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abgx360 v1.0.1 is finally here to save you from the BAN HAMMER!

Very easy to use.

Runs natively on practically any operating system.

All the info you could want is contained in the GUI.

If you still need a tutorial or you plan to write one, you're an idiot.

Enjoy and thanks to everyone involved! You know who you are!

Put Video_0E58FB9D.iso in your StealthFiles folder.

On Windows this is usually C:\Program Files\abgx360\StealthFiles\

On other systems this is usually ~/.abgx360/StealthFiles


Seacrest Download 67.6 Mb



Stealthing/Burning Guide v2

By GRiM ov TL


Updated and re-wrote for abgx360 GUI v1.0.1 as requested by you all, sorry it took a while but ive been really busy offline.



Firstly i have noticed various sites copying my previous guide without acknowledging Torrentleech or myself, If you are going to display a guide on your site then write it yourself or if you use somebody else's at least have manors to say thankyou.


I would like to say thank you to the people behind abgx360 GUI for giving and developing such a great program for everybody, I speak for everybody when i say we are all very grateful.


Onto the guides...






Part 1: Program Setup.

Part 2: Using with ISO/000.

Part 3: Using With Already Burned DVD.

Part 4: Output Results.

Part 5: Burning Guide.



Part 1: Program Setup



If you are a LiVE player then its VERY important that you validate/fix the stealth of your games prior to burning and playing. Not doing so extremely raises the risk of your game being detected as an illegal backup and you eventually been banned.


If you are currently using xDVDMulleter to validate/fix the game then you should move on to abgx360 GUI which is a complete replacement for mulleter since it uses an updated database and also detects and fixes more errors (like AnyDVD corruption for example)


This guide will show you how to set up abgx360 GUI for optimum safety. Its pretty easy to to setup and change anyway but this is just to make it even simpler for you.


All original 360 games have Security sectors on the disc that cannot be re-produced by a DVD burner so instead of been reproduced they are instead emulated (stealthed) with the help of a hacked firmware that is installed on your 360 drive. Firstly for your games to even boot on your hacked firmware this emulation has to be in place which is the basis for the initial "stealth" check of this program. Secondly for you to be "safe" playing your games on LIVE the stealth is compared to a stealth of the same disc that is stored on the abgx360 db and if its the same its "validated" and if it isn't a fix and patch will be attempted and then will be re-validated.


Remember that the only way your games can be validated/fixed is when the official retail is released and added to the db so that it can be compared, So if you care about not getting your console blacklisted you should be patient untill its added to the db.


You get banned when you can be detected as playing a copy on LIVE, This happens when the you play with a disc that the security isnt exactly what its supposed to be or isn't emulated correctly, this is where abgx360 comes in as it fixes security issues and can also compare the stealth security on your disc with what its supposed to look like from what they have in db.






Edit your settings to match these, Some will already be set as default on your initial install and some wont. Remember to click File>Save Settings then choose "Default" to make these your default settings or save as a new setting if you wish to.



RED = Needed

BLUE = Optional/Dependant on Firmware version.






Autofix Threshold:

Level 2 = Only use this level if you do your own game rips.

Level 3 = Use this option if you have downloaded your game.


Adjust Angle 359 (BAD KREON):

This is not required if you have ixtreme v1.4 or above as its already incorporated into the firmware. But if you also prefer to fix problems at disc level or if you do copies for other people and are not sure what firmware they have then enabling it is also fine.






Region Code:

This optional setting is for you to set the regions that your console(s) will play, For example if you are a UK user you would select both Europe and AUS/NZ.



This settings is required for people who dont have ixtreme firmware but is also optional for people that do have ixtreme.






Part 2: Using with ISO/000



This is very simple, all you do is select your ISO/000.



Then you simply click "Launch" on any page.




Part 3: Using With Already Burned DVD


First change the "Input" to DVDR, Then select the drive you wish to use.



Then you simply click "Launch" on any page.




Absolutely no fix can be done on a already burned DVDR this is simply to test what you already have on DVDR or to do a second test after burning for example.


You can however dump the DVDR back to ISO then fix and reburn if it turns out that the game needs fixing in some way or is unsafe.


If you want to dump the DVDR back to ISO simply load pop your disc in drive and use the autoplay option for IMGBurn or manually do following...




Now select your Source/Destination/Speed and the click the big start button.




Part 4: Output Results


abgx360 can fix various aspects of the ISO/000 but to actually "validate/fix" the stealth security so it is the same as official retail the specific game disc version (mediaID) you are scanning needs to be in the abgx360 database meaning somebody after official release has ripped and added it to database ready for it to be compared with yours. Also there is sometimes multiple discs versions and mediaID's for games if you want to play safe then be patient and wait till after official release and when its in the db.


There is no 100% safe even when using this app but doing so will VASTLY reduce the chances of your console getting flagged and ultimately banned. If you have already been playing "bad" games on LIVE then you may already be flagged and there is nothing you can do except to in future take this simple precaution and hope for best.


Here is some examples of what results you can get....



This means that the initial stealth check passed (will boot on ixtreme firmware) and that it also passed the verification check (It has been verified as accurate to what the official retail versions security looks like)




If you get any yellow writing then this means that a part of the check has failed. This does not always mean that its unsafe because most of the time it will automatically correct the error for you, like correcting angle deviation (Bad Kreon) or correcting errors in your .dvd file (File that you use to burn)


If you get a message saying that the verification failed then this means that it wasn't able to verify your stealth because the disc isnt in the db. If you are checking a pre-release then you should try again after official release. Also make sure you have the autofix level set to 3.


Blue indicates that abgx360 is downloading files. If the writing is at begining of log then its updating game lists if it happens towards end then its downloading validated stealth files to patch and fix your game.


If you receive any red writing then this usually means that the game data was not ripped properly and very likely that the game wont even work if at all!


If you get any "verification successful" or a "Files patched succesfully" etc then this means its validated or fixed your iso and is now safe to play on line.



Part 5: Burning Guide



1.) You need to get your xbox drive flashed with the latest hacked firmware (1.51).


a.) Use a online service.

b.) Find a local modder.

c.) Do it yourself.


2.) You may need to also update the firmware of your burner to accommodate latest media and to burn correctly.


You can usually do this by using your burners official webiste then navigating to its support/software update section and searching for you model number.


3.) You need to install IMGBurn to burn the iso's.


4.) Before burning the game image you need to follow the above instructions for validating/fixing the image to make sure its propely stealthed.


5.) The best discs to get for 360 games are Verbatim DVD+R DL (Has to be + discs and Dual Layer)


Verbatim will work in virtually every burner and 360 drive they are of the highest quality and will not put allot of stress on your drive like most cheaper brands do. If you have any problems using cheaper media then these are your solution.


If you are looking for a cheaper alternative then i recommend using "AOne PLUS+" they have improved allot since there standard DL discs are are very compatible.


Both brands are easily obtainable from Ebay.



6.) After Validating/Fixing the game you right click the .dvd file that came with it and choose the "burn With IMGBurn" option.


7.) I recomend setting the speed to 2.4x as this will give you a nice steady solid burn. Using a higher speed on some burners/media will give bad results and non working games.


If you can get good results fom burning at a higher speed then do so but if you have problems writing/reading then reduce speed and it should solve your prob.


8.) pop in your x360 an Enjoy :)


Enjoy.. and play safe

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    • Playstation 6 greičiausiai pasirodys dar negreitai, bet žinoma tikrai bus išleista. Todėl manau pats laikas pradėti diskusijas apie būsimą ir manau visų laukimą naują Sony konsole. Ypač kai nemažai dalykų jau žinoma taip pavadinkime "patvirtintų gandų lygije😀 Tai nieko nelaukiant ir pradedam. Ką šiam momentui žinoma apie galimas PS6 specifikacijas ? Tikrai žinomą kad geležį kaip ir ankščiau teiks AMD. Buvo gandų apie galimas deribas su Intel, bet šneka kad kompanijoms nepavyko susitarti. Taigi būs AMD ir tai yra viisškai gerai, bent jau dėl backward suderinamumo, be to AMD tikrai save užsirekomendavo kaip patikimas Playstation partneris. Grafikos čipas turėtu būti būsimos UDNA archtektūros, kuri pakeis dabartine (AMD grafikos kortų prasmę, ne PS5) RDNA 4. Kokios kartos būs UDNA, pirmos ar jau sekančios laikas parodys. Verta atsiminti, kad kai 2020 m buvo pristatyta Playstation 5, jį turėjo tam momentui pažangiausia AMD RDNA 2 archtektura. Taigi tikymibė kad mes turėsim nauajusia grafikos lūstą architektūros prasme gan didelė. Dėl CPU tai galimas variantas kad būs Zen 6 ar kažkas tai dar geresnio iš AMD X3D technologijos (turi labai daug cash atminties). T. p. kelia mažai abėjonių (jeigu imti pavyzdį kokiu kelių eina nVidia), kad dabar pradėta mashininio mokymo PSSR technologija būs vystoma toliau ir PS6 turės PSSR2 ar kitaip besivadinančia PSSR technologijos tęsinį. Kaip dėl būsimos konsolės našumo ? Leisiu sau teigti kad dar PS5 kartoje žadėti 4K60fps galu gale taps naujos konsolės standartų (tam pagelbės ir PSSR), dalyje žaidimų būs pasiekta ir stabilus 4K120fps (nes ir dabar kai kuriose yra) bei įtariu kad nauja konsole gan stabiliai leis rinktis 8K30fps jeigu bus norinčių, bet tokia raiška praktiškai nebus naudojamą dėl iki šiol labai mažo 8K TV populiarumo. Jeigu kalb4ti paprastai, tai manau kad nauja konsole būs 2, o greičiausiai 2,5 karto galingesnė, negu dabartinė PS5 Pro. Ypač turint omeny kad Playstation6 pilnai atnaujins savo archtekturą, o turės ne tik galingesnį grafikos procesorių (skaityk naują vaizdo plokšte) kaip PS5 Pro. Retrospektiviai PS4 vs PS5 vs PS5 Pro - 1,84 vs 4,2 vs 10,3 vs 16 TFlops.  Aišku bus "custom" kaip mėgsta daryti Sony SSD, klausimas tik kokio dydžio. Logiška manyti kad nemažiau 1Tb (žiūrint kiek norės sutaupyti ties kaina). Bet 2Tb kaip dabar PS5 Pro būtu visai smagu. Gandus apie galimai ruošiamus 2 čipset variantus, na kaip sakykim PS6 ir PS6 Lite (vienas galingesnis ir brangesnis, kitas pigesnis ir lėtesnis) dabar praleisiu, nes tai atskiros gandų diskusijos tema. Dizainas ? Apie dizaina kalbėti nėra ką iki pat oficialaus anonso, nes tai beprasmiška. Atsiminkit kokių renderintų vaizdų buvo su PS5 ir k1 gavom finale (ne vienas renderingas net iš arti neatspėjo oficialaus dizaino). Taigi kaip sakau spėlioti beprasmiška. Aišku greičiausiai atėjus laikui pamatysim devkitų leakų, bet tam jie ir yra devkitai. Dualsens tikrai liks ir manau bus kiek patobulintas. Tas naujas PS5 "joystikas" buvo tikrai stiprioji Sony pusė. Ir man asmeniškai kaip turinčiam abi konsoles (ir PS ir XBox) dažnai Dualsens fiškės būna nusverenti žaidimo varianto pusė. Diskasukis manau dar šitoje kartoje visgi lis dėl visų fizinių kopijų megėjų ir rinkų su prastu interneto greičiu ar išvis ano nebuvimu. Bet bus papildomai kaip dabar PS5 Pro padaryta, nes Sony stabilai eina prie Digital only ateities ir sakyti kad taip nebus būtu kvaila - parodykit man PC kur dabar dedami diskai kad žaisti ? Apskritai mažas fintas. Gan daug apie būsimą PS6 (įskaitant ir kainą) gali parodyti dabartinė konsolės Pro versija, reikia tik mokėt skaityti. PS5 Pro čia toks bandymas apčiuopti būsimą PS6 dirvą - atsegamas diskasukis, PSSR ir t. t. Na ir pagaliau smagiausi dalykai kaina ir kada išeis. Dėl kainos tai mano asmenyne nuomone bus nuo kokių 599 iki 699 euro (be dikasukio ir neaišku 1 ar 2 Tb SSD). Kad Sony pardavinės bazine versija už panašiau dabartine Pro 800 euro kaina tai nelbai drisčiau tikėt, bet kad ne už 500 tai tikrai. Nežinau kada išeis, niekas nežino, tik Sony. Pats norėčiau kad tai būtu 2027 ruduo, bet didesnė tikimybė kad visgi 2028 m., nes su PS5 Sony puikiai einasi ir konkuruoti su XBox dabar praktiškai nereikia. Bet yra vienas mažas bet. Jeigu Microsoft kaip grasinasi išleis nauja XBoxa (o žada kad visgi išleis ir jis bus kaip visada "Fastest" ir "the Most Powerfull") 2026, tai netiku kad Sony dar 2 metus tuomet sėdės be jokio atsako. Šiaip kalba kad būsimos PS6 lūsto projektavimas iš esmės jau baigtas ir dabar prasidės testavimo darbai. Taigi visus forumečius kviečiu pradėti diskusiją. Šaltiniai - įvairus susistemti gandai ir pavieniai oficialių su Playstation susijusių asmenų pasisakymai.       
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  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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