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X360 firmware/flash naujienos (spalio 14)


1.333 peržiūros



Jei aktualūs šie firmware/flash naujienų įrašai, nepamirškit dažniau check'int. Nesvarbu, kad įrašo pavadinimas datuotas seniau (pvz. spalio 1, o užėjus antraštė skelbia spalio 4) ar pan., jis atnaujinamas pastoviai. Deja PlayManijos pagr. puslapio varikliukas taip su'config'intas, jog labai vėlai atnaujina paredaguotas antraštes. Paredagavus jos gali pasikeist pagr. psl. po kelių dienų ar net savaitės. Naujienos dažnos, tad kaskart naujo įrašo nerašysiu, kad matytųsi atnaujinimas. Tataigi nepamirškit žvilgtelt.



Pasklido c4eva kalbos apie DVD keptuvių firmware'ą, leisiantį be jokių klaidų įrašynėti XGD3 žaidimus įprastuose DVD+R DL diskuose. Daugiau infos apie tai čia.




c4eva tarstelėjo keletą žodžių apie pasirodžiusį dashboard'o update'ą ir Forza 4:

[2011-10-12 08:49AM UTC] #c4e <n00b752> Hey guys any updates to how safe this update is?

[2011-10-12 08:49AM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> performing a livelog with xgd3 backup, i dont expect anything unusual, more soon!

[2011-10-12 12:34PM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> nothing unusual, same checks!

[2011-10-12 12:38PM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> forza 4 8.7Gb backup on a normal DL running fine on xbox live with 13604 dash with LT 2.0! more soon! [Editor's note: to clarify, he means that his Forza 4 backup, burned using the in-progress custom PC DVD burner fw, is running fine on LIVE (it allows burning 100% of an XGD3 ISO to regular DVD+R DL). You are still advised not to boot truncated Forza 4 backups on the current LT+ v2.0]

[2011-10-12 12:44PM UTC] #c4e <sukalis> c4eva would you consider updating the dash without going back to stock firmware as safe? LT 2.0 -> Update dash ? Or LT 2.0 -> Stock -> Update dash -> LT 2.0 ? Did you research it?

[2011-10-12 12:51PM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> a locked slim is safe during update, no need to flash to stock

Tema forume: http://www.playmanija.lt/forumas/t32662/pc-dvd-burner-fw-100-xgd3/



Pasirodė LT+ 2.0 SLIM FW v2 & 0800: http://bit.ly/oOdX21


Taip pat buvo pasirodžiusi info neva bus ruošiamas LT+ 2.01 atnaujinimas, bet pasirodė, kad tai neva buvusi Forza 4 kaltė, daugiau infos: http://xboxpirate.com/do-not-play-forza4-new-patch-comin/



Visiems Liteon slim'ams LT+ 2.0 firmware'as žadamas šią savaitę

[2011-10-05 02:31AM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> LT 2.0 for all Liteon slims to be released this weekend

Pridėtas atnaujintas gidas XGD3 žaidimų įrašymas su ImgBurn v2.5.6.0



Pasirodė atnaujinti LT+ 2.0 flash'inimui skirti gidai: http://bit.ly/h005kk

Pridėjau XGD3 žaidimų įrašymas su CloneCD!




Išleista! Flash'inamės savo xbox'us ir žaidžiam XGD3 grajus!

LT+ 2.0 for Phats & 0800 v3.0 - http://bit.ly/n0bUzy

Xbox Backup Creator v2.9.0.345 - http://bit.ly/nBcmga

JungleFlasher - v0.1.88B http://bit.ly/ojFIsw

C4E s iXtreme LT in association with Team Jungle Team Xecuter


Official release of the iXtreme LT v2.0


- Support for XGD3 ixtreme backups using LT-MAX for maximum capacity on standard DVD R DL discs. Passes all security checks for XGD3 including correct capacity.


- Support for large capacity DVD R DL media (no errors when burning)


I would like to dedicate this fw to the Xbox Live Enforcement Team and the recent false (AP25) bans and subsequent reversal. Keep up the good work guys.


Thanks go to Team Jungle for their hard work and efforts in the development process.

Thanks also go to Team Xecuter for their support to this project.


Team Jungle Presents IXtreme 3.0 0800 firmware for Benq and Liteon drives


IXtreme fw for Benq and Liteon drives




-Common API designed for easier application use


-Support for SS V2


-Support for AP25


-Support for XGD3 ripping


-Direct 0800 mode for game dumping including SS v2


This firmware is =NOT FOR USE IN A CONSOLE= and is provided

with the intended use of being in a dedicated ripping drive.


This means:

a. Does not need your DVD key,

b. Does not need spoofing as another drive,

c. Does not need to use the tray half open and

d. Does not need to use the activate.iso to use this firmware on the pc.




Šiuo momentu c4eva patvirtino, jog LIVE bus žaisti saugu, tad RRoD NFO nėra 100% tikslus:

[2011-10-01 12:48AM UTC] #fw <[Eric]> c4eva is the nfo file written by rrod a pretty good assessment on the current situation?

[2011-10-01 12:51AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> eric:dont agree with it,no

[2011-10-01 12:52AM UTC] #fw <Ellidor> c4eva so the nfo written by RRoD is wrong

[2011-10-01 12:53AM UTC] #fw <Zer0AI> will xgd3 backups be live safe c4eva?

[2011-10-01 12:53AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> its not from me

[2011-10-01 12:54AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> zero:like all backups, safe for now

RRoD išleistas GoW3 rip'as yra pagamintas su c4eva tools'ais, taigi tai dar kartą patvirtina, jog juos siųstis yra saugu, nepaisant ABGX, kuris dar nėra atnaujinas:

[2011-10-01 01:15AM UTC] #c4e <n00b250> I’ve run gow 3 xgd3 0800 through abgx but is not recognized.Am i doing something wrong?…

[2011-10-01 01:15AM UTC] #c4e <blakey8> abgx hasnt been updated….

[2011-10-01 01:15AM UTC] #c4e <bloodwing> no noob abgx hasnt been updated

[2011-10-01 01:15AM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> the xgd3 0800 rips are good, as they are using our leaked tools, so no need for abgx for now



Jau galima saugiai siųstis naujausius XGD3 backup'us, kurie yra teisingai pra'rip'inti ir bus tinkami naujausiai LT+ 2.0 įrašynėti pagal duotą instrukciją. Kai tik pasirodys LT+ 2.0 galėsite šiuos relyzus be problemų paleidinėti. LT+ 2.0 pasirodys iš pradžių fat'ams, po to ir slim'ams.

NFO iš Gears_of_War_3_READNFO_XGD3_0800_USA_RF-XBOX360-RRoD relyzo:

Playable Regions: ALL (REGION-FREE)

SplitVid, SSv2, and verified with abgx360!


RRoD is proud to bring you the very first official XGD3 0800 ISO releases made with c4eva's new 0800 v3.0 ripping fw for BenQ VAD6038 and Lite-On DG-16D2S.

These ISOs are fully compatible with the new LT+ v2.0 for Phats and Slims, are burnable to regular DVD+R DL discs, include full & correct AP2.5 data, and are verified in the abgx360 database. Please refer to the status table on http://c4evaspeaks.com for a breakdown of which drives support LT+ v2.0.

The LT+ v2.0 release for Phat models is imminent, and it was requested that we release these in advance in order to give everyone time to have them downloaded and ready to play for once the fw goes public.

Our thanks and congratulations to c4eva, Team Xecuter/k3rn3l, the JungleFlasher team, Redline99 for Xbox Backup Creator, Seacrest for abgx360, the core testing team, and all the other individuals involved who came together to make this possible!




To end the confusion once and for all, *yes*, original XGD3 discs have a higher linear/track density and therefore a higher physical capacity than XGD2 and regular DVD+R DL media. As a result, XGD3 ISO backups are larger as well.

For XGD3 backup support, c4eva has introduced in LT+ v2.0 the LT-MAX feature, which allows for XGD3 backups to use the maximum possible layerbreak for regular DVD+R DL media, and therefore all of the available space (8,547,991,552 bytes) of a regular DVD+R DL disc.

Since there is still not enough space on a regular DVD+R DL disc to hold the entire XGD3 game partition, not to mention the Layer 1 Video partition, this is not at all recommended as being "safe" for Xbox LIVE.

XGD3 backups will still boot and play fine on LT+ v2.0 as long as the last approximately 1.7% of the game partition does not contain any of the actual game assets, which it usually won't because the end of the game partition is near the inner edge of the disc, and developers will try to keep their game data near the outer edge (middle of the game partition) to maximize read performance.

Another necessary condition to booting and playing XGD3 backups on regular DVD+R DL media is that the kernel or game code itself must not perform any CIV (Content Integrity Verification) checks on any part of this last approximately 1.7% of the game partition (or at least it must not take any action after CIV failures). Even if there are no actual game assets in this area, there is still pseudo-random padding data which can be checked through CIV, and such checks can even be added later to the game code through title updates, or to the kernel through system updates.

Just like XGD2, XGD3 backups still require the correct dashboard version-specific AP2.5 replay data. As they've done previously, MS has the ability to change the DAE.bin by way of a system update, meaning you may need to re-patch/re-burn at some point. The abgx360 application and database will be updated accordingly to support XGD3.




The P2P XGD3 ISO rips that were floating around before this point are for ODDEs and are not compatible as-is with LT+ v2.0. Their PFI, DMI and SS sectors are in the wrong PSN (Physical Sector Number) locations and they are missing the critical AP2.5 replay sector and SS replay table. If you intend to play XGD3 backups on a firmware-flashed 360, it's up to you to make sure you're using proper ISOs made with 0800 v3.0, and to double-check by running them through abgx360 before burning.

Keep in mind that this is the first of several potential disc-based backup solutions for XGD3. As such, it's recommened that all subsequent releases maintain the full ISO size and associated layerbreak (2133520) in the .dvd, which will help to ensure that they will be forward-compatible should any media manufacturers step up with new larger-capacity discs (which will be necessary in order to make XGD3 backups as safe as possible on Xbox LIVE).

The actual layerbreak for XGD3 ISOs is 2133520. However, when burning XGD3 ISOs to regular DVD+R DL, ImgBurn will automatically reposition/limit the layerbreak to 2086912 in accordance with the disc's maximum Layer 0 data zone capacity (2,086,912 [LBA: 0 - 2086911]). The LT-MAX feature in LT+ v2.0 will compensate for this and allow you to play XGD3 backups with this wrong layerbreak, and therefore wrong game partition data PSN locations.

In the case of growisofs as instructed below, in order to avoid errors when burning XGD3 to regular DVD+R DL, you may choose to first truncate the ISO to 8,547,991,552 bytes, and burn using a reduced associated layerbreak of 2086912. This should give you exactly the same end result as if you followed the instructions below for ImgBurn on Windows.




We recommended that you use the latest version of ImgBurn (v2.5.5.0 at the time of writing, downloadable at http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=download). Older versions may handle this process differently and/or give a different set of errors.

Although it is set by default in ImgBurn, please ensure that under Tools > Settings > Write, you have "Layer Break (For DL Media)" set to "Calculate Optimal".

Please ensure that the layerbreak is set as 2133520 in the .dvd file. If you already have the XGD2 (or other) layerbreak value set in ImgBurn, the .dvd of the XGD3 ISO will override that setting and use the proper layerbreak.

As mentioned above, ImgBurn will automatically reposition/limit the layerbreak to 2086912 when burning to regular DVD+R DL discs.

Please see the included imgburn-xgd3-errors.png image for screenshots of the errors you'll encounter in ImgBurn and what to click on in each dialog that pops up.


Step by Step:


1. Choose "Write image file to disc", and after loading the .dvd file, click "Write".

2. ImgBurn will pop up a notice saying that there is not enough space on the disc to burn the image, and asks if you would like to continue anyway. Click "Yes".

3. Another message might pop up saying that optimal layerbreak position exceeds L0 capacity. Click "Yes".

4. An error will then pop up noting that "Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Failed". Click "Continue".

5. The image will begin writing to the disc.

6. Nearing the end of the write process, ImgBurn will pop up an error at around 97% or 98% (this is what we want -- it's intentional!). Click "Cancel".

7. A notice will then pop up asking if you would like ImgBurn to try and perform the "'Close Track/Session/Disc' functions". Click "Yes".

8. Let the disc finalize, and you're done!

Pilnas NFO: http://paste2.org/p/1681730





Viskas eina kaip per sviestą:

[2011-09-27 10:17PM UTC] <c4eva> Benq LT 2.0 complete, working on Liteon Phat

Sekančią dieną:

[2011-09-28 01:25PM UTC] <c4eva> liteon phat 2.0 complete, booting gow3 backup fine

Taipogi c4eva įnešė aiškumo dėl XGD3 žaidimų įrašymo:

[2011-09-26 08:56PM UTC] #fw <Skau1> SOL: how can you burn on a DL if the iso is more than 8gb?

[2011-09-26 08:57PM UTC] #fw <c4eva> we use maximum available space on dvd r dl

[2011-09-26 08:59PM UTC] #fw <FiB3R> c4eva: is that what xgd3 does, or do the discs physically have more space?

[2011-09-26 09:01PM UTC] #fw <c4eva> game partition was expanded on backup to use all available space, this way games load and install to hdd fine

[2011-09-26 09:02PM UTC] #fw <FiB3R> c4eva: so the physical space available on an xgd3 disc is no different, just resized partations

[2011-09-26 09:03PM UTC] #fw <c4eva> no, xgd3 has a bigger game partition

[2011-09-26 09:13PM UTC] #fw <robsteven> does anyone know what drive was used in the proof video? just wondering

[2011-09-26 09:14PM UTC] #fw <c4eva> its a benq :thumbsup4:




Puikios naujienos - XGD3 įveiktas!

[2011-09-25 02:52AM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> Successful testing of LT 2.0 with new LT-MAX feature for DVD R DL. XGD3 ixtreme isos playing fine from DVD R DL disc and/or install to HD

[2011-09-25 02:57AM UTC] #c4e <EnigmaFX> does this Mean we can use or regular dual layer media / burners and layer break 1913760? Or has that changed ?

[2011-09-25 02:58AM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> regular DL media, yes!

[2011-09-25 02:59AM UTC] #c4e <supakilla> c4eva is the layer break still the same

[2011-09-25 03:00AM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> more details soon!

[2011-09-25 03:01AM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> normal blanks, normal burner!

[2011-09-25 03:03AM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> XGD3=defeated! :weep:

[2011-09-25 03:59AM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> LT Max=Maximum capacity!

Video, iliustruojantis XGD3 žaidimo paleidimą:


Dabar telieka sulaukti LT+ 2.0 išleidimo :nono:




source'ai: twitter.com/TeamJungle, #fw EFnet, c4evaspeaks.com

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