8 Screenshots

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Čia yra PlayStation 1 CD, kuriame yra 3000+ PlayStation 1 hack'intų žaidimų save'ų (PowerSave). Daugybė žaidimų, didžiulis pasirinkimas!

Tai yra pats paskutinis Game Guru leidimas PlayStation 1 konsolei.

Veikimo principas yra toks: Idedate įrašytą PSX CD į konsolę, pasileidžiate, randate norimą žaidimo save'ą (pvz. atrakinti visi ginklai žaidimo pradžioje, daug pinigų ir kita neapsakoma galybė cheat'ų). Žaidimų save'ai yra taip "prihack'inti", kad jokiais žinomais paprastais kodais įvedamais žaidimo metu nepasieksite tokių dalykų, kokius galima su šiais save'ais! Spaudžiate Start ir atitinkamas save'as pradedamas kopijuoti į Memory Card'ą. Tada įdedate žaidimo CD, atsiload'inate ir žaidžiate su pasirinktais cheat'ais. Tiesiog išbandykite, kad suprastumėte! Nepamainomas dalykas!!!

Aprašymas anglų kalba


This part includes saves of levels or key moments of the game with weapon, items and events necessary for getting higher results.


This part includes saves making use of the files existing on the disk but taking no part in the game or the files from the next part of the game which is being developed.


This part includes saves giving access to secret modes, hiden characters, prize vehicles, extra weapon and ammunition ect.


Apart from standart operations of copying and deleting, Memory Card Manager has special features such as formatting and undeleting.


This function is necessary to clear the memory card from alien codes, which remain on it after a save has been deleted. Alien codes, remaining on the memory card, have a harmful influence on saves of other games and can lead to the failure of the card.


Because of different TV-Standarts saves for American, European and Japaneese versions for the same game do not co-inside. In the game list they are marked US, UK and JAP. If these are different versions of saves for the necessary game, we advise that you should copy all of them to the memory card. While loading from memory card appropriate save is chosen automatically.
