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Ar tu nesupranti, kad ir xbox'as nori tureti gera racing exclusiv kaip kad ps turi gran turismo

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Forza 3 Lacking Some Features Is It DVD Space Or Is It DLC?

Forza Motorsport is a great franchise and a great answer for Microsoft Xbox360 to compete with Gran Turismo. Gran Turismo always lacked a damage modeling system in their game and considering Forza had that function since day one added more realism and fun factor for the xbox platform. Now it seems that the roles has now been reversed sorta speak because now Gran Turismo has the damage feature along with Rally Car Racing, Nascar Racing, Weather Changes, and Day/Night cycles making this game really over the top.


Considering the power we’ve seen over the years out of Xbox360 the question has now been raised about the possibility of limitations coming to the console. Forza 3 won’t be featuring Day/Night cycles, Weather Changes, or even Rally Races, regardless the game is going to be great but at the same time this is a competition, but what is truly holding Forza back from implementing these features that the fans want.


Here’s A Quote Supporting The DVD Limitation Issue


Forza’s Content Director John Wendl Had This To Say


“It is going to ship on two discs. Disc one is the full experience. Even disc one is bigger than any other racing game out there. Disc two includes a lot of extra cars, even a handful of tracks.”


Extra Cars And Tracks are major considering the amount of power and detail that goes into the tracks and car models and damage to these car models. So will the DLC be coming soon or has the DVD issue struck hard against the 360.


Microsoft just like any other game company wants to make money and DLC has been the answer this gen and it’s also competitive against the used game market that Gamestop is notorious for. Now is it possible that this game is being held back on purpose so that Microsoft can make more money from DLC patches adding these features later on in the games life cycle, or is this the time where we see Forza 3 get outdone by Gran Turismo in more areas than one cause of DVD storage issues.


Weather changes will increase the intensity of gameplay simply because of physics and the dynamics of driving on the road with snow , or rain, alters the way you drive depending on the vehicle you have. Gran Turismo with the amount of cars available and the tune up settings all of these parameters will have to be taken into effect when the wheather changes become apart of the games strategy.


Day and Night cycles are great to show off graphics and also it has an effect on gameplay when it comes to seeing and, spotting things on the road which will also intensify gameplay. Adding the Nascar, and Rally Racing functions changes the entire play style and what you do on the road as a whole to the point where it’s like having 3 games in one what a deal.


Microsoft is smart and most likely these features as they were explained above dealing with Gran Turismo is very important why? because they are selling points and Microsoft does not want to be left out of the loop especially during competitive interviews, without having a answer to there rivals. Forza 3 will most likely have DLC so that they can be able to compete with Gran Turismo and also give the fans what they really want in the next Forza game.


The Forza Franchise always had great features such as the car customizations, the online auctions, and the movie maker function, that’s incredible along with the Le Mans racing, but when it comes to this generation and gameplay gamers want more but the question is this.



taigi aisku galbut ir matysim DLC sitam zaidimui su laiku,bet nemanyciau kad tai butu kas nors daugiau nei naujos trasos ir masinos,nors kas cia zino.

f3 bus 2 diskai,tik siek tiek nesuprantu kaip losti racinga is 2 disku,gal tas antras diskas instalinsis i hdd,nes kaip jie sako kad antram diske bus extra masinos ir extra trasos,tai lyg antram diske butu DLC.nes tikrai idejas antro disko is jo tai nelosi. be to is visko matosi kad GT ir F3 bus visiskai skirtingo kalibro zaidimai,jei F2 na lyginosi i GT5P ,tai GT5 ines tiek naujoviu,kad tai bus visiskai naujas racingas su damage ,oru,dienos nakties kaita. F3 ines tiesiog viska pagerinta kas buvo F2,bet nieko visiskai naujo nebus.pagal mane tai siti zaidimai uzims skirtingas lentynas,o ne konkuruos del tos pacios. cia tik mano nuomone.

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--- netoleruojama/naujienos/ko-nebus-forza-3

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Nu b*, kaip taip gali buti. Kuo toliau tuo keisciau darosi, nieko nesuprasi, kol neturesim sio zaidimo rankose.

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Na ka, gt serija netures net lygiu po kolkas. Gal kitos kartos xbox tures tokio lygio zaidima (as to linkiu).

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http://reklama netoleruojama/naujienos/ko-nebus-forza-3

nereikia cia svaigti del nieko,nes visu pirma tie visi dalykai niekada nebuvo patvirtinti kad bus F3,jie buvo tik is galvoti,visa tai kas bus GT5,nereikia maisyt kas buvo tik gandai ir kas yra tiesa,to kas nebuvo patvirtinta negali ir atsaukti juk ane,taigi tas straipsnis cia kuris buvo isverstas is kirut pasirodziusiu gandu yra visiskai nieko vertas,ir tikrai nera jokios priezasties cia sakyti kad kazko nebus F3. viskas bus kas buvo zadeta,o oru kaita,diena-naktis,ralis,cia yra GT5 ,ir forzoj ju niekada ir neturejo buti

reikia maziau skaityt visokius gandus ir nereiks be reikalo nervintis. :rolleyes:

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Na pamates visiskai nenuliudau, diena man vaziuoti patinka labiau. Na o raliu pasidziaugsiu zaisdamas Dirt 2 :rolleyes:

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Na pamates visiskai nenuliudau, diena man vaziuoti patinka labiau. Na o raliu pasidziaugsiu zaisdamas Dirt 2 :rolleyes:

niekas niekada nekalbejo apie tokius dalykus forzoj taigi nera ko liudeti,kazkas cia prisisvaigo kad forza3 netures to ka tures GT5 ir tiek. Kiekvienas racingas turi kazka savo ir taip buvo ir bus visada,tam ir yra skirtingi racing zaidimai ir skirtingi zanrai kad pasirinkt kam ko reikia. na F3 bando apimti ir simulatoriu ir arcados rinka,nezinau kam to reikejo bet na gal tai duos jiem daugiau pardavimu,nes jie jau net nekalba dabar apie simuliacini vaziavima,o reklamuoja tik visokius autobrake,rewind ir avarijas,na matosi i kiura puse jie cia suka,ka padarysi.. :D viskas del pardavimu eina. bet is tikro yra ja uzsitvirtine racing arcados ,tai kam lysti i ta dirva kur nelabai tinki,na jie tikrai nebus geresni uz Grid,ar Dirt,ar Burnout,F2 fanai is tikro lauke is F3 naujo zingsnio i simuliacine puse,o ne i arkadine,na kurejai sugalvojo kitaip,sumane prisigirt ir pasikviest vaiku ir jiem pristatyt nauja F2 fana ija uir taip zino forza,o va nauji zaidejai jiem reikalingi,kam nepatiks reklama "kad ir 6 metu vaikas gali pereit zaidima..." :)

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Gražūs paveikslėliai :)

Redagavo Klubas

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Turn 10 on Forza 3: 'No game competes with us'

Forza Motorsport 3 game director Dan Greenwalt is proud of his game. More specifically, he believes that Forza 3 has surpassed all of the competition, most notably Gran Turismo. When asked how Forza is positioned against other racing stalwarts like Need for Speed and Gran Turismo, Greenwalt did not mince words.


"I'm in this industry because of Gran Turismo, let's just be frank," said Greenwalt. He then explained that Gran Turismo inspired his first "stressful" car purchase, a Mitsubishi 3000GT, saying that is was "a great car in that game, and I thought 'Oh my God, if I'm ever going to have a car, that's the car that I want.'" Then things got ugly.


"So, props to Kazunori Yamauchi-san and the PS1 team," said Greenwalt. "That said," he continued, "I feel that he's passed us the baton. Perhaps he hasn't meant to, but we have taken the genre to new levels and they've stopped evolving the genre. So again, tremendous respect to him, but I'd say the differentiator is they're old school." He conclued, "The emperor's naked, and I don't want to, you know, I don't want to slap him around, but no game competes [with] us right now."

mes geriausi :) ,labai gera istorija,kad jis nusipirko mitsubishi 3000GT del to kad jis zaide GT ir jam ji labai ten patiko,o kai nusipirko nebepatiko jau,ir tipo cia kaltas buvo GT zaidimas kuri jis zaide :) ,del to jis po to nusprende kad sukurs geresni zaidima,ir stai jis pirmas dabar turi nauju screenu ,ir video,o GT dar neturi. jo tikrai atrodo jis jau laimejo :)




Forza 3 Will Deliver Nearly Limitless Online Multiplayer Variety

More than anything, Forza Motorsport 3's greatest challenge is perhaps its greatest strength.


As racing franchises continue down a diminishing road of more, with detailed engine tuning, real world physics, realistic damage modeling and road wear, they often leave all but the most devoted fans of their games and autophiles in the dust.


But not increasing the realism, not giving what car fanatics need to get the full experience of driving and driving fast, often leads to bland diversions stripped of any right to be considered a simulation.


With Forza 3, developers Turn 10 Studios hope to make something for everyone. Instead of trying to blend the best of both worlds, the game makers have added so many options, so many helping hands that a gamer can create their own experience.


But how can that translate to the diverse world of online gaming? How can Mario Kart fans play Forza 3 in a way that requires little more than gas and steering online with those who expect an intimate knowledge of gear ratios and part selections from their drivers?


The issue of balancing the experience for hardcore and casual gamers in the same environment is solving a problem created by the developers themselves, said Korey Krauskopf, producer for Forza 3.


That long-tail of niche game development is more about trying to differentiate yourself in a crowded genre, than trying to satisfy gamers, Krauskopf said.


"I think that's more about developers trying to be different, not an indictment of the user," he said. "I think it's that game companies are making their games more specialized.


"We want to serve those who already enjoy our games and invite more in."


The problem, he says, is that people hear that a game like Forza is a "hardcore game" and to many that simply means hard to play.


That's why in Forza 3 the developers layered on assists, like auto-braking and one-button driving, he said. And why the game includes plenty of help for auto-tuning a car, if a player doesn't want to do it themselves.


For online gaming, tells Kotaku, Forza 3 features an incredibly elaborate race rules editor.


While the game will ship with a dozen or so pre-created race modes, everything about them, from the number of laps to start delays and what sort of assists a player can be using, can be changed.


"We have a whole bunch of options that just cascade," Krauskopf said. "There are pages and pages of options they can set to make the race exactly how you want it to be."


Krauskopf likens it to the ability first-person shooter fans have to manipulate the online game rules for Halo 3, but with much more control.


For example, most racing games allow players to choose a track, the car classes and the number of laps. In Forza 3, a gamer can take that basic race and choose to change the rules of how a winner is determined.


Krauskopf explains:

*First they could section everyone into two teams, one team will win.


*They could then decide that a specific person from each team must cross the finish line to determine who wins (we'll call this person the "mouse"), the rest of the players are just there to provide interference to the other team, or protection for their own team (we'll call them "cats").


*Then they could create still deeper challenges by limiting teams to specific car classes, tunings, assists, or upgrades.


*If they want to make things more interesting they can stagger the roll-off times from the start line giving some a head start.


*If the players want to be super specific about their race, they can limit the mice to D-class, front wheel drive European hatchbacks and the cats to all wheel drive turbocharged V10s.


"This results in players running in packs on a track, trying to protect their team's "mouse" and see it safely across the finish line first while trying keep the other team's mouse away from the finish line," Krauskopf said. "A very different type of race!"


The game's online modes have more than 100 rule types to tweak giving players an almost limitless ability to customize the way they want to play, he said.


Krauskopf says that the team expects once the game ships and gets into the hands of enthusiastic gamers they will begin to see far more creative combinations of the rules used to create modes they've never imagined.


Since these personalized race modes can only be saved locally, Krauskopf expects that some gamers will make a name for themselves as popular hosts for their custom races. He added that they are considering one day perhaps allowing gamers to save modes online, but right now have no plans to include that option.


Forza 3 will still include all of the Live support Forza 2 had as well. Other new additions to online play include a new party system that allows gamers to hop into one room and then jump from race to race together.


The team has also worked to blur the line between the game's offline and online modes when it comes to a player's career.


"As people are playing online they are still earning experience points and getting rewarded for in-game credit," he said.


Finally, the game will feature a robust set of leaderboards that will take into account how assisted a driver is when racing, so those hardcore fans can steal easily identify "clean" and skilled drivers from those who win with the help of the game.


"We are going to certify score boards, showing you who use assists, and which are totally clean times," Krauskopf said. "Thats how we serve the people who are our real loyal fan base."


And what about all of those casual racers who might flood into Forza's online racing world when Forza 3 hits?


"If you have someone who really wants to race as realistic as you can get he is going to set up a lobby with restrictions, saying we're going to outlaw one button driving and stock car and only allow cars that have been tuned. "


The challenge, he says, is that the team wants to make sure that the detail and depth is there for those who want to dig into it, but obscured from those who may be put off by it.


"We face challenges," he said. "Educating users who think that Mario Kart is quick to use and fun to play and Forza is for hardcore people, so no you can't have a good time playing it."


Krauskopf respects what Nintendo is doing with demo mode, a mode Shigeru Miyamoto first confirmed to Kotaku at E3 was coming to New Super Mario Bros. Wii, which allows a game to essentially play itself.


"What Nintendo is doing with Demo Mode is interesting," he said. "You are building a feature that allows anyone to play the game, but you don't get that badge of honor if you use it."


It's, essentially, a more extreme version of what Turn 10 is doing with Forza 3 online play.


"We are giving everyone the ability to enjoy the game," he said. "But not taking anything away from our fan base."

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Kaip sakoma pagyrų puodas visada juodas..."mes geriausi" tegu žaidėjai nusprendžia kas iš tiesu yra geriausia. :)

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Grant turismo kuria all in one, todel kad blue-ray zaidimai brangus ir galetu viska zaist iskart. O forza kurjai zino jog visi piratauja, todel nekuria, nes zino jog ta pamatys dirt 2 :)

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