Trophy Diaries: Know.Your.Worth?

Tai va, siandiena nerasysiu apie kazkoki zaidima, turiu daug nuotrauku is tikro is praeitu zaidimu (PS4/Vita), bet reikia siek tiek ilgiau prisesti, kad suformatuoti "gera" blogo irasa, kad maloniai skaitytusi, informacija butu vienoje vietoje, o siuo metu tam laiko per daug negaliu paaukoti
Labiau norejau pasidalinti vienu dalyku, kuris man buvo ilgokai idomus - kokia is tikro galetu buti mano PSN acc verte? Jau esu gaves keleta pasiulymu, tiksliau - uzklausu, is zmoniu kiek noreciau uz savo account'a. Neturiu as jokiu planu ji parduoti, vien del to, kad cia yra mano hobis, plius siaip nick'as tikrai pasirinktas geras (mano manymu ), bet kiek gi prasyti, jeigu noreciau parduoti? Visgi beveik 30 psn lygis, netoli 6000 trofeju ir 106 platinos trofejai (Feb, 2014), o taip pat Digital labai daug kas pirkta yra tiek ant PS3, tiek ant PS4, tiek ant PSVita.
Taigi va, ramiai prisedes viena vakara, kai kalbejau telefonu - paemiau ir susirasiau viska, ka esu PSN nusipirkes bei surasiau ju Digital kainas. Mano manymu - toks ivertinimas butu teisingiausias, iskaitant, kad zaidimai visgi taip pat butu perduodami kitam zmogui.
[PS+ Ending 05/Dec/2014] | Price (£):
Aabs Animals [Vita] 3.99
AC:Brotherhood DLC 7.99
AC:Revelations DLC 17.99
AC3 Season Pass 23.99
Awesomenauts (PS+) 7.99
Back to the Future (PS+) [5eps] 15.99
Batman: Arkham City (PS+) 19.99
Battlefield 3 (PS+) 59.99
Big Sky Infinity (PS+) [Vita] 7.99
Bioshock 2 (PS+) 15.99
Bioshock Infinite (PS+) 49.99
Blazblue Continuum Shift Extended (PS+) [Vita] 19.99
Blue Toad Murder Files [6eps] 9.99
Borderlands (PS+) 15.99
Borderlands 2 (PS+) 29.99
BulletStorm (PS+) 19.99
Burnout Paradise (PS+) 15.99
Catherine (PS+) 49.99
Chronovolt (PS+) [Vita] 4.99
Coconut Dodge Revitalised (PS+) [Vita] 1.99
Comix Zone (PS+) 3.69
Contrast (PS+) [PS4] 9.33
Crash Commando (PS+) 6.49
Crysis 2 (PS+) 15.99
Dante's Inferno Super Bundle 23.99
Darksiders (PS+) 15.99
Datura 6.49
Dead or Alive 5 (PS+) 29.99
Dead Space 2 (PS+) 19.99
Demon's Souls (PS+) 15.99
Detuned 2.39
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (PS+) 11.99
DMC Devil May Cry (PS+) 19.99
Don't Starve (PS+) [PS4] 11.99
Doodle God [Vita] 4.79
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (PS+) 19.99
Dynasty Warriors Next (PS+) [Vita] 29.99
Escape Plan + DLC [Vita/PS4] 15.99
F1 Race Stars (PS+) 19.99
Far Cry 2 (PS+) 11.99
Far Cry 3 (PS+) 15.99
Farming Simulator (PS+) [Vita] 6.49
flOw [PS3/PS4/Vita] 3.99
Flower [PS3/PS4/Vita] 6.49
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (PS+) 11.99
God of War HD (PS+) 13.99
Golden Axe (PS+) 3.69
GoW: ASC Network Pass + Special Edition Content (avatars/videos/themes) 7.99
Gravity Rush (PS+) +All DLC [Vita] 19.99
GRiD 2 (PS+) 47.99
GTA: Liberty City Stories (PS+) [Vita] 11.99
Guacamelee (PS+) [Vita] 9.99
Guardians of the middle-earth (PS+) 11.99
Hamsterball (PS+) 7.99
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit (PS+) 12.99
Hitman Absolution (PS+) 49.99
Hydrophobia Prophecy (PS+) 1.99
ICO + Shadow of the Colossus (PS+) 34.98
inFamous 10.99
inFamous 2 (PS+) 15.99
Infamous: Festival of Blood 7.99
Jak & Daxter Trilogy 19.99
Jak & Daxter Trilogy [Vita] 19.99
Jet Set Radio (PS+) [Vita] 6.49
Joe Danger 2 (PS+) 9.99
Journey 9.99
Jurassic Park: The Game (4eps) 23.99
Just Cause 2 (PS+) 10.99
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (PS+) 19.99
Lara Croft & Guardian of Light (PS+) 9.99
Lego: Lord of the Rings (PS+) [Vita] 24.99
Limbo (PS+) 7.99
LittleBigPlanet 2 (PS+) 10.99
LittleBigPlanet Karting (PS+) 15.99
Lord of the Rings: War in the North (PS+) 15.99
Lumines: Electronic Symphony (PS+) [Vita] 14.99
Machinarium [PS3/Vita] 6.49
Mafia 2 (PS+) 19.99
Magic the Gathering (PS+) 7.29
Malicious (PS+) 6.49
Marvel Pinball (PS+) 6.49
Mass Effect 3 (PS+) 15.99
Max Payne (PS+) [PS2] 7.99
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PS+) 39.99
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (PS+) [Vita] 23.99
Metro Last Night (PS+) 29.99
Modnation Racers: Road Trip (PS+) [Vita] 11.99
Mortal Kombat (PS+) 15.99
Motorstorm Apocalypse (PS+) 10.99
Motorstorm RC +DLC [PS3/Vita] 7.29
Mushroom Wars (PS+) 7.99
Nascar 2011 The Game 7.99
Need for Speed: Most Wanted 59.99
New Little King's Story (PS+) [Vita] 34.99
Ni No Kuni 19.99
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus (PS+) [Vita] 29.99
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (PS+) [Vita] 9.99
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD (PS+) 9.99
Okabu 9.99
Okami HD (PS+) 10.99
Open Me [Vita] 6.49
Outland (PS+) 7.99
Pacman: Championship Edition DX 9.99
Payday the Heist (PS+) 12.99
Persona 4: Golden [Vita] 34.99
Plants vs. Zombies (PS+) + Vita 13.99
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale +DLC [PS3/Vita] 15.99
Prince of Persia (2011) 10.99
Puddle (PS+) [Vita] 5.49
PulzAR [Vita] 1.59
Quantum Conundrum (PS+) 8.89
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (PS+) 15.99
Red Dead Redemption (PS+) 23.99
Remember Me (PS+) 19.99
Resident Evil 5: Gold ed (PS+) 11.99
Resistance: Burning Skies Network Pass [Vita] 7.99
Resogun (PS+) [PS4] 12.79
Rock of Ages (PS+) 6.49
Saints Row 2 (PS+) 15.99
Saints Row: The Third (PS+) 15.99
Sam & Max The devil's Playhouse (PS+) 15.99
Sam & Max: Beyond Time & Space (5eps) 15.99
Scott Pilgrim vs the world: The game (PS+) 7.99
Shank 2 (PS+) 7.99
Shift 2 Unleashed (PS+) 19.99
Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen [Vita] 14.99
Sine Mora (PS+) [Vita] 7.99
Sleeping Dogs (PS+) +All DLC 19.98
Sly Cooper: Thieves in time [PS3/Vita] 19.99
Sly Raccoon 1 (PS+) 7.99
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (PS+) [Vita] 34.99
Sonic 4: Episode 1 6.49
Sonic Adventures 3.69
Soul Sacrifice (PS+) [Vita] 29.99
Sound Shapes + DLC [PS3/PS4/Vita] 19.87
Spec Ops: The Line (PS+) 49.99
Starhawk: Campaign mode (PS+) 15.99
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark (PS+) [Vita] 7.99
Street Fighter X Tekken (PS+) [Vita] 39.99
Streets of Rage 2 (PS+) 3.69
Super Stardust HD Complete 3.69
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack [Vita] 5.49
The Cave (PS+) 9.99
The Unfinished Swan 9.99
The walking dead: All Episodes 11.99
The Wolf Among US Season Pass 15.99
Themes/Avatars/PSMinis/PSOne games worth over £50 50
Thomas Was Alone (PS+) [Vita/PS3] 5.99
Tomb Raider: Underworld (PS+) 16.99
Touch My Katamari (PS+) [Vita] 14.99
Trine 2 (PS+) 8.99
tWD 1st Season + DLC [Vita] 14.99
Uncharted 3 (PS+) 19.99
Uncharted: GA (PS+) [Vita] 19.99
Unit 13 [Vita] 11.99
Urban Trial Freestyle (PS+) [Vita] 7.99
Vanquish (PS+) 11.99
Velocity Ultra (PS+) [Vita] 6.49
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (PS+) 9.99
Virtue's Last Reward (PS+) [Vita] 24.99
Voodoo Dice (PS+) 3.99
"Warhammer 40,000 (PS+)" 19.99
When Vikings Attack (PS+) 7.99
Wipeout 2048 (PS+) +HD Addon [Vita] 11.99
Wipeout HD + Fury 6.49
Wrecked: Revenge Revisited 9.69
Xcom: Enemy Unknown (PS+) 29.99
Total: " £2,633.34 "
Taigi, bendra suma susideda ties £2,633, kas butu tarp 10-11,000 Lietuviskais Litais. Is tikro, kad ir kaip bebutu - tai nera mazi pinigai, bet tuo paciu as nesu isitikines, kad kas nors pasiules man tokia kaina negautu is manes patvirtinimo pardavimui. Nera gaila laiko praleisto, taciau interneto dalis, mane jau pazista kaip 'Tii' ir as esu patenkintas savo hobiu, kuris man karts nuo karto atnesa ir pelno
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