known as the "Classic Pack" was spotted on the Australian portal of the EB Games website. The pre-order bonus advertisement was taken down not long after it was put up on the site. It is assumed that these items included in the classic pack and the classic pack itself are genuine. The classic pack includes nostalgic items from Vault 13. On June 10, 2010, four pre-order exclusive packs were announced including the classic pack.

Classic Pack (Gamestop)

[external image]
Classic ain't it?
  • Armored Vault 13 Suit
  • Weathered 10MM Pistol
  • Vault 13 Canteen*
  • 5 Stimpaks

Tribal Pack (Amazon)

  • Tribal Raiding Armor
  • Broad Machete
  • 5 Bleak Venom doses
  • 10 Throwing Spears

Caravan Pack (Steam and Walmart)

[external image]
Who's the tough guy now?
  • Lightweight Leather Armor
  • Sturdy Caravan Shotgun
  • 4 Repair Kits
  • Binoculars

Mercenary Pack (Best Buy)

  • Lightweight Metal Armor
  • Mercenary's Grenade Rifle
  • 3 Super Stimpaks
  • 3 Doctor Bags

Voice Talents

The voice talents in Fallout: New Vegas are many, both in quantity and quality. The list would go on and on, but here's a list with a few of the talents involved and their respective in-game characters.

  • Matthew Perry ... Benny
  • Wayne Newton ... Mr. New Vegas
  • Kris Kristofferson ... Chief Hanlon
  • Ron Perlman ... Narrator
  • Zachary Levi ... Arcade Gannon
  • William Sadler ... Victor
  • Rene Auberjonois ... Mr. House
  • Michael Dorn ... Marcus
  • Danny Trejo ... Raul Tejada
  • John Doman ... Caesar
  • Felicia Day ... Veronica Santangelo
  • Dave Foley ... Yes Man
  • Rob Corddry ... Billy Knight
  • Michael Hogan ... Doc Mitchell
  • Alex Rocco ... Big Sal
  • Ian Gregory ... Papa Khan
  • James Horan ... The King
  • Kirsten Potter ... Colonel Moore
  • Dave B. Mitchell ... Festus
  • Mitch Lewis ... Legate Lanius
  • Fred Tatasciore ... Rhonda
  • James Marsden ... Craig Boone
  • Jason Spisak ... Vulpes Inculta
  • Monte Markham ... President Kimball
  • David Anthony Pizzuto ... Lilly Bowen
  • Rachel Roswell ... Cass
  • Wil Wheaton ... Robobrain
  • William Mapother ... Colonel Hsu
  • Zoe Bell ... Melissa
  • Jude Ciccolella ... Thomas Hildern
  • Emerson Brooks ... McMurphy
  • Laura Bailey ... Julie Farkas / Lt. Boyd


Inon Zur returns as the composer for the majority of the original music, as with Fallout Tactics and Fallout 3, additionally the entire soundtracks for Fallout and Fallout 2 by Mark Morgan are included in the game. In the PC version, the complete soundtrack (in MP3 format) is available in the game's install folder.

New Vegas Radio

  • "Ain't That a Kick in the Head?" - Dean Martin
  • "Blue Moon" - Frank Sinatra
  • "Green Clouds and Dust Whirls" - J.E. Sawyer
  • "Home on the Wastes" - J.E. Sawyer and Nathaniel Chapman
  • "It's a Sin to Tell a Lie" - The Ink Spots
  • "(I Got Spurs That) Jingle, Jangle, Jingle" - Kay Kyser
  • "Love Me as Though There Were No Tomorrow" - Nat King Cole
  • "Mad About the Boy" - Helen Forest
  • "New Vegas Valley" - J.E. Sawyer and James Melilli
  • "Something's Gotta Give" - Bing Crosby
  • "Streets of New Reno" - J.E. Sawyer and Nathaniel Chapman
  • "Why Don't You Do Right?" - Peggy Lee

PC System requirements

Minimum system requirements

  • OS: Windows 7/Vista/XP
  • Processor: Dual Core 2.0 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Hard Drive: 10GB of free space
  • Video Card: Nvidia Gforce 6 series, ATI 1300XT

Xbox 360 Game Installation

Installing this game to the Xbox 360 hard drive requires 4.8GB of memory.

Steam integration

As revealed in a Q&A session on the Bethesda forums, the game uses Steamworks SDK for achievements and other features (friends list, cloud storage). Retail PC copies also have to be activated using Steam.

New Perks


[external image]
You best not mess with me

Required Character Level: 8

Required Attributes/Skills: Guns 45, Melee 45

You do 25 percent more damage when using any revolver, lever-action firearm, dynamite, knife, or hatchet.

Jury Rigging

[external image]
You need something fixed?

Required Character Level: 14

Required Attributes/Skills: Repair 90

You possess the amazing ability to repair any item using a roughly similar item. Fix a trail carbine with a hunting rifle, a plasma defender with a laser pistol, or even power armor with metal armor. How does it work? Nobody knows…except you.

Rad Child

[external image]
Is it a plane? Is it a bird?

Required Character Level: 4

Required Attributes/Skills: Survival 70

You truly are a rad child. As you go through the increasingly devastating stages of radiation sickness, you will regenerate more and more health.

Laser Commander

[external image]
Stormtroopers miss... I don't

Required Character Level: 22

Required Attributes/Skills: Energy Weapons 90

From the humble laser pistol to the mighty Gatling laser, you do plus 15 percent damage and have plus 10 percent chance to critically hit with any laser weapon.

Shotgun Surgeon

I'll be
I'll be "operating" you next

Required Character Level: 6

Required Attributes/Skills: Guns 45

Your precision with a scattergun is something to behold. When using shotguns, regardless of ammunition used, you ignore an additional 10 points of a target's damage threshold.

Long Haul

[external image]
Now I can bring gifts to my friends

Required Character Level: 12

Required Attributes/Skills: Endurance 6, Barter 70

You have learned how to pack mountains of gear for the long haul. Being over-encumbered no longer prevents you from using fast travel.

Math Wrath

[external image]
X Y : Z = AP cost reduction

Required Character Level: 10

Required Attributes/Skills: Science 70

You are able to optimize your Pip-Boy's VATS logic, reducing all AP costs by 10 percent.

Pack Rat

[external image]
I can carry all the junk I want

Required Character Level: 8

Required Attributes/Skills: Intelligence 5, Barter 70

You have learned the value of careful packing. Items with a weight of two or less weigh half as much for you.

The Professional

[external image]
You'll NEVER see me coming

Required Character Level: 6

Required Attributes/Skills: Sneak 70

Up close and personal, that's how you like it. Your sneak attack criticals with pistols, revolvers, and submachine guns, whether guns or energy weapons, all inflict an additional 20% damage.


[external image]
Yep, I don't mind getting dirty

Required Character Level: 14

As a purifier of the wasteland, you do plus 50% damage with melee and unarmed weapons against Centaurs, Nightstalkers, Spore Plants, Spore Carriers, Deathclaws, Super Mutants and Feral Ghouls.

Steam Achievements

Ain't That a Kick in the HeadComplete Ain't That a Kick in the Head.
All or NothingComplete All or Nothing.
Arizona KillerComplete arizona killer.
Artful PocketerPick 50 pockets.
Assemble Your CrewRecruit Dean Domino, Christine and Dog.
Blast MasteryCause 10,000 damage with energy weapons.
Caravan MasterWin 30 games of Caravan.
Cash OutConfront Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre's Vault.
Come Fly With MeComplete come fly with me.
CraftyCraft 20 items.
Desert SurvivalistHeal 10,000 points of damage with food.
Double DownPlay 10 hands of Blackjack.
Eureka!Complete eureka!
For the RepublicComplete For the Republic.
G.I. BluesComplete g.i. blues.
Globe TrotterDiscover all snow globes.
Hack the MojaveHack 25 terminals.
HardcorePlay the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode.
Having a BallComplete the Sierra Madre Gala Event.
In a Foreign LandScout the Zion Valley for signs of the White Legs.
Jury RiggerRepair 30 items.
Know When to Fold ThemWin 3 games of Caravan.
Lead DealerCause 10,000 damage with Guns.
Little WheelPlay 10 spins of Roulette.
Love the BombCause 10,000 damage with Explosives.
Master of the MojaveDiscover 125 locations.
May my Hand Forget its SkillEvacuate Zion.
Mod MasterInstall 20 weapon mods.
New KidReached 10th level.
New Vegas SamuraiCause 10,000 damage with melee weapons.
No Gods, No MastersComplete no gods, no masters
No Tumbler FumblerPick 25 locks.
O Daughter of BabylonCrush the White Legs.
Ol' Buddy Ol' PalRecruit any companion.
Old-Tyme BrawlerCause 10,000 damage with Unarmed weapons.
One Armed BanditPlay 10 spins of Slots.
Outstanding OratorMake 50 Speech challenges.
Render Unto CaesarComplete render unto caesar.
Restore Our FortunesResupply Daniel and the Sorrows.
Return to SenderComplete Return to Sender.
Ring-a-Ding-DingComplete ring-a-ding-ding.
Safety Deposit BoxTrap Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre's Vault.
Sierra Souvenir AficionadoCollect 500 Sierra Madre Chips.
Stim-ply AmazingHeal 10,000 points of damage with Stimpaks.
Talent PoolComplete talent pool.
That Lucky Old SunComplete that lucky old sun.
The BossReach 30th level.
The Courier Who Broke the BankGet banned from all the Strip's casinos.
The House Always WinsComplete the house always wins.
The Legend of the StarComplete The Legend of the Star.
The Whole Gang's HereRecruit all companions.
They Went That-a-WayComplete they went that-a-way.
Up and ComerReach 20th level.
Veni, Vidi, ViciComplete veni, vidi, vici.
Volare!Complete volare!
Walker of the MojaveDiscover 50 locations.
When We Remembered ZionArrive at Zion.
Wild CardComplete wild card.
You Run Barter TownSell 10,000 caps worth of goods.
You'll Know It When It HappensComplete you'll know it when it happens.
  • Cheat Codes

    Press ~ key during gameplay to open the console menu. Then enter in the code.

    Add # of sunset sarsaparilla blue star bottle capsplayer.additem 00103b1c
    add # special pointsaddspecialpoints #
    Add Debug MegaPistol (Most powerful pistol.)player.additem 001465A6 1
    Add Perksplayer.addperk (perkcode)
    Advance one leveladvlevel
    All mapmarkerstmm 1
    Bottle capsplayer.additem 000000F (number of caps)
    change all face optionsShowPlasticSurgeonMenu
    change all hair optionsShowBarberMenu
    Change faction reputationSetReputation [Faction ID] [0/1] [1-100]
    changes leve to #, doesn't affect anything else.player.setlevel #
    Changes sexSexChange
    Closes All MenusCloseAllMenus
    Create gamesave with desired titleSave [what you want the save to be called]
    Debug-like filter/modetcg
    Gives x karma points(use negative values for negative karma)RewardKarma x
    God modetgm
    HP cheatplayer.modav health #
    Increase the Gamespeed of all NPCs & the User (Default is 4)setgs fmoverunmult #
    Increases maximum carry weight by number specifiedplayer.modav carryweight #
    Infinite healthtdm
    Kill every NPC in areakillall
    Kill selected NPC or enemykill
    No clippingtcl
    Opens door without unlocking it.activate
    Perfect VATS AimingSetGS fVATSHitChanceMult 100
    Player can wear power armorsetpccanusepowerarmor 1
    Player health and Limb Health will be restoredplayer.resethealth
    Quits game fast.QQQ
    Remove Perkplayer.removeperk [Perk ID]
    Removes all items of selected NPCremoveallitems
    Repair items.player.srm
    Restore health and limb healthplayer.reset health
    Resurrect selected dead NPC or enemyresurrect
    Save and quitsaq
    Set ownership of selected itemSet Ownership
    Set S.P.E.C.I.A.L. levelsetspecialpoints [number 1-10]
    Set skill levelmodpcs [skill name] [number 1-100]
    Set the scale of a NPC ( 1 = normal)setscale 1
    Set the scale of yourself ( 1 = normal )player.setscale 1
    Sets ownership to a item(must select item first)setownership
    Sets player jump height (default is 64)setgs fJumpHeightMin #
    Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but those from gear, tag skills, or attributes.player.setav <SKILL> #
    Sets your currently equipped weapon's condition to 100.player.setweaponhealthperc 100
    Teleports player to quest targetmovetoqt
    Toggle detectiontDetect
    Toggle Free Camera Modetfc
    Toggle gorebDisableAllGore=0/1
    Toggle leavestlv
    Toggles fog of war in local maptfow
    Toggles Grass displaytg
    Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals.unlock
    Unlocks door, safe or computers.(must click the objet first, may cause glitches)Unlock


Pavadinimas : Fallout : New Vegas

Kurejas/Leidejas: Obsidian Entertainment/Bethesda Softworks

Zanras : RPG

Konsoles : PS3 , Xbox360 , PC

Isleidimo data : 2010


Londone per spaudos konferencija buvo paskelbtas Fallout:New Vegas , daug detaliu neatskleista, tik tai , kad zaidimas jau kuriamas ir naudos Fallout3 grafini varikli. Kaip matote pasikeite ir kurejai, dabar zaidima kurs Obsidian Entertainment , kuria sudaro ir zmones kure pirmuosius Fallout zaidimus. Nors kurejai ir pasikeite , bet teigiama , kad naujasis Fallout nenutols nuo Fallout3 saknu.








Redagavo Magnitas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Pavadinimas : Fallout : New Vegas

Zanras : RPG

Kurejas/Leidejas: Obsidian Entertainment/Bethesda Softworks

Konsoles : PS3 , Xbox360 , PC

Isleidimo data : 2010


Londone per spaudos konferencija buvo paskelbtas Fallout:New Vegas , daug detaliu neatskleista, tik tai , kad zaidimas jau kuriamas ir naudos Fallout3 grafini varikli. Kaip matote pasikeite ir kurejai, dabar zaidima kurs Obsidian Entertainment , kuria sudaro ir zmones kure pirmuosius Fallout zaidimus. Nors kurejai ir pasikeite , bet teigiama , kad naujasis Fallout nenutols nuo Fallout3 saknu.

labai gerai,kaip tik dar yra laiko isnarstyti visas fallout 3 vietoves,tokiam zaidimui labai gera naujiena,jei is tiesu nenutols nuo f3 stiliaus tai bus nauja dovana mums

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Norėčiau,kad New Vegas būtų laaaabai panašus i F3.tik kad map naujas,ginklai,armorai ir kita. :D Nu vis keičiasi tie kūrėjai :/

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

labai gerai,kaip tik dar yra laiko isnarstyti visas fallout 3 vietoves,tokiam zaidimui labai gera naujiena,jei is tiesu nenutols nuo f3 stiliaus tai bus nauja dovana mums

Ne į temą

bin there done that :notworthy: tik liko papildyma pereit

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

nternete pasirodė nutekėjusios Fallout: New Vegas žaidimo detalės. Pasak Gamespot forumų, šios detalės turėtų būti paskelbtos kitame Game Informer žurnalo numeryje. Bethesda atsisako tai komentuoti.


Ar ši informacija teisinga, kiekvienas nuspręs pagal save. Štai minėtosios detalės:




* ►Kaip ir Dragon Age: Origins, taip ir čia nuo to, kokį veikėją susikusite žaidimo pradžioje priklausys pirmosios žaidimo valandos. Tuo metu galėsite gauti tik tokiam veikėjo tipui būdingas savybes ir įgūdžius, kurių, žaisdami už kitus veikėjus, negautumėte.

* ►Taip pat jau yra paskelbta viena pradžia - jau aišku, kaip žaidimas prasidės, pasirinkus kinų agentą. Visas veiksmas prasidės dar nenukritus bomboms. Mūsų valdomas žaidėjas bus vienas iš Crimson Dragoons komandos narių, kurie siekia įsiskverbti Hūverio užtvanką. Mums pavyks prasėlinti pro amerikiečių apsaugą bei padėti sprogmenis, bet pasišalinant būsime sulaikyti. Mes ir likę komandos draugai bus išgabenti į urvus bei uždaryti cianido kapsulėse. Visa ši istorija baigsis, kai po tam tikro laiko tarpo mūsų valdomas veikėjas išeina į lauką, nusiima šalmą ir Kolorado upėje pamato savo atspindį - jis tapo ghoul'u.

* ►Kuriant veikėją bus galima pasirinkti dvi pagrindines savybes. Panašiai kaip ir Fallout 3, čia bus Ghoul Mask, su kuria mūsų nepuls Ghoul'ai. Taip pat bus tokių savybių kaip imunitetas radiacijai, didelis radiacijos kiekio sukaupimas ir panaudojimas priešams nukauti arba pasigydyti pačiam.

* ►Numatyti kinų agento skill'ai yra sėlinimas, mažų ginklų ir sprogmenų naudojimas. Nepatinka? Puiku, visa tai bus galima laisvai redaguoti.

* ►Jei nemėgstate ar tingite kurtis veikėją, tai žaidime bus Lone Wanderer funkcija, kuri leis pradėti naršyti po pasaulį iškart, nelošiant jokios priešistorės.

* ►SPECIAL sistema išliks tokia pati kaip ir Fallout 3, tik čia viskas bus sudėtingiau - žaidėjas tikrai negalės įvaldyti VISŲ skill'ų 100 proc. Žadama, jog visa tai Bethesda dar patobulins.

* ►Gambling'as taip išliks, bet ne kaip skill'as. Žaidime jam įtaką darys jūsų sėkmė. Žaisdami kortomis sukčiauti galėsite pasinaudoję sėlinimu ar tam tikromis mašinomis.

* ►Fallout: New Vegas bus ir transporto priemonės. Jas bus galima tobulinti perkant naujas dalis ar laimint lenktynes. Važinėjant po dykumas automobilį puls milžiniški skorpionai ar kirminai, kurie į pėsčiomis einantį žmogų nelabai atkreiptų dėmesį.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Eh kaip laukiu, ta vieta kur vandenyje pamato savo atvaizda tiesiog osum.

Tik nelabai patiko kad bus transporto priemoniu, na ziuresim kas is to gausis. :D

Redagavo Dzozas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

* ►Taip pat jau yra paskelbta viena pradžia - jau aišku, kaip žaidimas prasidės, pasirinkus kinų agentą. Visas veiksmas prasidės dar nenukritus bomboms. Mūsų valdomas žaidėjas bus vienas iš Crimson Dragoons komandos narių, kurie siekia įsiskverbti Hūverio užtvanką. Mums pavyks prasėlinti pro amerikiečių apsaugą bei padėti sprogmenis, bet pasišalinant būsime sulaikyti. Mes ir likę komandos draugai bus išgabenti į urvus bei uždaryti cianido kapsulėse. Visa ši istorija baigsis, kai po tam tikro laiko tarpo mūsų valdomas veikėjas išeina į lauką, nusiima šalmą ir Kolorado upėje pamato savo atspindį - jis tapo ghoul'u.

Va čia tai interesnas tikrai dalykas :huh: Reiks visus origininus praeit, bet šeip jo, jei mašinas lievai sukurs tai tik pakenks žaidimui..

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

* There is an optional hardcore mode, the character needs to drink water, ammo has weight, healing isn't instant etc. Normal mode is more similar to Fallout 3 gameplay.

* Vegas didn't get many nukes. More intact buildings, as well as desert vegetation. Vegas itself is mostly intact.

* The storyline is focused on the New California Republic vs. Caesar's Legion vs. New Vegas residents.

* You are not a vault dweller but are given a Pip-Boy by someone who is one. You are a courier, left for dead and saved by a friendly robot.

* There is a screenshot of a vault suit as well.

* There is an assault rifle looking like the M4, as well as a new machine gun that shoots grenades.

* There are special moves for melee weapons in VATS - specifically a move for a golf club called "Fore!" which seems to be a groin shot.

* The Hoover Dam is in the game and is supplying electricity to the city.

* There is a quest to rescue a ghoul from some super mutants. The ghoul can then become your companion

* The Geckos are back.

* There are both dumb and intelligent super mutants, including the elite Nightkin.

* Some super mutants look similar to the ones in Fallout 3, while others are new. There is e.g. a female super mutant with a blonde 1950s style wig and heart-shaped glasses who apparently is one of their leaders.

* Screenshots include a guy with a beard and straw hat, a ghoul an NCR Ranger

* The only picture of New Vegas itself is concept art and not a screenshot

* Some location screenshots include a huge model dinosaur advertising a hotel, some satellite dishes, an array of solar panels

* A character generation shot showing a "vigour machine" instead of the skill book

* NCR base is the McCarran Airport, Caesar's Legion is based in the Vegas Strip, while super mutants are based in a place called Black Mountain. There is also a town called Fremont and another called Primm. A topless reuve is mentioned as being in the latter. Area 51 also appears.

* NCR Ranger armor is similar to a brown combat armor with sleeves, there are concept arts of a Ranger

* Skills have a bigger effect on conversation choices. E.g. someone with a high Explosives skill may be able to have a coversation about explosives where appropriate.

* Bartering is not just lower prices but negotiating for better rewards.

* All dialogue options are shown to all players, regardless of whether you have the stats to succeed or not, though there's no punishment for failure.

* There is a Reputation system for each settlement like in Fallout 2 in adition to Karma.

* Followers can be managed through a context-sensitive menu, with orders like "follow", "stay" or "attack".

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* The Brotherhood of Steel is back, but the core story revolves around the NCR and Caesar's Legion.

* SPECIAL now has descriptions - eg CHA 10 = Cult Leader, EN 1 = Basically Dead.

* Those descriptions for Strength: 10 - Hercules' Bigger Cousin 9 - Doomsday Pecs 8 - Circus Strongman 7 - Beach Bully 6 - Barrel Chested 5 - Average Joe 4 - Lightweight 3 - Doughy Baby 2 - Beached Jellyfish 1 - Wet Noodle

* You get a Vault 21 jumpsuit from the doc who revives you, along with a pistol and a Pip Boy 3000.

* Weapons can be modified, but modifications only have positive results. The magazine implies you won't need to make a choice between different mods, because they won't be mutually exclusive.

* And a little later the magazine contradicts itself by writing that adding a larger magazine increases reload times.

* Every weapon has a special attack, not just the golf club. It seems that Fore! does not mean groin shots are back for every weapon.

* Guns have different knockback amounts, pistols don't do much, shotguns blast people away.

* There's a town-specific reputation, and Obsidian has 'hinted' that the reputation will impact endings.

* Karma has been overhauled, tracking the factions and ideologies that you agree with.

* Nightkin are back, as blue-skinned Super Mutants who've gone schizophrenic through Stealth Boy use. They attack you while cloaked, deactivating cloak at the last minute to hit you with a club.

* The Tabitha situation can also be resolved by convincing Tabitha to revolt against the other Super Mutants.

* Helios One is not only a power plant, but also the location of the controls of a solar weapon developed by Poseidon Energy which you can employ yourself.

* You can now choose the main character's age.

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Ginklų upgreidai, nice :) Gal net galima tobulint savo seną ginklą tobulint tobulint ir nuo pradžios iki pat endgame su tuo pačiu gerai varyt :)

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pamates ginklu upgrade dar labiua laukiu sio zaidimo , fallout3 tesiog buvo sedebras :)

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  • Naujausios temos

  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • Sveiki, gl kas turit senų, neveikiančių VITA 1000 originalių USB/krovimo laidų neišmetę? Nupirkčiau. Ieškau gana didelio kiekio. Svarbu, kad pati jungtis nebūtų sulūžusi. Pernaudosiu jas gaminant USB-C pakrovimo stovus. Kinietiškos jungtys labai jau standžiai laiko. Nupirkčiau ir veikiančius, bet ne po 10eur. Prisegu gaminio foto.  
    • Sveiki, parduodu naudotus, bet atrodo kaip nauji - SAMSUNG Galaxy Buds 3PRO. Ausinukai originalūs, turiu tą įrodantį čekį bei ant pakuotės yra serijos numeris kurį patikrinus galėsite įsitikinti. Dėl kainos, nuotraukų ir pan. kreiptis asmeniškai į el. paštą - arba Discord - fureli420  Šio forumo žinučių, komentarų neseku.  
    • Sveiki, parduodu naudotus, bet atrodo kaip nauji - Apple AirPods 4 ANC. Ausinukai originalūs, turiu tą įrodantį čekį bei ant pakuotės yra serijos numeris kurį patikrinus galėsite įsitikinti. Dėl kainos, nuotraukų ir pan. kreiptis asmeniškai į el. paštą - arba Discord - fureli420  Šio forumo žinučių, komentarų neseku.
    • @lukasamba, ačiū už pasidalinimą patirtimi. Pats save t. p. galėčiau priskirti prie "entuziastų", bet su amžiumi tas entuziazmas jau ne be toks "degantis"😄 Pinigai šioje vietoje man nėra didelė problemą, diskasukį jau turiu (pirkau iš anksto tokiam atvejui). Man esminis skirtumas ar tikrai verta vargti ir nelaukiant PS6 keisti į Pro (kuria po to vistiek teks keisti į tą pačią PS6). Iki šiol nesu apsisprendęs ar man to reikia, bet aišku čia galutinis sprendimas mano. Kiek teko žiūrėti visų palyginimų, tai kardinalaus skirtumo nėra (jo ir ne gali būti). Tavo pateiktas pavyzdįs labai geras, bet čia esminis skirtumas kad su Pro AC Shadows gauni Performance mode RTGI ir apie 60fps, o vaniline ne, bet tą pati RTGI gauni quality mode. Šiaip asmeniškai labiau linkstu prie to kad kol kas neverta. P. S. Tiesa kaip pati konsoles kokybė, triukšmo lygis, kokie pasaliniai garsai ? 
    • Pirkau išleidimo dieną, bet aš esu entuziastas ant tokių dalykų ir tiesiog labai mėgstu PlayStation konsoles, tai pasakysiu taip. Paprastam žmogui tikrai neverta jos pirkti. Yra žaidimų kur skirtumas didesnis ir yra, kur skirtumas nematomas, bet jau praėjus truputi laiko, tai vis atsiranda žaidimų, kur tas skirtumas yra vis didesnis ir didesnis. Pvz. aš labai daug Gran Turismo 7 žaidžiu, tai ten ant Pro konsolės rezoliucija beveik 4K gaunasi ir FPS šokinėja tarp 100 ir 120 kažkas tokio, čia yra kosmosas. Turint didelį "high-end" televizorių (turiu), tai tas skirtumas labiau pasijaučia. AC Shadows išėjo ir ten skirtumai drastiški, ne tik rezoliucija, bet įvairūs grafikos nustatymai, apšvietimas, šešėliai ir panašiai. Tačiau yra vienas bet, Pro konsolė kainuoja, jei perkant kartu su diskasukiu, +- dvigubai daugiau negu Slim konsolė, tačiau perkant gauni +- apie 30% performance boost. Kaip tas patampa realybe, tai kaip minėjau, pas vienus žaidimus labiau, pas kitus ne, tai jei negaila sumokėti 100% daugiau pinigų dėl 30% performance boost, tai pirmyn. O šeip rekomenduočiau pažiūrėti Digital Foundry video YT, labai daug įvarių palyginimų yra.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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