Rekomenduojami pranešimai

The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante

The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante

  • Platformos

    • PC
  • Kūrėjas

    • Sever Studio
  • Leidėjas

    • 101XP
  • Temos

    • Fantasy
    • Sci-Fi
    • Medieval
  • Apie žaidimą

    Narrative-driven dark-fantasy RPG

The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante

Apie žaidimą

Narrative-driven dark-fantasy RPG


Panašūs žaidimai



The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante is a narrative-driven RPG that comes to life on the pages of the protagonist's journal. Set in a ruthless world where any form of dissent is mercilessly crushed, the story follows a man who has dared to challenge the existing order. Set out on a lifelong journey and become an individual able to carve out their own destiny... But remember that freedom never comes cheap.

Life in the Great Arknian Empire is harsh and its hardest Lot is yours by the circumstance of birth. You are a commoner, holding no rights and no title. To seize your fate and become the rightful heir to the legacy of the Brante family you will have to come to grips with ossified tradition and prejudice. Embarking on a life-long journey from one's birth until true death, you will have to endure great upheavals, face adversity, and make many difficult choices. Every decision will affect not only the protagonist, his family, and loved ones, but may even topple the foundation of the Empire itself.

Key features

At the turn of time
Every imperial citizen's life is predetermined by their estate. The deities known as the Twin Gods have bestowed this truth to the world, dividing mortals into Lots. The nobles lead and rule over others, while the clergy guides people on the one true path, and the lowborn suffer, toiling away for the glory of the Empire. You may accept your fate without question, but it is also in your power to change the cosmic order that governs all.

Your choice is not an illusion
Divided into chapters, the game keeps track of the player's deeds, the skills they acquired, as well as other overlapping circumstances that shape a unique plotline for each playthrough. Every decision has its consequences and you will be held accountable throughout the entire journey. To protect your family and loved ones, to impose the rule of the Emperor and make a fortune, or to try and change the world as you see fit... Make your choice, but beware of the follies of pride and ambition.

Fight for your life
One man is anything but omnipotent in this realm yet under your guidance, Sir Brante may become a person who can endure every trial fate throws at him and rewrite the very laws that govern his world! Develop and train your character, leveling up such traits as determination, sensitivity, and endurance. All of the hero's skills, starting with those acquired in infancy, will affect his personality, worldview, and relationships, ultimately unlocking new talents and possible storylines.


Find your own path
The first complete walkthrough can take you upwards of 15 hours! Numerous branching paths that affect the unfolding story will make every playthrough a unique experience: become a noble judge, learn the ways of the inquisition, plot a revolution as a member of a secret society, or embrace an entirely different purpose. Be brave and fate itself shall bend to your will!


There and hereafter
Resurrection system allows the character to keep his experience upon death, letting the player reevaluate past steps and make adjustments to their strategy going forward. Take control not only of your life but also your demise, then put everything at stake in this cycle of death and rebirth!








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    • Sveiki, gl kas turit senų, neveikiančių VITA 1000 originalių USB/krovimo laidų neišmetę? Nupirkčiau. Ieškau gana didelio kiekio. Svarbu, kad pati jungtis nebūtų sulūžusi. Pernaudosiu jas gaminant USB-C pakrovimo stovus. Kinietiškos jungtys labai jau standžiai laiko. Nupirkčiau ir veikiančius, bet ne po 10eur. Prisegu gaminio foto.  
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    • @lukasamba, ačiū už pasidalinimą patirtimi. Pats save t. p. galėčiau priskirti prie "entuziastų", bet su amžiumi tas entuziazmas jau ne be toks "degantis"😄 Pinigai šioje vietoje man nėra didelė problemą, diskasukį jau turiu (pirkau iš anksto tokiam atvejui). Man esminis skirtumas ar tikrai verta vargti ir nelaukiant PS6 keisti į Pro (kuria po to vistiek teks keisti į tą pačią PS6). Iki šiol nesu apsisprendęs ar man to reikia, bet aišku čia galutinis sprendimas mano. Kiek teko žiūrėti visų palyginimų, tai kardinalaus skirtumo nėra (jo ir ne gali būti). Tavo pateiktas pavyzdįs labai geras, bet čia esminis skirtumas kad su Pro AC Shadows gauni Performance mode RTGI ir apie 60fps, o vaniline ne, bet tą pati RTGI gauni quality mode. Šiaip asmeniškai labiau linkstu prie to kad kol kas neverta. P. S. Tiesa kaip pati konsoles kokybė, triukšmo lygis, kokie pasaliniai garsai ? 
    • Pirkau išleidimo dieną, bet aš esu entuziastas ant tokių dalykų ir tiesiog labai mėgstu PlayStation konsoles, tai pasakysiu taip. Paprastam žmogui tikrai neverta jos pirkti. Yra žaidimų kur skirtumas didesnis ir yra, kur skirtumas nematomas, bet jau praėjus truputi laiko, tai vis atsiranda žaidimų, kur tas skirtumas yra vis didesnis ir didesnis. Pvz. aš labai daug Gran Turismo 7 žaidžiu, tai ten ant Pro konsolės rezoliucija beveik 4K gaunasi ir FPS šokinėja tarp 100 ir 120 kažkas tokio, čia yra kosmosas. Turint didelį "high-end" televizorių (turiu), tai tas skirtumas labiau pasijaučia. AC Shadows išėjo ir ten skirtumai drastiški, ne tik rezoliucija, bet įvairūs grafikos nustatymai, apšvietimas, šešėliai ir panašiai. Tačiau yra vienas bet, Pro konsolė kainuoja, jei perkant kartu su diskasukiu, +- dvigubai daugiau negu Slim konsolė, tačiau perkant gauni +- apie 30% performance boost. Kaip tas patampa realybe, tai kaip minėjau, pas vienus žaidimus labiau, pas kitus ne, tai jei negaila sumokėti 100% daugiau pinigų dėl 30% performance boost, tai pirmyn. O šeip rekomenduočiau pažiūrėti Digital Foundry video YT, labai daug įvarių palyginimų yra.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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