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It’s been a year of silence since the September 2019 press conference, now the gaming studio based in Wrocław, Poland, is releasing a bit more information on its flagship game “I, the Inquisitor.” Among other things, the Dust is sharing details on the game’s main protagonist.

“I, the Inquisitor” has been talked about within the gaming industry for over two years, since The Dust bought the rights to the popular Inquisitor Cycle book series by the famous Polish fantasy author Jacek Piekara. Up until now, little has been known about the project aside from the bits and pieces presented at a 2019 press conference.
At that time the gaming Studio announced that the game would be story-driven with an emphasis on an outstanding emotions-based dialogue system. Another important aspect of the production will be an elaborate closed world. Up to now, the studio has kept most of the details under lock and key because the game was still in early production and there are plans for a long-term marketing blitz. The main character, the city, and supporting characters were all kept secret.

The main character of the game will be Mordimer Madderdin.

The Studio has confirmed that the main character will be Mordimer Madderdin, who will be well-known to readers of the series as the Inquisitor of His Excellency Bishop Hez-Hezron. Mordimer works for the holy official who is responsible for the new world order after Jesus Christ came down from the Cross and punished the unfaithful. However, Mordimer’s appearance remains a secret.


“One of our key tasks is to ensure that the character of Mordimer is received well by both readers of the Inquisitor Cycle series and those who don’t know him at all. We need to properly balance the external and internal characteristics of the presentation so that he is recognizable for readers of Piekara’s series and enticing for newcomers. We want to thoroughly examine this element to meet players’ expectations.” – President of The Dust, Jakub Wolff


The Studio also confirmed that it is still working on supporting the dialogues through a unique emotions system. The Dust still hasn’t published detailed information about the plot, only saying that the main storyline was completed a few months ago. At this stage, the story design is mainly working on developing dialogue.

The Dust is satisfied with the current state of the game’s graphics.

The game’s designers have also published the first screenshots from the game’s current build. In these four screenshots, the Wrocław Studio shows off the diversity of the game’s world they are creating. It is gloomy, but sometimes strangely familiar. In these few images we can see the high level of detail and the way they are playing with light. The Dust points out that these graphics are not yet finished, and they’ll continue to work on them.


“From the very beginning, the graphics were an extremely important element of the game’s development. We looked for inspiration in the Flemish masters of the Renaissance. As a result of many trials and experiments we found that we have amazing graphic possibilities and started to get closer to realism. I think that we are at a stage where we can share the first images with the public.” – Art Director for “I, the Inquisitor,” Kacper Szwajka

A small team with big ambitions

The project is being coordinated by game producer Jakub Karólewski, who was formerly with Wrocław’s Techland.


We currently have around 25 people involved in the game’s development, as needed we can add more specialists to the team. This will allow us to efficiently coordinate tasks and focus on the most important elements of particular benchmarks. In this work system, we can make decisions relatively quickly and move towards their implementation without delay, which can be an issue with larger teams.

Jakub Karólewski, Producer

Recently, the studio has undergone fundamental personnel changes in two positions as Kacper Szwajka took over as Art Director and Damian Pawlak – formerly of CD Projekt RED (Cyberpunk 2077) and Techland – became the Lead Game Designer.

What’s next?

The Studio did not provide information about when it wants to start a wider communication campaign with players, what their collaboration with Juice looks like, when we’ll meet Mordimer, or when they’ll finally show us some gameplay.

“We are working hard and we’re very happy with how things are turning out after a year of development. That’s all I can say at the moment. All the rest will come out with time. We certainly won’t just be keeping it to ourselves on our own computers.” – said CEO of The Dust, Jakub Wolff.



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      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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