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Xbox One explained


925 peržiūros

Radau internete gal Microsoft darbuotojo parasyta interviu. Aisku net jei tai ne MS darbuotuojas vistiek sneka pakankamai idomiai ir teisingai.


>The thing is we suck at telling the story. The whole point of the DRM switch from disc based to cloud based is to kill disc swapping, scratched discs, bringing discs to friends house, trade-ins for shit value with nothign going back to developers, and high game costs. If you want games cheaper then 59.99, you have to limit used games somehow. Steam's model requires a limited used game model.



>The thing is, the DRM is really really similar to steam... You can login anywhere and play your games, anyone in your house can play with the family xbox. The only diff is steam you have to sign in before playing, and Xbox does it automatically at night for you (once per 24 hours)


>It's a long tail strategy, just like steam. Steam had it's growing pains at the beginning with all it's drm shit as well. [...] For digital downloads steam had no real competition at the time, they were competing against boxed sales. At the time people were pretty irate about steam, (on 4chan too...) It was only once they had a digital marketplace with DRM that was locked down to prevent sharing that they could do super discounted shit.


>Think about it, on steam you get a game for the true cost of the game, 5$-30$. On a console you have to pay for that PLUS any additional licenses for when you sell / trade / borrow / etc. If the developer / publisher can't get it on additional licenses (like steam), then they charge the first person more. [...] If we say "Hey publishers, you limit game to 39.99, we ensure every license transfer you get 10$, gamestop gets 20$" that is a decent model... Microsoft gets a license fee on first and subsequent game purchases, compared to just first now? That's a revenue increase.


>Competition is the best man, it helps drive both to new heights. See technology from the Cold War. If we had no USSR, we'd be way worse off today. TLDR: Bring it on Steam :)



>Yeah we passed that around the office at Xbox. Most of us were like "Well played Sony, Well played". That being said they are just riding the hype train of ZOMG THEY ARE TRYING TO FUCK US FOR NO REASON. Without actually thinking about how convienent it would be for the majority of the time to not find that disc your brother didn't put back... [...] just simpleminded people not seeing the bigger picture. Some PS4 viral team made them all "U TOOK R DISCS" and they hiveminded.


>Everyone and their mother complains about how gamestop fucks them on their trade ins, getting 5$ for their used games. We come in trying to find a way to take money out of gamestop, and put some in developers and get you possibly cheaper games and everyone bitches at MS. Well, if you want the @#$@ing from Gamestop, go play PS4.


>The goal is to move to digital downloads, but Gamestop, Walmart, Target, Amazon are KIND OF FUCKING ENTRENCHED in the industry. They have a lot of power, and the shift has to be gradual. Long term goal is steam for consoles. [...] If you always want to stay with what you have, then keep current consoles, or a PS4. We're TRYING to move the industry forwards towards digital distribution... it'sa bumpy road


>Publishers have enourmous power. Microsoft is trying to balance between consumer delight, and publisher wishes. If we cave to far in either direction you have a non-starting product. WiiU goes too far to consumer, you have no 3rd party support to shake a stick at. PS4 is status-quo. XB1 is trying to push some things, at the expense of others. We have a vision, we'll see if it works in the coming years


>Living room transformation. We want to own the living room. Every living room TV with an XBox on input one. It's the thing that gives the signal to your TV, everything is secondary. The future, where games, TV, internet telephony, all that shit happens magically on some huge ass screen with hand / voice gestures... That's our goal.



Cia yra tik dalis teksto, bet manau jog iki tiek uztenka. Na pagal visa situacija visa ta nesamone atrodo dar visai padoriai. Bet kas mane nervuoja tai bandymas atsikratyti laikmenos. Man nezinau jei nera disko nera ir konsoles, tiesiog paprastas kompas. Juk konsoles tik tuo ir issiskiria kitiems dalykams turim ta Steam. Aisku, kainos pagal ka pasake gali but ir zemos, prieinamos, bet manau jog buvo galima dar pakenteti daugiau.

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Reikėjo dar kokio pyrago recepta... rusiškai parašytą įdėt. Bent jau pyragą būčiau išsikepęs...

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Visai protingai raso. Tik kodel iskart jie nesake, va, nusipirke zaidima nebegalesit jo parduot, bet uztat jie bus pigesni. Visai kitaip butu regave zmones, o dabar viskas ka jie sake tai buvo neigiama.

Idomus dalykas tas, kad jeigu zmones su xboxu eis digital only, xboxui uzteks parduot dvigubai maziau zaidimu negu ps4 ir jie uzdirbs panasiai nes didziosios dalies nepasims retaileriai.

Zinau nemazai zmoniu kurie neperka naudotu zaidimu, ir panasu kad visiem tokiem xboxas bus gerokai geriau.

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Ne, bet nesakyk jau konsole turetu i kuria negaletum nieko ikist (juokingai skamba :D ) jau nebekazkas. Norisi kazka rankoi turetu...


Nostalgija man vis dar kelia Memory Card nuo PlayStation 1-2 laiku. Galetu dar but islike...

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Kokie dar disku panaikinimai gali but kai HDD vos 500gb talpos tai yra visiskas bulshit... idetu 2 ar 3tb tada jau pilnai manau dauguma sutiktu bet dabar tai...

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Kaip sakant ne musu reikalas 500 gb mums turetu but i valias. Ar cia tiesa ar cia ne visitek bus taspats ir tai kas cia parasyta yra is dalies tiesa ir tie 500 gb yra ir bus ir privales uztekt.

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Nuoroda į pranešimą

Visai protingai raso. Tik kodel iskart jie nesake, va, nusipirke zaidima nebegalesit jo parduot, bet uztat jie bus pigesni. Visai kitaip butu regave zmones, o dabar viskas ka jie sake tai buvo neigiama.Idomus dalykas tas, kad jeigu zmones su xboxu eis digital only, xboxui uzteks parduot dvigubai maziau zaidimu negu ps4 ir jie uzdirbs panasiai nes didziosios dalies nepasims retaileriai. Zinau nemazai zmoniu kurie neperka naudotu zaidimu, ir panasu kad visiem tokiem xboxas bus gerokai geriau.

Nesakė todėl, kad žaidimai nebus pigesni, bent jau tikrai ne dabar. Xbone žaidimų pre-oderiai eina po 60 dolerių kaip ir visada, lygtais ir oficialiai patvirtino tokias kainas.

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Anglu ne rusu, nuodeme nemoket.


Nereikėtų visko suprast tiesiogiai. Neįdomus įrašas, tai ir komentaras buvo lygiai toks pat.

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Jau išaiškinta, kad čia apsimetė kažkas, jog iš Microsoftų yra. Tiesiog kažkas labai norėjo "pafanboyint" ir apgint X1, nes jeigu žmogus būtų iš Microsoftų, jis tokios kvailos kalbos nenaudotu, tuo labiau - keiksmažodžių.

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